Veela!Draco X Reader (part 1)

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: Draco is a Veela, the second part will be Draco marking the reader as his own so there will be smut in the next chapter!
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 20/05/2021


I laugh with Ron, Harry and Hermione as we sit eating our dinner, this weekend was a hogsmeade weekend so Harry and Ginny were going together and Ron and Hermione were going together, that left me going by myself. I still laughed with the others, "hey Y/N, Malfoy is looking at you quite intently" Hermione whispered to me over the table while Ron and Harry were stuck in a conversation about quidditch.

I looked behind me only to see Hermione was right, there Malfoy was sitting, completely ignoring his friends and staring at me like I was the only one in the great hall. "That's strange" I told Hermione as I turned back to her, turning my back to Malfoy and getting back into the conversation with my friends.

"What's strange?" Ron asked and Hermione nodded her head in Malfoy's direction "he won't stop staring at Y/N, in my opinion it's quite creepy" Hermione explained to the boys. Harry instantly turned around to see Malfoy still staring at me "hey Malfoy stop staring at her" Harry called over the person in between himself and Malfoy.

Malfoy seemed to growl at Harry before going back to looking at me, I pulled Harry back so he was looking at us in the conversation and not Malfoy. "Just ignore him, he's not worth it, if I get too uncomfortable I'll go to the common room" I told Harry and he dropped it, I was like his sister since I had beef raised by Remus, Remus having been my godfather.

As dinner progressed Malfoy kept staring at me, it was getting quite uncomfortable so I groaned "'Mione sneak a tracel tart to me in the common room please? I can't handle this anymore, he won't stop staring, it's like I'm a pray and he's a hunter" I told her and she nodded. "We all will, just go while he still seems to be busy telling Parkinson off for something" Ron said and I nodded hurrying out of the great hall.

Thankfully the four of us had been sitting quite close to the entrance to the hall so it wasn't a long walk for me to get out of there. When I was close to getting into the common room I heard Malfoy call my name, I ignored him as well as I could and entered the common room, thankful he didn't get to me on time.

After about half an hour the other three entered with Ginny as well, they seemed to smirk at me "here are your tracel tarts" they all said handing me one each. I got water in my mouth at the smell of them and made grabby hands for the tarts as we all laughed at me, I mean I love tracel tarts so you can't really blame me.

I ate the tarts while doing homework with the other ones, as the time passed and I finished my tracel tarts the clock chimed midnight, we all looked at the time and gasped tiredly. "We have potions tomorrow morning don't we?" I asked the other seventh years and they nodded "yes sadly we do" Hermione said and I chuckled at her.

"We should all go to bed then, good night boys" I said as I stood up and left to the girls dormitory with Hermione and Ginny coming shortly after me. All of us girls got ready for bed and then cuddled ourselves into our covers before we all fell asleep in quite.

The next morning we all woke up and left to get ready for breakfast, "how did you two sleep?" I asked the other two girls "quite well actually, with everything going on" Hermione said and I chuckled at her. She and Ron had been getting a whole lot more cozy than the regular couple these past couple of weeks which made Ginny and I curious about if they had done something more.

We left the dorm and found Harry and Ron sitting on the couch as we walked down the steps and into the common room. "Morning" we all said as the boys stood up and we all made our way down to the great hall.

"How did you three sleep?" Harry asked and we all shrugged, "well" we all then answered at the same time. Soon we were arriving at the great hall for breakfast and Ginny went over to her own friends while the four of us found our normal seats at the end of the Gryffindor table.

We all quickly ate some toast and other things that were available for breakfast before we all grabbed our own bags and hurried down to the dungeons for potions. When we arrived the door was still locked and a couple students were there already.

The four of us just waited by the wall for professor Slughorn until a Ravenclaw guy came up to us and tapped my shoulder, I turned around to see Jason one of our classmates, he was aiming to be a healer like myself. I smiled at him "good morning" I said as he smiled "morning, umm Y/N, I, I was wondering if, I don't know, if you would maybe go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" He asked.

I was about to answer 'yes' when Malfoy came flying over to us with Veela wings and other things, he had a murderous look in his eyes as he attacked Jason. "Malfoy's stop" Hermione, Ron, Harry and I were all screaming trying to get him off of Jason, "Draco please stop" I screamed as tears threatened to spill from the violence.

At that Malfoy stopped and looked at the four of us, he put his hand on my upper arm, his grip a bit too tight as he dragged me out of the corridor. "Let me go, you're hurting me" I groaned in pain as we came to a halt in an empty corridor.

"I'm so so sorry, please, please don't reject me" Malfoy said, more like begged, he was tearing up and I didn't understand what was going on. "Malfoy's what's going on? What's all this?" I asked calmly trying to calm Malfoy down as he was starting to hyperventilate.

"As you can see I'm a Veela, you're my mate, I've been trying to hide it since I know you hate me, but please, please don't reject me, don't let me die" Draco begged. I was shocked for a second before smiling a small smile at him, "come here" I whispered holding my arms out for him to come give me a hug.

Draco slowly walked into the hug and I hugged him tightly to myself as I felt Draco's silver white wings wrap around us. "I accept it" I whispered to him as I kept my arms around him stroking his back calmly while his breathing seemed to relax.

"Come on Draco, we have potions" I told him attempting to pull out of the hug, although he wouldn't allow me to. "Draco" I chuckled trying to get out of the hug "I don't want to let you go now that I have you, you smell too delicious" Draco said and I chuckled at him.

"How about this, you can have me all to yourself in the ROR (room of requirements) tomorrow while everyone is out at hogsmeade?" I asked and he seemed to perk up at that. "Okay" he said and let me go as I took his hand and we walked the short distance to the potions classroom.

When we entered the room I pulled myself from Draco's quite tight hand and went over to my own table, I knew Draco was staring at me it was quite obvious. "What did that slimy git want?" Ron asked and I groaned "Ron don't call him that, I'll tell you guys later okay?" I asked and they all nodded as we went to make our own potions.

WC: 1375

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