Fenrir Grayback X reader

754 16 7

Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: a pureblood
Happens in: Bill and Fleur's wedding (you're the same age as bill)
Warnings: sappy in places, long
Requsted by: nobody (inspired by a video on tiktok (creator of said video: blondiexwritesx))
Posted on: 24/10/2021 at 01:06am
Important A/N please read = So the reason I haven't been updating is quite honestly I forgot I had opened the book up again and I'm still struggling with some family things and so updates will be slow on the book. Also my mom just noticed I was writing on my laptop and asked what I was writing....... kill me now?



Y/n looked around the dance floor that was crowded with people and kids dancing around, she sat at the table with the other kids from Bill and her's class, Bill and her had been good friends since their first year at school so when she received an invitation to Bill and Fleur's wedding she of course instantly sent her reply that she would come.

What Y/n didn't expect was that Kingsley's patronus would appear right as the bride and father dance was about to start, Kignsley spoke with importancy, the death eaters were coming, the minister had fallen and was dead. Instantly all of the order tried hurrying children into the burrow although all too soon the first death eaters were appearing in the tents the wedding was being held.

All the adults were running around trying to get the younger students inside while also trying to fight off death eaters, a lot of the adults had appiraited away as soon as Kingsley's patronus had disappeared. Y/n was trying to see Gabriel inside when she noticed Greyback in the crowd, his brown hair that was slicked back and his werewolf look made him stand out in the crowd of wizards. The girl noticed Molly trying to get other kids inside, "Molly, take Gabrielle, Greyback is here" she called to her as she gently pushed Gabrielle in her direction.

Y/n ran in the direction that greyback was in, she had to get him away from all these people before he would go all out and turn a child or anyone else. As she ran past him she heard him growl and follow fast in her heals as she ran away from all the commotion.

"What are you too afraid you little girl?" He asked a smirk playing harshly on his lips as he said that. Y/n gulped a little before brining her wand out, Greyback unfortunately did the same and so the duel began.

Spells were being thrown in every direction, protection spells and harmful ones alike as a thought appeared in Y/n's mind. "Pitrificus totalus" Y/n said hitting Greyback perfectly as his whole body went limp and he fell backwards.

Y/N smirked at him as she hovered over his body, "good luck getting anyone's attention to help you out of this situation" she said before hurrying over to the main fighting. When Y/n reached the tents some of the death eaters had disappirated and some were being taken away by members of the order.

Y/n helped them gather all the rest of the death eaters that were stuck to a tree or fallen limp on the ground after petrificus totalus being thrown their way. As Y/n looked around to inspect if anyone of their people had been hurt she didn't notice a single soul from the order being in much pain so she sighed in relief.


After hours I was finally let out of the stunning spell, that girl, woman, looked mesmerizing when she had stood over me like that, she seemed confident, and not scared at all, that was the first time a woman looked at me without fright in her eyes. It warmed my heart, she was great at dueling and even though she might have been afraid at first as soon as she get her confidence she wasn't afraid anymore.

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