Draco X Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 8th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 28/10/2020


You sat down in the head boy and girl common room, yes you were head girl alongside the head boy Draco Malfoy. Draco hated you, after the first month of school you gave up in trying to get him to talk to you.

He would barely even say a word to you while on prefect meetings. It was bothersome, he left all the work to you and just locking himself in his room almost 24/7.

This fine fall evening you were strolling around the grounds with Cho and Luna, the three of you were best of friends so it wasn't weird to see you out late. Especially since Cho and Luna were prefects for Ravenclaw, usually it would be a girl and a boy but McGonagall had wanted those two to be prefects.

The three of you laughed together as you approached the head boy and girl common room you said good night to the girls before entering. You heard sobs come from the couch and slowly approached the crying boy sitting in front of the fire.

You slowly sat down, Draco still hadn't realized that you were there, although when you sat down he shot up. "Stay away from me" he sobbed before attempting to run up the stairs to his bedroom.

You grabbed his hand and slowly pulled him back to the couch, "tell me what's wrong?" You asked calmly. "No" he said as he skootched away from you on the couch.

You smiled sadly at the broken state he was in and went back over to him. "Come on, it's okay, I won't judge you" you said reassuringly to him and he looked at you his Gray eyes shining with horror and sadness.

"I'm broken" he said still looking you in the eyes, you sighed a little and nodded before hugging him tightly to you. "It's okay, it's okay" you whispered into his hair as you stroked it back and out of his face.

"Father is In Azkaban, mother is on house arrest, I get judged everywhere I go. I've heard what the kids are saying here at school, I've heard all the rumors" Draco said his voice shaky and deep from all the crying.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright, I'm here for you" you said hugging him even tighter to you letting him cry into your shoulder.

After three hours, it was already midnight, then first did Draco stop crying and he only had some shaky breaths and small hiccups left. "Thank you" Draco said not meeting your eye, you smiled warmly at him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"There is nothing to thank me for, I meant what I said, no one should be feeling like this" you said and he looked at you.

"Well thank you, I appreciate it a lot" Draco said then the two of you looked at the clock. "We should go to sleep" you said, even though it was Saturday you still preferred to get some sleep at night.

"Yeah we probably should" Draco said and the two of you made your ways up to your own bedrooms.

A month later

It's been a month since Draco cried into your shoulder, it's been a month since Draco and you became friends. It's also been a month since you started growing a crush on your fellow head boy.

You sat in the common room just thinking, it was Friday afternoon so you didn't have to worry about classes. Then you heard someone walk down the stairs, you looked up to see Draco there. Shirtless.

He only had a towel around his lower parts and his hair was wet like he had just finished a shower. "Oh sorry I though you were out today" he said and you saw a small blush creep onto his cheeks and you smiled.

"I came back early, I have a lot on my mind" you admitted while sighing. "Let me go put some clothes on and you can tell me about it" Draco said and you nodded a little.

Draco ran upstairs and came back a second later back down, "so what's up?" Draco asked and you sighed. "I, well I, I have fallen for someone, well it's fairly new but I have" you said not meeting his eyes.

You were afraid he'd notice that it was him if you looked at his eyes, that was the last thing you wanted to happen. "Oh, who is it?" He asked his voice not completely happy, more upset?.

You looked at his gray eyes and smiled a little, the two of you kept eye contact for almost a minute before Draco looked down. You couldn't help it, you grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips.

Draco didn't kiss back and after a couple of seconds you became scared and pulled back throwing apologizes one after the other while scurrying out of the common room. You found yourself in the Ravenclaw common room sitting with Cho and Luna.

"And you just kissed him? And he didn't kiss back?" Cho asked surprised while you nodded your head ashamed of yourself. "I've ruined our friendship" you exclaimed and threw your head onto the table.

"Bullshit" Cho almost screamed for the whole common room to hear. "He likes you back, I've seen the way he looks at you from the Slytherin table, and at prefect meetings" Luna said her voice calm like always. You looked at her with big eyes, "are you sure?" You asked her bewildered and they both nodded their heads.

You sighed and said good night to the girls before hurrying to the head boy and girl common room. As soon as you entered the common room you were pulled into a tight hug, "D - Draco?" You asked surprised.

"I'm so sorry, as soon as I realized what happened you were already gone and I couldn't find you" Draco exclaimed. You tilted your head to the side in confusion, "I like you too" he said before pushing his lips onto yours.

The kiss was soft and delicate as the two of you kissed passionately, "be mine?" Draco asked as your forehead was resting on his after pulling out of the kiss. "Always" you said and smiled at him.

WC: 1070

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