Draco X Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggle-born
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: a lot of time skips
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 21/10/2020


You sat in the great hall trying to find Draco, it had been one week since school started and he had pretty much been ignoring you. As soon as you came his way he walked in the other direction, he wouldn't even look at you.

Draco and you had been dating for three years in secret because of his status and his parents.

You would never admit that what Draco was doing was killing you, it was killing you slowly and painfully.

After the second week of school had finished you were crying yourself to sleep, not getting more than two hours of sleep at night. You though this was his way of breaking up with you, you weren't ready for that.

The two of you had been going strong for three years in secret, you weren't going to give up on him now.

Once Christmas break arrived Draco still wasn't talking to you or looking at you. You sat with Harry, Hermione and Ron at the Gryffindor table trying to win Ron in wizards chess.

Then you saw Draco walk in, he looked in your direction and quickly walked back out of there. "Sorry, I uh, I need to do something" you said to the three hurrying after your boyfriend.

You saw him go into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, you didn't think he would ever go there. You though Myrtle would be annoying the hell out of him.

You slowly and quietly opened the door to the bathroom to see Draco hung over one of the sinks tears falling harshly down his face. Once he realized someone was in the bathroom he quickly turned around his wand pointing at you.

You froze until he dropped his wand, once he did he dropped himself down to the floor. You hurriedly scurried over to him and put your arm around him, letting him cry on your shoulder.

You whispered quiet calming things into his ears hoping to get him to stop crying.

Although once he did stop crying he did some you never thought he would ever do.

He pushed you away a bit to harshly for your liking, "stop! You should be afraid, you should be running away! Not trying to hug me" Draco said before more tears fell. You looked at him confusion showing on your face more than it had probably ever been showing.

"What? Why? Why would I be afraid of you Draco?" You asked and he looked at you before taking a deep breath. He quickly pulled up his left sleeve, there it was, sitting on his arm, the dark mark, he was a death eater.

You shook your head furiously "no" you said, more tears fell from his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't have a choice" Draco said trying to not cry again.

You slid back over to him hugging him again, "I don't care, I still want you" you said but you felt him shake his head. "No, we can't, you might get hurt and then it would be my fault, I can't put you through that danger" he said.

Draco's face was sterner than you had ever seen it, he really meant that, "so? You're breaking up with me?" You asked.

Draco looked down to the floor the two of you were still sitting on before he slowly nodded, "Y/N, I'm sorry" he tried. "Save it" you Said and walked out of the bathroom not wanting him to see you cry.

Once you reached your dorm you went straight in bed, drew the curtains on your four poster bed and put a silencing charm on them. Through the rest of the day and Christmas break you cried, you didn't leave the bed, you had house elf's bring you food in bed.

You wouldn't even go use the bathroom, you used a spell to always empty your bladder when you had to pee. Your roommates were getting worried about you, after all you usually didn't stay in bed for this long.

Once the Christmas holiday was over you would go to class and nothing else, you had dark circles under your eyes. Your hair was messy and not brushed like usual, you're eyes were usually blood shoot from crying.

After two months of ignoring everyone and everything around you, you became back to let everyone think nothing was wrong. Sure you cried at night, you didn't eat much and you barely slept at all.

Although you wouldn't let your friends worry any longer over you.

You sat at the Hufflepuff table playing with the food on your plate not really eating anything like usual. "Y/N?" you heard Harry ask, when you looked behind yourself you saw Harry standing there smiling.

"You'll be watching the game that's just after lunch right?" Harry asked, you nodded, "of course Harry!" You said and smiled at him. "Thanks! I count on you to cheer me and Ron on!" He called behind his shoulder as he walked away from you.

You chuckled a little and went back to being invisible to everyone around you.

Time skip till the war

You ran past some death eaters trying to find Hanna your best Hufflepuff friend, the two of you had lost each other once the first round started. You found her and Neville hiding in a dark corner and you quickly went into the corner with them.

"Y/N" Hanna exclaimed glad to see you were alive, "Hanna" you exclaimed just as happily.

The three of us then heard something from outside, it sounded like laughter. The three of you hurried outside to see what could be going on.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort screamed, you felt everything around you go quiet as you heard those words.

"Draco" you heard Lucius call his son once you got back to reality, you looked over to see Draco standing there. He looked like he was thinking about it, you put your hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly.

He looked down at you surprise and regret filling his eyes and you smiled a little at him. "No" he suddenly said looking back up to his parents, there were shocked murmurs around the death eaters.

His parents looked even more shocked than everyone else. Until his mom had looked him in the eyes for long enough, then she seemed to understand.

Once the war was complete over and death eaters had disapperated and Voldemort was dead Draco found you again. You were sitting with Harry, Hermione and Ron when he came over.

"Go away Malfoy" Harry immediately Said and you gave him a look before standing up and walking away motioning for Draco to follow.

Once the two of you were out in a deserted hallway Draco sighed, "I'm sorry" he said not looking at you. You smiled weakly at him and stepped closer cupping his face in your hands.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, don't you apologize, I still love you, that won't ever change do you understand me" you told him sternly. Draco seemed to smile a little before resting his forehead on yours.

"Does that mean I'm forgiven? And that maybe we can try again?" He asked and you softly kissed him. "Of course we can" you whispered to him once the two of you pulled away.

"I love you Y/N" he said and you smiled stepping up on your tippy toes and softly kissed him again. "I love you too Draco" you said and the two of you smiled at each other just standing there in each other's embrace.

WC: 1290

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