Young!Remus X Muggle!Reader (part 1)

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Your information:
House: none
Blood status: muggle
Happens in: the summer after Hogwarts graduation
More: you're from Iceland
Warnings: slight mention of cutting scars and death
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 12/10/2020


Your airplane landed and you got off to pick your lounge up and find your best friend who should be waiting for you outside. Once you were out of the check out you looked around for that flaming red hair you knew so well.

You saw her in a embrace with a guy with unruly black hair that looked more like a nest of black hair. You walked up to them and cleared your throat to get Lily's attention.

Once she turned to you she screeched and hugged you tightly, you chuckled and hugged her back. "Y/N, this is James my boyfriend, I hope you don't mind that he and a couple of his friends are staying for a while" she said.

You smiled warmly and put your hand out for the boy to shake, "Y/N, it's nice to meet you" you said. James smiled at you and shook your hand, "you too" he said and Lily grabbed your carry on and started to walk out.

You chuckled at her and took your own luggage and followed after her. "Oh, um, well, James and I actually live together" Lily said a bit awkwardly as her boyfriend was a bit behind us.

You looked at her concern filling your features, you knew she was a witch, you knew about the war that was going on. "Is the war becoming that bad?" You asked her and she nodded, and the two of you sighed.

"You take the front, you two haven't seen each other for long enough" James said and you and Lily smiled at him. "Thank you" you said and sat down in the front passenger seat of the car.

The drive was full of you and Lily screaming to your favorite songs and laughing while James sat in the back trying to keep up with us. "Here we are" Lily said looking at the house in front of us, "it looks so cozy!" you exclaimed at her and she nodded.

Once the three of you entered you heard some sounds from the kitchen, "no wormy it isn't done that way" a male voice said. "Like you would know" another male voice said, "oh stop it both of you" a third male voice said.

Lily and James chuckled as they hung their keys on the key holder in the entry way of the house. "We're back" Lily said walking into the living room, "I'll take your bags upstairs, just go meet the others" James said and you smiled warmly at him.

"Sirius! What do you think your doing!" You heard Lily exclaim as you walked into the living room that was on your right hand. You saw a very handsome boy slouching on the couch reading a book.

"Hey, I'm Y/N" you said smiling at the boy, he finally looked up and you saw his caramel brown eyes and his golden hair. His hair was unruly and a bit curly and it fell into his face, damn he's handsome you thought to yourself as he smiled warmly at you.

"I'm Remus, Sirius and Peter are in the kitchen with Lily" he said and you smiled before making your way into the kitchen. "Y/N, that's Sirius" Lily said pointing at a boy with shoulder length black hair. "And that's Peter" she said pointing at a chubby boy with blond short hair.

"I'm guessing you met Remus out in the living room?" She asked and you nodded, "yep!" You said popping the 'p' and she smiled. "Hey" you said to the other two boys in there.

"Now get out! I don't trust you with anything in here" Lily said sternly to Sirius, "you want help?" You asked Lily smiling. "Yes please!" She exclaimed and the two boys left the kitchen for the two of you to spend time alone.

"What are we making?" You asked Lily and she swished her wand brining a cook book down and turn the pages so it landed on the correct page. "You know I can't do that so I might take a bit longer than you" you said chuckling.

Lily smiled, "I know, I just wanna spend time with you, plus I'm always alone in here, I can't trust the boys with knifes" she said. At that both I fb you burst out laughing hard.

"Sirius! Give me my book back!" You heard from the living room, Lily sighed and looked at you with a desperate look. "Can you sort them out? They need a firm hand" Lily asked with hope in her eyes.

You chuckled at her and nodded, "sure" you said before leaving the kitchen and going into the living room. You put on your best angry face and looked at Sirius, "give that book back" you said scarily calm.

Sirius looked at you and saw the anger and slowly handed Remus his book back, as soon as Remus had his book you took the angry face off. "Thank you" you said to Sirius and went back into the kitchen to Lily, "already solved?" She asked surprised that you were back again.

"You said they needed a firm hand" you said shrugging, "let me guess, the scarily calm voice and angry face?" She asked and you nodded chuckling. "Yep that was my trick" you said and you both laughed a little at each other's faces.

Soon the dinner was ready and everyone were sat at the table, you sat beside Remus while Sirius was opposite you. Peter opposite Remus and then Lily and James on each end of the table.

You were all laughing when the clock chimed 9pm and everyone's faces fell, "boys" James said and they all stood up. Lily kissed James and told them to be careful before coming and sitting back down her face in her hands.

You stood up and put a hand on her shoulder in a calming matter, "Lily, what's wrong?" You asked curiously. Your voice remained calm and relaxed, "Remus is a werewolf and the boys are animangus'" Lily said.

You knew what those things were even though you were what Lily called a muggle, simply because Lily had taught you about her world. You squeezed her shoulder reassuringly and smiled a little at her.

"Come on, you go and sit down, read a book or something, I'll take care of this" you said motioning you the table. Lily smiled thankfully at you before standing up and making her way to the living room.

You took off of the table and did the dishes before going to sit on the couch with Lily and brought your own book out.

The two of you sat in silence until it became 5am, Lily looked at the clock and stood up. "They should be back soon, I'm getting ready to heal them up, do you want to help?" Lily asked smiling at you.

You nodded putting your own book down and went to do what you were told to do by Lily. Just like she had said the boys came in all scratched up, Sirius and James helping Remus to stand.

"Put him on the couch" Lily instructed them and they did without questioning her and you hurried over with a warm cloth. You had been studying to become a doctor and so you were eager to help out.

"Clean his face for me?" Lily asked and you nodded starting to clean up the scratches that Remus had gotten on his face. He had some concision but not a lot of it, "come on, Remmy, I need you to help me get your shirt off" Lily said.

He help get his own shirt off and you couldn't help your eyes travel a little down, his abs were very visible on his toned stomach. You quickly averted your eyes back up to his face and hoped no one had noticed you checking him out.

WC: 1356

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