Ron X Reader

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Your information:
Your house: Gryffindor
Blood status: muggle-born
Happens in: sixth year
Warnings: cheese
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 31/08/2020


You had been best friends with the golden trio since your first year at Hogwarts, you had always had bit of crush on a certain Weasley. You knew it was bad, everyone expected you and Harry to be together although the two of you were like the sibling the other didn't have.

Currently you were standing in the quidditch stands with Hermione while watching Harry's and Ron's first game of the season. It was Ron's first game ever on the team. He had been trying to get onto the team since you had been in second year.

And suddenly "HARRY POTTER HAS CAUGHT THE SNITCH! 150 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR WHICH GIVES THEM THE WIN!" Was heard all around the stands. You and Hermione cheered with all your house mates as you rushed to the pitch.

You engulfed Harry into a hug and then went to hug Ron, you held onto Ron a little longer than you probably needed to.

Later that evening everyone were in the common room celebrating the Gryffindor win, Ron was standing on a table and everyone were cheering for him. You turned around to grab a cup of water, although when you turned around your heart broke.

Lavender and Ron, Ron and Lavender, they were, kissing. You dropped your cup and Harry looked in your direction, you locked eyes with him and ran out.

You had only ever told Hermione about your crush on Ron, you only told her because she had guessed it herself. Now Harry knew as well, your watery eyes had told him everything.

You found yourself in a empty corridor where the moon shone a little in. You heard footsteps from behind you and quickly wiped at your eyes.

"Y/N?" You heard Harry's voice ask, you turned around and your eyes became watery again. You let a single stray tear fall from your eye as he sat down next to you and hugged you in a sideway hug.

You let a couple of tears fall onto Harry's shirt before taking a deep breath in and looking at Harry. "Did that really happen?" you asked not wanting to believe you actually saw Ron make out with Lavender.

Harry nodded his head sadly and you chocked back a sob that threatened to spill from your eyes.

You and Harry sat there in silence you just crying into Harry's side as he stroked your back in a calming way. "What's going on?" You heard Ron's voice ask, you looked up anger boiling up inside you.

"What's it to you?" You asked standing up, Lavender just pulled Ron away and you fell back down. Harry took you back into his arms and the two of you sat there in silence.

_____Time skip till Christmas_____

Soon it was already Christmas, you were staying at Hogwarts because you dad had been diagnosed with cancer and your mom couldn't take care of you and him. You dad had stage three cancer and there was nothing the doctors could do.

You smiled sadly after Hermione as she was about to walk out of the castle. Although she turned around and came back, "I'm not leaving, you need me here" she stated.

"What about your parents?" you asked her not wanting to destroy her Christmas break. She smiled at you and nodded, "they'll understand, come on, help me unpack again?" she asked you.

You smiled a little at her, "sure" you said and the two of you made your way back up to the Gryffindor common room. You had said goodbye to Harry right after breakfast, he was staying with the Weasley's.

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