Young!Severus X Reader

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Your information:
House: A former Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: just after Severus started teaching at Hogwarts
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 20/05/2021


I looked about the window in my office as I thought about everything that had happened, Voldemort was dead, Lily and James Potter were killed and Harry Potter was the first person to EVER survive the killing curse. All too soon there was a knock on my door "come in" I called out to whoever was on the other end.

Minerva walked into the office as she smiled in my direction, "how are you dear?" She asked kindly as she walked closer to me. "Why wouldn't I be fine?" I asked her and she smiled a little at me "I'm guessing you haven't heard who'll be joining the staff this year" she asked me.

"No I haven't, who's joining?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow as she was kind of smirking "I guess you'll have to see for yourself" she said and I groaned. Sure I had been a Slytherin in my school days but had never been very rude or mean, I was mostly just ambitious and quite sarcastic about a lot of things.

I groaned as she left the office laughing at my sounds. "I'll find out sooner than you think" I called after her before she managed to close the door.

I looked out the window to see a black and long cloak flying lightly in the wind, I couldn't see the face of the owner of the cloak but I thought I recognized it, it was weird how I thought I knew it but I wasn't sure. It was probably the new potions teacher, I stopped thinking about that as I continued to prepare my first day of lessons.

At dinner I strolled casually down to the great hall, when I entered I saw none other than Severus Snape sitting in the old potions master chair. I instantly smiled remembering all the good times we had had with Lily back in school.

We had been VERY close friends through most of our school years, after he had called Lily a mudblood I stopped talking to him, by that point he was also getting too fascinated with the dark arts. I hurried to my own seat right next to him before looking over to him "hello there" I said cheekily, Severus turned in my direction, his long black hair and hooked nose turned in my direction.

When he saw my smiling face a smile came onto his lips, "Y/N it's good to see you again" he said and I nodded as I put some pulled pork, mashed potatoes and some gravy onto my plate "you too Severus" I told him. Severus and I made some easy conversation just catching up while eating our own dinner although when dinner was over I went back to my own chambers while he went to his own.

As the night progressed I thought more and more about my time here at Hogwarts as a student, all the years Severus, Lily and I would run around the halls to our classes. I completely forgot about my planning as I went into the shower to shower before bed, I used my favorite shampoo and conditioner as well as my favorite body scrub.

After washing myself off I put my pajamas on and went into bed, I cuddled up in my cover as a content sigh left me.

September 1st approached too quickly for my liking, all the students were arriving on the train the evening as everyone was happily chatting. First years were getting sorted into their respective houses, us teachers sat and watched as everyone were cheering for Dumbledore's speech.

Time skip till almost the end of that year

I noticed Severus come back from wherever he had been, he had been away for a week and I was getting worried about him. Professor Slughorn had come and taken over the potions teaching for Severus while he was away and it wasn't the same.

I had fallen hard for Severus as we had gotten to know each other again after being away for so long. I hurried down to the dungeons to see Severus just so closing his office door, I hurriedly opened the door only for him to turn quickly around and pull his wand out and point it at me until he saw who I was.

"Oh Y/N it's just you, I thought you were someone else" he said putting his wand away as I saw the open wounds on his face, "Severus, what happened?" I asked taking a step closer to examine his wounds. "Nothing I'm fine" Severus said, my heart missed a beat at the sadness and hurt in his voice as he turned his back to me.

I walked closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "at least let me heal the wounds for you?" I asked as I slightly turned him around and took my wand out to start healing the wounds. Thankfully he didn't protest as I started muttering healing spells "Severus please tell me what happened and where you've been" I asked him pleadingly as I looked into his eyes.

"Fine" he sighed before standing up and walking over to his desk, "I'm working for Dumbledore and the dark lord, my loyalty of course fully to Dumbledore" Severus said and I felt the anger bubble up in me. "Severus you can't do that! You have to stop that, the dark lord is dead, he's not coming back you don't have to work for the death eaters!" I told him kind of harshly.

Severus sighed again, "this is why I didn't want to tell you Y/N! I knew you would just get mad" Severus told me. "Severus, yes I'm mad, although I'm more worried and concerned about you" I told him putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder as my voice became soft.

Severus turned around, our faces mare centimeters apart, "why though? Why worry about me?" Severus asked his voice sounded a bit broken, his wall completely starting to crumble. "Because I've fallen in love with you Severus Snape" I told him before lightly pushing my lips onto his own as I kissed him softly.

Thankfully Severus kissed back after a second of shock, I smiled into the kiss as it became more passionate, until, a knock sounded on the door. Severus groaned like he was pissed before calling whoever was on the other side in, Minerva walked in and smiled, "I figured this would have happened" she said smiling as I was still standing quite close to Severus.

"Albus you own me 10 gallions" we heard Minerva call out to headmaster Dumbledore and we laughed, Severus kissed me again softly this time "I love you too Y/N" he whispered when we pulled apart our foreheads resting together.

A/N = Hi okay so Ik I was done marking this story as complete but I have gotten some time and some inspiration so I decided to open requests up again and write more on here.......

WC: 1201

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