George X pregnant!reader

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Your information:
House: former Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: just after the war
Warnings: mention of Fred's death, lot of time skips, LONG
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 21.12.2021 - 11:18pm


I looked at the closed coffin of my fiancé, "I've got you" George whispered in my ear as I felt a tear fall from my eyes and I got light on my feet. I had found out just a month before the war that I was pregnant and now watching Fred's coffin closed after his funeral wasn't sitting well with me. "I promised him I'd take good care of you two if anything happened to him durning the war, I hope you don't mind" George whispered to me as he helped me stand straight again.

I nodded before turning around and gently smiling a sad smile "we'll take care of each other, how about that?" I asked him and he nodded as I felt myself getting more comfortable on my feet again, my baby bump showing just slightly. "Y/N, George, come have some cakes with us won't you?" Molly asked her voice kind of happy but her eyes betrayed her, showing both myself and George how she truly felt.

"Of course mom, we're coming" George said gently as he looked at me and I nodded, George and I sat down at the table with the rest of the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione. Hermione smiled sadly at me and I smiled gently at her, after a hour or so I felt my bladder rush me to the bathroom, "excuse me, the baby calls the bathroom" I told them and I heard some chuckles as Ginny stood up with me.

I understood her and smiled as the two of us walked to the bathroom "how are you feeling?" I asked her and she shrugged "I've been better, how about you?" She asked and I shrugged as well "I've been better" I told her and we smiled at each other.

Time skip till a year later

Fred junior and Molly the second seemed to not stop screaming for milk as I woke up again to the sound of them crying their lungs out "I'll take them, don't you worry" George said as he entered my room picking both twins up and sitting down into the rocking chair in my room. My mind wandered to the way George had been caring so much about me and the twins since Fred's funeral, and these six months that the twins had been alive George had been taking care of them like they were his own kids.

I had felt my heart start to flutter when he did the small gestures of letting me sleep at night, or when he would come and take one of the twins from me to help me relax better while watching the tv. All those small gestures were starting to make me feel like I always felt around Fred, that feeling of safety and security, the feeling of being loved.

Time skip till a half a year later

The twins first birthday came way too quickly for my liking as I was baking and getting everything ready for them as George was trying to keep the preoccupied and clean the apartment at the same time. "George" I called from the kitchen as George came almost running in "what is it?" He asked panicked and I chuckled at him "I can't reach" I whined at him and he chuckled.

I gently hit him in the arm for laughing at me before he handed me the baking cup "everything is ready out there, do you need any help in here?" George asked and I shook my head at him "nope, I'm all good" I told him and he nodded before leaving the kitchen to take care of the twins.

Time skip till 2 1/2 years later

I kept turning and spinning on the couch, the twins were sick and had insisted on my bed for the night so I ended up taking the couch, I hadn't said anything to George since I knew he would just be worried and offer me his bed. I kept turning and groaning to myself until I heard a door opening, "Fred, Molly, what's wrong dears?" I called out to them but then George came out to the living room and I sighed, of course.

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