Harry X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: quite long
Requested by: Leeza101 (I'm so sorry this is so late I got a bit of a writers block! (I really hope you like it))
Posted on: 13/06/2021 ~ at 12:38am


I walked along the hallways of Hogwarts thinking about Harry Potter, one of my best friends and crush. I had been close to the golden trio since we started out in our first year here at Hogwarts and now we were in our fifth year already.

I saw the golden trio sitting at one of the tables in the great hall, Harry and Ron playing wizard chess while Hermione was studying something. "Hi" I said as I took my home work out after sitting down beside Harry since Hermione was beside Ron, "hi" they all said, Harry and Ron to busy with their chess game to pay much attention and Hermione with her homework.

I noticed Cho come over and smiling at Harry "hi Harry" she said in her annoyingly sweet voice, Harry had been obsessed with her since last year and it was pissing me off. I didn't understand why he couldn't see that I was literally right in front of him since first year, it didn't seem fair to me.

Harry seemed to blush a little "hi" he said shortly before going back to his game as Cho left out of the great hall "damn man, did you kind of just dismiss Cho? The girl you've been obsessed with since last year?" Ron asked. "Yeah, after the Hogsmeade weekend where I took Cho out you know how it just didn't go as planned" Harry explained and Ron seemed to smile sympathetically at him.

I looked at Hermione raising my eyebrow at her in curiosity, the only answer I got from her was a shrug as she didn't seem to know what was going on. "I'll tell you two later" Harry said as I looked at the clock in the great hall, "oh shoot, sorry I meant to meet Neville in the library, I'll see you guys later" I said as I hurried away.

Neville was going to help me with some herbology homework since I didn't understand it and he and I were quite the good friends. I came in panting while looking around to find Neville sitting at a table alone, "I'm sorry I'm late, I forgot the time" I told him smiling as I sat down.

"It's fine" Neville said as he smiled and we started the homework, after studying for about an hour the big oak doors opened up and in walked the golden trio. Neville seemed to notice them as well as they walked over in our direction, "so you guys mind if we join you?" Hermione asked and Neville shook his head "no" he mumbled as he and I went back to bend over my herbology books.

I continuously felt someone stare at me from somewhere in the library but I ignored it as Neville showed me an example on how to take care of this plant we were trying to learn in herbology class. After yet another hour and a half I sat up straight happy with my herbology essay as I smiled at Neville "thanks" I whispered as I knew Hermione was fast in some sort of homework.

"Now, potions" I said taking out my potions books and Neville did the same, our deal was he helped me with herbology and I helped him with potions since we had the same classes. I helped Neville answer the questions and showed him some examples and showed him some good books to read for potions.

"Thanks Y/N, I'll see you later, I was going to meet with Ginny and Luna just about now" Neville said and I winked at him wishing him good luck. I knew he liked Luna, it was quite obvious with the way he always seemed to stare at her and blush when she said his name or talked directly to him.

I looked up to see the trio sitting there, Harry and Ron pretending to work on homework while Hermione was deep into it, "do you two also need help with the potions work?" I asked smirking at them. "Please?" Harry said and I chuckled lowly motioning them to move their stuff on either side of me so I could guide them and help them at least a little.

I would never give them the answers like Hermione since I knew they never really studied anything, instead I made them work for their own answers and search. Sure I gave them the book, then if I noticed they had actually looked and tried to find the right chapter but still couldn't find it I would give it to them and same goes with the exact page.

I smiled as they both dived head first into the chapters section as I went to do my defense agains the dark arts home work. "Harry" I whispered to my left where Harry was sat "yeah" he whispered, "want to exchange one thing for the other?" I asked.

Harry seemed to think about this for a while "I'll give you the exact page if you show me how to cast stupify later on?" I told him the deal and he instantly nodded. "Deal" he said shaking my hand lightly and I went over to find the correct page for him, "there, this opening" I told him and he smiled and nodded, "thanks" he whispered and I nodded before changing to charm work.

After we all finished with our homework it was late so we decided to head to the kitchens since we forgot to go down to dinner to eat with everyone else. "How about we go at it when we get to the common room?" Harry asked and I blushed slightly as my brain took it in a different way than I knew it was meant.

"Sure" I said nodding as we all entered the kitchen, "so what are you two going to go at?" Ron asked when we had sat down on one of the tables in the kitchen. "I gave Harry the page for your potions homework and he's going to show me how to cast stupify" I told them and Ron groaned.

"Great, I'll be stuck with this one studying all evening then" Ron groaned, of course he had been hoping for a study break "it won't kill you to study you know Ronald" Hermione threw back at him while Harry and I chuckled at Ron's face. His face had become as red as his hair and he was fumbling and stumbling over his words as we waited patiently for our leftover dinner that we were supposed to be having.

We all ate and laughed in the kitchen every once in a while a house elf would come and fill our glasses up with water or the other things we were drinking without asking us. I smiled as Dobby poured some more water into my goblet "thank you Dobby" I told him and he smiled "Dobby is happy to serve mistress Y/N" Dobby said and I smiled gently patting his head before he disappeared.

After eating our dinner we all went up to the common room, Ron and Hermione went up to their own dorms while Harry and I staid downstairs for our practice. "No, you hold your want to tightly, here" Harry said as he pressed his chest against my back and I felt heat rise onto my cheeks.

I looked behind me to see Harry looking at me intently, then suddenly I felt soft lips press agains my own and I knew it was Harry. I felt the butterflies go mad in my stomach, my heart was beating 10.000 times a second and get stuck in my throat as I kissed Harry back.

The kiss soon became heated our wands out of our hands and in our own pockets for safety keeping. After what felt like only a second or two we had to pull away for air, "I've liked you for some time now Y/N, I'm sorry I just couldn't control the instincts to kiss you. You looked so beautiful" Harry mumbled our foreheads together as we looked into each other eyes.

"I've liked you too Harry for some time" I finally said what I had been feeling for years out. Harry kissed me again but this time it was soft and quick, "I've wanted to ask you for forever if maybe you'd be my girlfriend? Make things official with the two of us" Harry said and I nodded excitedly. "I would love to" I screeched at him and he smiled as I was almost jumping around from excitement.

When I calmed down I looked at Harry who had a smirk on his face "so ready to continue?" I asked and Harry laughed slightly, "yeah sure love" he said as we went to practice the stupify charm.

WC: 1515

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