Young!Sirius X reader

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Your information:
Your house: Gryffindor
Your blood status: pureblood
Your year: seventh
You're James twin sister in this one!
Requested by: nobody!
This one will be written in third person POV!

Y/N'S thoughts I guess...

You sat and stared out the window in the Gryffindor common room waiting for James, Sirius and Peter to come back from the full moon. You always staid up to make sure none of them got seriously hurt, if they did get seriously hurt you'd make an excuse to Madam Pomfrey for them.

Most of the time they only had a couple of scratches that you would heal instantly for them. You and Lily used to stay up together but she and James were having a fight at the moment and she didn't want to wast her sleep.

You sighed as you saw the four of them emerge from the woods and it didn't look like they need too much help this morning. Although you still waited patiently for the three of them to make their way up into the Gryffindor common room.

The only reason you and Lily knew about their secrets was because you were James twin sister and had always helped with pranks. Lily knew because she found out by herself somehow.

Soon after you had let your thoughts wander you heard the portrait to the common room open up and you hurried over. They all only had a couple of scratches and were pretty much fine. You sighed your heart feeling a bit lighter than a couple of hours before, "come on" you said and they all sat down on the couch in front of the fire.

You started healing James because to you it looked like he needed the most done, "where's Lily?" James asked you a frown on his face. "I'm not talking to you about that but she's in bed" you said looking James in the eyes before moving on to Sirius.

You smiled as you went down on your knees in front of him, "this might burn, I'm trying something new" you said with a slight grin on your face. "Wait what?" Sirius asked a little scared, you chuckled and shook your head, "it's used by healers. Although I've never tried it" you explained and held his face still, you saw a small tint of pink on his cheeks and you smiled.

"Stay still" you sighed in frustration at Peter who wouldn't stop moving insisting he didn't need to be healed. In the end you gave up and sighed, "fine, then it's on you if Remmy feels bad when he sees you" you said and stood up.

At that the three of them froze, "fine" Peter said and went still, you smiled and went back down on your knees to heal him.

"I'm going to try get this one hour of sleep I can get before breakfast" you said once you finished healing Peter. "Okay, good night" James said hugging you before you went up to bed.

As soon as you got inside Lily came over, "is he alright?" she asked you frantically, "James is he alright?" she asked again. "Yes she is, although don't think I'm happy with you, he was really hurt that you didn't stay up with me!" You whisper screamed at her.

"I know" she said looking down almost ashamed of herself and you sighed, "let's just get this hour of sleep that we have" you said and went in bed.

Sirius's thoughts?

Once Y/N had gone up to bed Sirius, Peter and James made their way up to their dorm. Sirius couldn't help the jealousy that he couldn't have been the one to hug you good night, it had to be James. He knew very well that James and Y/N were twins but it always made him jealous and he hated it.

He had never said anything about his crush, no let me rephrase that, love for James' twin sister. He thought James might hate him for it because he was known as the player of Hogwarts, he would date someone for a week or two and then dump her. After only two days he'd have a new girlfriend, none of the other marauders said anything but he knew James didn't like it.

"Why is she so beautiful and sweet?" Sirius though out loud, "who is mate?" James asked Sirius curiosity filling his face. Sirius' face drained of all color and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Did I say that out loud?" Sirius asked the other two boys currently in their dorm room. "Well yeah" Peter said and Sirius' face became even whiter if that was possible.

"Wait, is the Sirius Black in love?" James asked almost laughing, "yeah" Sirius admitted before he realized he had. He made himself fall into his bed and he grumbled, "James she's so nice, she's a Gryffindor in our year. Honestly I sometimes don't understand how she isn't in Hufflepuff" Sirius admitted to James. Peter has gone to sleep and was currently snoring.

"Who is she?" James asked the curiosity filling his facial expression and his voice. Sirius sighed and shook his head, "you'll hate me if I tell you" Sirius said. "If it's Lily or Y/N I'll kill you" James said and Sirius sighed, "that's the problem" Sirius mumbles under his breath hoping James hadn't heard.

Although unfortunately for Sirius, James did hear him, "is it Y/N?" James asked shocked at what he was hearing. Sirius just nodded his head in his pillow and then looked up to his side to see James kind of smiling.

"Stop smiling" Sirius said and slapped James lightly across the arm. "How about a game of truth or dare after breakfast?" James asked.

"Fine" Sirius answered him before going on his side, "I'm going to sleep" he said to James, "sure".

After breakfast

Y/N'S thoughts?

All four of the marauders, Lily, you and some other Gryffindor's were in a circle in the common room. "Who's going first?" Lily asked impatiently at the crowd, "I'll go" James said and looked around before making his pick.

"Lily, truth or dare?" James asked his girlfriend, "Dare" she said staring at James challenging him. "I dare you to kiss me if you still want to date me" he said smirking a little and you shook your head not agreeing with his method. Although Lily went over and kissed James lightly on the lips and went back to her place.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" Lily asked you, "um, truth" you Said smiling at her, "hmm, who is your crush" she asked. You looked at her with big eyes, Lily was the only one who you ever told about your crush on Sirius Black, your twin brothers best friend.

You sighed looking at the floor with closed eyes when you realized Lily wasn't going to budge no matter how hard you tried. "Padfoot" everyone in the circle knew it was one of the marauders although no one knew who it was except for the four plus, you and Lily.

All eyes were wide especially the once of the marauders and you stood up, "I'm done playing" you said and wanted to go to your dorm. You were almost at the steps when you felt a hand on your wrist, Sirius, you instantly knew from his cologne.

You turned around slowly and met his beautiful gray eyes that shone like the moon. Once you caught yourself staring you quickly looked back down to the floor, "I like you too" Sirius said. Your head snapped up and for a second you were afraid something had been broken by your sudden movement.

Sirius saw the surprise on your face and kissed you, slowly and passionately, "be mine?" Sirius asked quietly so only you heard him. "Yes" you said and the whole room went wild once you kissed him again.

A/N = okay so I know I wasn't going to post unless I got a request but I just suddenly thought of this one and had the time to write it so I decided why not just do it...anyway I hope you liked it! The picture above is from Google and I do not own it in anyway! Full credit to the owner!

Word count: 1388

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