Draco X Lupin!Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: low self esteem
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 18/11/2020


I stood on platform 9 3/4 with my adoptive dad Remus Lupin, he had adopted me just before I turned 11 after I had insisted on him doing so. When I was only five years old my parents were murdered, for some miracle I managed to escape and found my way to Remus's home.

He cared for me and took care of me for weeks, then I started calling him dad, it came naturally for me. He fed me, read for me before bed, helped me through nightmares and all the stuff a parent would do.

I had insisted on him adopting me even though he had protested when I was just 11 years old, he wasn't very excited about it because of his 'furry little problem' but I insisted enough and eventually he gave up and adopted me.

Now though, I'm standing on platform 9 3/4 with Remus on my way to my fourth year, I always enjoyed Hogwarts, I was friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione even though they were Gryffindor's and I a Hufflepuff. Draco Malfoy would bully them while he would leave me alone, he would rarely even look at me.

Even though I had never really talked to him he was still my crush, I've had a crush on him since first year, he's just always been so cute and adorable.

"Y/N, are you even listening to me?" Dad asked me annoyed, "no sorry dad" I said and looked away from his stare. Dad sighed and put a hand on my shoulder, "just be careful this year will you? Know that your friends with Harry makes it even harder to let you go" dad said looking me straight in the eyes.

I smiled reassuringly at him and nodded, "of course dad" I said as I heard the warning whistle blow, the train was about to leave, "bye, I love you" I called to dad as I ran onto the train. Once I got on I found Harry, Ron and Hermione in one compartment, Hermione reading the daily prophet while Harry and Ron played wizard chest.

"Hi" I said as I entered, "here let me help you with your bag" Harry said as he stood up and took my bag, I smiled thankfully at him before thanking him. "Hey, I heard what happened at the World Cup, are you guys alright?" I asked the other three in the compartment.

"Yeah we're fine, Harry got a bit lost once the attack came but it was alright in the end" Hermione said, you knew there was something she wasn't telling you. You knew they probably didn't want to be hanging around you, after all you were the adoptive daughter of Remus Lupin, a werewolf.

"I'm going to go see if I can grab a chocolate frog, I'll see you guys later" I said as I stood up and walked out of the compartment. I wasn't going to buy a chocolate frog, I didn't have the money to do that, I never had any money and I didn't ask for it. I knew dad was having a hard time feeding the two of us in the first place.

I just wandered around the corridor outside of all the compartments until I was pulled into a compartment. When I turned to see who had pulled me in I saw nobody except for Draco Malfoy.

I felt my cheeks go a bit warm and I felt my heart skip a beat. "What's wrong?" I asked when I saw a worried expression on his face.

"I need help with some last minute summer homework, please, it's herboligy, I have no idea what I'm doing and I know your good at it" Draco said looking kind of ashamed of himself. Although I smiled at him and nodded, "sure, what is it that you have left?" I asked having had the same exact summer homework as he did.

"Everything, I tried I really did but I just can't figure any of this out" he said and I smiled warmly at him, "well, take your books out" I chuckled at him and his eyes went wide before he hurried to take his books out. We sat on the floor while he wrote what I told him to write and he did as I told him.

"There, it wasn't that hard now was it?" I asked him smiling warmly at him. Draco shook his head before answering, "no it wasn't, thank you Y/N, I couldn't have done it without you" Draco said and I chuckled again.

"What is this magic? Did the Draco Malfoy just apologize to a half-blood Hufflepuff?" I asked while chuckling a little, "yeah I guess I am" Draco said smiling fondly at me for some reason. "I should go back to my compartment" I said after a few seconds later.

"Okay" he said and I stood up and left the compartment with a smile on my face. Once I sat back down in the compartment Harry, Ron and Hermione were in I was still smiling like an idiot.

"What's got you all smiling?" Hermione asked curiously, "he asked for my help" I said a bit dreamily, "wait, Y/N's got a crush?" Hermione screeched at me and I nodded. "Yes, yes I do" I admitted still smiling, "well, who is it?" Ron asked and my smile fell, "I'm keeping that to myself" I said stubbornly.

We were finally back at Hogwarts and I sat down at the Hufflepuff table zooming out most of the welcoming speech from Dumbledore.

A month into the school year everyone were talking about the Yule ball, Harry and Ron had both attempted to ask me to go with them as friends both desperate for someone to go with them. Although I always said no whenever anyone would ask me, I just wanted to go with one guy and that guy was Draco Malfoy.

I sighed, it was only two weeks until the ball and Draco Malfoy still hadn't asked me to the ball. I sighed sitting down in the library trying to finish some of my Christmas homework, although I couldn't consintraid on my work.

Draco still hadn't asked anyone to the ball and I was constantly crossing my fingers hoping that he would ask me. I saw him walk into the library looking around trying to find someone, when his eyes landed on me he instantly made his way over.

Although before he was in front of me Harry was, "please Y/N, I'm begging you, go to the ball with me? It would be embarrassing for me as a champion to go alone" Harry begged once again. "Harry, I said no, I'm waiting for someone to ask me" I said and saw that Draco had turned behind a bookshelf and you noticed he was obviously eavesdropping.

"Fine, what are you studying though?" Harry asked pouting. "Why don't you go find Ron?" I asked him and he groaned before nodding and leaving me alone.

I looked back down on my work until, "what did Potter want?" Draco asked and I smirked a little. "He was asking me to the ball" I said honestly and I saw something resembling jealousy in his eyes.

"I said no" I told him while looking back down onto my work, "just ask Draco" I heard him mumble undid his breath, I probably wasn't supposed to hear him though so I acted like I hadn't. "Go to the ball with me?" He suddenly blurted out his question, I smiled sweetly and nodded, "yeah okay" I said and I saw a smile appear on his face.

"If" I said and his smile fell, "you will stop being mean to everyone around you" I said and he nodded vigorously. "I promise, I swear, I'll make an unbreakable wove" Draco said and I smiled at him, "then sure I'll go with you, and you don't need to make an unbreakable wove, I trust you" I said and smiled at him.

All too soon the ball was happening and I was getting dressed, Draco said he would meet me in the entrance hall of the school. I put my heals on and took one last look in the mirror, I had a red dress on with red high heals.

Once I was in the entrance hall I saw Draco talking to Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder lightly. When Draco turned around his jaw dropped, "y/n you, you look gorgeous" Draco said and I smiled shyly at him.

"You don't look to shabby yourself" I said and he smiled, "should we go in?" I asked him and he nodded, "of course" he said and I smiled at him.

Once the dancing started Draco offered me his hand, "may I have this dance?" He asked and I chuckled at his formality's. "Of course" I said smiling at him.

When the dance was over I looked into Draco's eyes, he was holding me close to him and smiling. I noticed his eyes travel from my eyes to my lips and back, I took the first step and kissed him.

Draco was quick to kiss back, it was like fireworks, his lips were soft and gentle, my stomach did some butterflies and I felt myself smile as we pulled apart. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Draco asked and I looked shocked at him, "what about your parents?" I asked worried about his parents knowing just how harsh they were on blood purity.

"I don't care what they think" Draco said and I smiled even brighter at him, "okay then" I said and kissed Draco again.

WC: 1649

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