Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: muggleborn
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 23/11/2020


I sat in the library, I was waiting for one of my best friends and study partner, Remus Lupin, Remus and I have been studying together for years now. We would always meet at the library and study for hours together, especially before tests, we would look over our own and each other's notes.

Some times Remus would take his three friends with him, there were James Potter, and arrogant, boring boy who would never study and always try to distract Remus and I. Then there was Peter Pettigrew, he was a chubby, quiet and a shy boy who would never really say a lot.

Lastly there was Sirius Black, a playboy, a annoyingly handsome, sweet, and sexy boy who was my crush. I would never do anything about my crush for him, he was a playboy, he had a girlfriend for a week and then break up with her, after only two or three days he would have another girlfriend.

I sighed realizing that I had gotten lost in my thoughts about Sirius, "is something wrong?" Remus asked me, he had probably arrived while I was lost in thought. "Yeah, it's just" I didn't finish my sentence, Remus didn't know about my crush on his best friend.

"What's going on?" Remus asked, and I sighed, when I was about to tell him the big oak doors to the library opened up and in walked the rest of the marauders. "Him" I whispered motioning my head in Sirius' direction, Remus' eyes widened as realization sunk in with him and he smirked the smirked that made him a marauder.

The other three sat down with the two of us and as usual Sirius and James were in a full conversation about everything but the homework. "Why can you not shut up or leave so the rest of us can concentrate on the work?" I asked irritated after having been stuck on the same sentence for 15 minutes because of their babbling.

The two looked shocked, I rarely said anything about it knowing they were Remus' friends and Sirius being my crush. "Because this one wants to get your attention" James said patting Sirius on the back and I rolled my eyes.

I quickly packed my bag standing up, "I'm going outside" I said and left the library.

After sitting outside by the black lake for about 10 minutes someone came and sat down beside me, "you know, he was right back there" Sirius' voice said beside me. I looked at him surprised, "what?" I asked tilting my head a bit to the side like a confused little puppy.

"I've been trying to make you notice me for years" Sirius said again, and I rolled my eyes, this wasn't the first time I heard him say something like that, he had said it a couple weeks back to some Ravenclaw girl. "What?" Sirius asked, he had noticed me roll my eyes, "you said the same thing a couple weeks back to some Ravenclaw girl" I said and looked back down to my book.

"That was a prank" he said and I huffed, "how do I know this isn't some sick prank as well?" I asked, I had been hurt before, I wasn't going to trust so easily again. "Because it isn't, you can ask Remus, I know you trust his judgment" Sirius said a small frown on his face, he was really trying.

"I'll give you a month and half to show me that this isn't some prank and that I can trust you" I said taking my books and leaving him alone. "Can I start tomorrow at the Hogsmeade Weekend?" Sirius asked catching up to me "sure" I said and hurried over my Hufflepuff friends.

I turned around to look at him and I saw him smile a genuine smile, I smiled back realizing that he might actually be real about all this.

A month into everything Sirius hasn't had a single girlfriend, he hasn't flirted to anyone and he's shown me a lot of attention. I could feel myself fall in love with the infamous Sirius Black, I had confided in Remus and he told me some interesting things.

I remember one conversation:

"Remus" I called as I saw him in the hallway almost inside the common room, Remus turned around and smiled in my direction. "Can we talk in private please?" I asked and he nodded as we started walking to the room of requirement.

"What's up?" Remus asked once we had sat down on a couch that was there. "It's Sirius, I'm falling in love with him but I don't know what to do" I exclaimed feeling my voice become desperate. "Well he sure as hell loves you that's for sure, honestly I'm not sure weather he or James are more annoying about this" Remus said smiling at me.

I sighed and put my head in my hands, "I still don't know what to do about this Remus" I exclaimed. "Look Y/N, Sirius will not shut up about how amazing you are, maybe you should try giving him a chance" Remus said and I smiled a little at him.

That was all that the conversation had been about and it made me smile thinking back to it. 

I saws Sirius in the hallway with James and I walked up to them, "hey" I said and smiled at Sirius, "hey" he said and smiled a real smile. Sirius had been smiling more and more of a real smile with each day, "are you free tonight?" I asked and it was like his smile grew bigger.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked as I had started to walk with him and James to wherever it was that they were going. "Can we take a walk around the black lake?" I asked feeling a small blush creep up on my cheeks, "of course" he said and smiled at me. I smiled back and saw my owl Y/O/N came soaring in my direction.

My owl landed on my arm and I petted her lovingly before taking the package that was on her/his leg. I let her fly away to get some water and some food before sitting down on the windowsill and opening my late birthday present.

I smiled at the book before skipping to the common room and get ready for tonight.

When dinner was over I hurried out to the black lake to see Sirius already there, "hey, did you wait long?" I asked when I approached him. "No, I just got here" he said smiling, I smiled back at him and then we started walking.

We walked in silence for a couple of minutes, the silence wasn't forced or anything, it was really comfortable. I reached over and grabbed Sirius' hand in mine and he looked over at me shocked, I felt the blush creep up my cheeks.

"What?" I asked chuckling a little bit at his surprise, "I thought you said one and half month" Sirius asked surprised. I smiled and nodded, "I don't think I can keep myself away much longer" I said as we both stopped and looked at each other.

Sirius' face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning and I chuckled a little at his happiness. I put my hand on his cheek caressing it carefully, "you didn't give me a birthday present" I whispered as I took another step towards Sirius.

Sirius smirked and took a step towards me as well before pressing his lips softly onto mine, he seemed hesitant at first but then once I kissed back he became confident. The kiss was sweet but powerful, there were butterflies flying around in my stomach and it was like fireworks exploded in me.

When we pulled away for air I smiled up at him before resting my forehead on his shoulder "will you be my girlfriend then?" Sirius whispered still holding me close to him. I smiled into his shoulder, "of course I will be" I said and looked back up at him, his face was full of giddiness and he pressed his lips onto mine again. The kiss was rough and passionate yet still soft and sweet.

I smiled up at him when we had pulled away and pecked his lips before taking his hand back in mine and starting to walk towards the castle again.

WC: 1425

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