Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
House: a former Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: Harry's 3rd year
Warnings: none
Other information: your animagus is a mare
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 28/05/2021


I looked at Remus, "no, no, no Sirius is not a killer" I told him sternly, my baby bump showing well in the living room light. "I'm sorry Y/N but it's true, he killed Peter, only a finger was found of him and 12 muggles in the progress. As well as him being the secret keeper from James and Lily giving their information to the dark lord" Remus explained.

I shook my head "that's bullshit and you know it! Sirius loved James and Lily! They were his everything" I screamed at him as tears fell freely from my eyes. "I'm so sorry Y/N" Remus said wrapping my pregnant body into a hug, stroking my back and head calmly.

"I need to go" Remus whispered to me, the full moon was rising in a couple hours, "okay, be safe" I told him as I harshly dried my tears. I watched Remus go and lock himself in the cage that was in our backyard, we had a cage in case Remus was here over a full moon.

Time skip till Harry's 3rd year

I looked at all the students as a smile formed on my face, I sat watching the 5th years take their OWL'S. Harry Potter had come to school three years ago and Sirius and I's daughter had come here two years ago.

After the test time was over all the students turned their tests in and left the great hall, "and remember to look out for owls through your summer break with the test results" I called to them. All of the students were hurrying out of there talking to each other only just so taking in what I had told them.

After all students left the great hall Y/D/N (your daughters name) , Harry, Hermione and Ron came in "mum, can we ask you something?" Y/D/N asked quietly like she knew she wasn't supposed to be asking. "Depends on what that question is dear" I told her as I was collecting the quills into a basket on my table.

"Well it's about werewolf's" Hermione said as they all looked skeptical "isn't that something you should be asking uncle Remus then Y/D/N ?" I asked the kids. "Well yes but we wanted to ask you" Harry said and I smiled gently at him "okay ask away then" I told them.

"Well, if a werewolf bites an animagus does the animagus turn into a werewolf?" Y/D/N asked me quietly. I froze at that "and why is that something you want to you?" I asked them with a raised eyebrow worried as of why they were curious about that.

"Just curious" Hermione said a bit too confidently, Y/D/N was a Ravenclaw although she had her fathers courage. I raised an eyebrow again but shook my head "I couldn't tell you if I wanted to, I made an unbreakable wove to Dumbledore that I wouldn't say anything I know about werewolf's" I lied to them.

I made the unbreakable wove to Remus, it was only a white lie but a lie none the less, "but mum" Y/D/N began "no but's, now the four of you should get going, don't you have a test or something to study for?" I asked them. They all groaned but left the great hall "Y/N?" Remus asked just as the kids had left, I turned around to see Remus there "she looks more and more like her dad with every day" I told Remus the tears building up.

"Come here" Remus said as he hugged me "he's innocent" Remus whispered "pettigrew was seen on the map" Remus whispered into my ear. I pulled out of the hug "I tried telling you those 12 years ago" I told Remus and he smiled sadly "I'm sorry I didn't believe you okay?" Remus asked and I smiled a little.

"I'm going to kill that rat" I told him a murderus look in my eyes as I glared at the wall, "calm down, I'm sure Sirius would help us" Remus said and I smiled. "Without a doubt" I said a frown taking it's place on my lips once again.

"Come on" Remus said motioning me to follow him out of the school, we both knew buckbeak Hagrid's hippogirff was about to get murdered.

When we arrived there the kids were entering the whompin Willow passage way and we both froze, "come on, Y/D/N and the others went in there" I called to Remus trying to make him hurry over. "Immobilus" Remus said his wand pointed at the willow tree and we entered into the tree stump in hurry before the tree would start to move again.

"Expelliarmus" I yelled at Harry who had his wand pointed at my husband who lay on the floor chuckling madly "Sirius" I whispered out before Remus helped him stand up. The two friends hugged before Sirius noticed me, Sirius held his arms open letting me run to him "I've missed you" I whispered into his chest as tears of happiness fell from my eyes.

"Mum" Y/D/N asked as she took a careful step towards us, "Harry he didn't sell your parents to Voldemort, there was someone in this room who did though" I explained calmly to him before Sirius and Remus could do something. "That someone is Peter pettigrew, he's scabbers" I told them but Ron only got offended.

Remus and I managed to grab scabberes and just before Remus let go of him Sirius and I took our wands out before throwing spells at him trying to get him to show himselfs.

Time skip till after the school year

I ran around on my four hooves the ground making a loud clanging noice everytime I stepped onto the pavement, the dead hare in my mouth as I tried to not get its blood into my system. I arrived at the cave where Sirius and I were currently living, Sirius had just gotten the fire up and it was blazing around the wooden logs we had.

"Come here love" Sirius said as he smiled putting his arms out, "I was going to go see how Y/D/N is doing with the Weasley's, I'm so thankful they let her stay with them" I told Sirius as he smiled kissing my head. "I wish I could come with you, she looks so much like you did at that age, can you remember? When we would run around after a prank?" Sirius asked and we laughed.

"Of course I remember love, those were such great times, no worries no nothing" I told Sirius as I cuddled into him, the hare over the open fire we had gotten in the cold cave. "Come here" Sirius said as he changed into snuffles and laid down, me laying my head onto his side/stomach and cuddling into his black fur.

"I love you Sirius Black" I told him and he smiled the best of his dog ability before licking my face gently and nuzzling into me as we let the meat slowly cook itself.

A/N = okay so this is part 90! Can you believe it? I can't anyway we're so close to 100! We will celebrate that and if you have any suggestions please comment! I have a lot of ideas and I made a chapter for it (won't get posted until after the 100th chaper get released) but I'm always willing to look into other options.
WC: 1291

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