Albus!Severus X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: muggleborn
Happens in: Albus's 7th your 5th
Warnings: none
Requested by: yourlocalmione
Posted on: 09/11/2020


I walked down the corridor trying to find Scorpius and Albus, my two best friends, Albus, Albus was something more than a friend for me. I had fallen in love with Albus two years back, after being friends with him and Scorpius for three years.

In my first year Albus stood up for me when some older Slytherins were bullying me, I had started talking to him not really caring he was a Slytherin or older. He had instantly taken a liking to me and showed me around the school and then Scorpius and I became close as well.

Since then the three of us have been almost inseparable, we would meet up at breakfast and not leave each other's sides until it was curfew. That's how it's been for five years.

I smiled at my homework thinking back to before I fell in love with Albus, just thinking about Albus made me smile. "What is making you smile so much?" Lily - my only other friend, in the same years as I and Albus's little sister - asked me.

"I'll tell you when we get upstairs" I whispered as we both packed out bags and jogged up the stairs to the girl dorms. Once we got up there I told Lily everything, I knew I could trust her, even though we were best friends I'd say we were friends and enjoyed each other's company in the evenings.

Lily screeched and hugged me, "I've been trying to make him ask you out but he just won't risk the friendship" Lily exclaimed. I looked at her shock evident on my face, "what?" I asked, Lily nodded, "yep" she said popping the 'p' and smiling.

The two of us made a plan to get Scorpius in on it, I sat down at my desk and took some parchment, ink and quill out before scribbling a small note for Scorpius.

Dear Scorp,
Yes this is Y/N and Lily,
Y/N = I want you to listen to Lily and try helping us please?
Lily = I need you to pretend to be Y/N's boyfriend to make Al jealous, please? I know that you know he likes her so just please help me get them together? If you do decide to help just call Y/N babe or something and act all lovy dovy.
-Lily and Y/N

I sealed the letter and called my owl because I saw her/him flying around, she/he came over and hooted a bit at me. "How do you feel about a job girl/boy?" I asked and she/he hooted happily.

I handed her/him the letter, "this is for Scorp, make sure Al doesn't get it" I told her/him and sent her/him off to the boys dorm. As soon as Y/O/N left Lily and I went to bed and tried to get some sleep.

When morning came around it was Saturday, I made my way down to breakfast only to have Scorp come my way, "good morning love" he said and took my hand dragging me to the Slytherin table. "Thank you" I whispered to him as we were walking over to Al.

"Good morning Al" I said smiling at him and he looked between Scorpius and I, "are you two dating?" He asked a bit skeptical. I saw the hurt on his face and I was quick to send a regretful look towards Scorp before he shook his head.

"No, but you see Y/N here likes you a lot and your little sister thought that if she and I would pretend to be dating it would make you tell her how you feel" Scorpius said before standing up and leaving Albus and I alone at the end of the table. Albus's cheeks were burning red and he looked down, "you, you like me?" He finally managed to ask quietly.

"Merlin Al I'm in love with you" I exclaimed my cheeks burning hot themselves, Albus's head shoot up and he smiled taking my hands in his. "I'm in love with you too Y/N" Albus Said and I felt my blush multiply, "be my girlfriend will you?" Albus asked seeming a bit more confident than before.

I smiled a huge smile at him and nodded feeling happy tears start to prick at my eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes" I scream getting the attention of everyone in the hall, I made my way over the small part of table that was between the absolute end of the table. I pulled Albus up and smashed my lips onto his in a passionate kiss.

Albus's hands slithered around my waist pulling me closer and kissing me back, the kiss was sweep but passionate, it was like butterflies were going crazy in my stomach as his lips moved in sync with mine. When we pulled apart the whole hall cheered for us and I buried my head in Albus's chest a blush on my cheeks.

I felt Albus bury his head in my hair and i smiled as I felt his breath in my scent.

A/N = I'm sorry this is short!

WC: 883

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