Young!Severus X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: your 6th Severus' 7th
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Extra note: you're Sirius' younger sister and Regulus' twin
Posted on: 11/09/2020


You were walking down the halls of Hogwarts going to one of the empty classrooms, you and Severus Snape had been friends in secret for a couple of years now. You always enjoyed his company and when you would fight with Regulus or Sirius he would always comfort you.

You smiled knowing you were about to meet him and not have to pretend that you don't know him. Recently you had started to get butterflies in your stomach and you had felt your heart warm up at the thought of Severus.

It was weird for you, it was really weird for you. You knew it was just a plain crush although recently it had started to feel like more than a simple crush on a friend. A friend, that was all the two of you would ever be, you felt your smile fall and a frown take it's place.

Suddenly you found yourself in front of the classroom you were meeting Severus in, you took a deep breath and put a fake smile on. You walked in and saw Severus already there working on something.

You creeped up to him and started to try reading over his shoulder, "who you writing to?" You asked curiously. Severus jumped up trying to hide the parchment he had been writing on.

"Oh, uh" he was at a loss for words, you chuckled at him and sat down putting your book bag by the table. You sat down and took your points book out of your bag, you hadn't planned on study while meeting Severus. Although you were stuck on your essay and you had to turn it in the next day.

When you looked up you saw Severus looking quizzically at you, "I need help, please?" You asked giving him puppy eyes. "Okay, what's it about?" He asked wearily as he slowly made his way over and set down beside you.

"Amortentia, I have to turn it in tomorrow and I'm only half way there" you exclaimed upset at not having done more on your own. You didn't really dislike potions you just weren't the best at it.

Severus took your parchment and read over what you had, for about a hour Severus tried his best to help you. You managed to finish your essay and smiled, "thank you" you said and hugged him.

"You're welcome" he said and smiled back at you, you put all your things into your bag again and got ready to hear how things were going.

The two of you talk until it was dinner, once you reached the great hall you went in first and sat down at the Gryffindor table. Severus walked in shortly after you and went to the Slytherin table.

You sat with Sirius, his friends and Lily, you and Lily were good friends and laughed at a lot of things together. Lily was the only one who you had ever told about your crush on her former friend.

Lily gave you a quizzical look when she saw Severus walk in shortly after you, you only nodded at her and she understood. "What are you two talking about with your eyes?" James Lily's boyfriend and Sirius' best friend asked.

"Y/N's crush" Lily said at that Sirius stood up as quickly as he probably could. "Regulus! Over here now!" Sirius called over to the Slytherin table.

Everyone were eyeing Sirius suspiciously as he wouldn't sit down until Regulus was over there. "What?" He hissed at Sirius his cheeks red, you let your head fall onto the table, "honestly Sirius?" You asked embarrassed.

"She's got a crush!" Sirius said so loud that probably the whole great hall heard him. Now Regulus became aware of why he had been called over.

Your two brothers lifted you up off of the seat and held you out of the Great Hall. "Who is it? What house is he in? What blood status does he have?" They were bombarding you with questions.

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