Blaise X Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggleborn
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: suicide attempt (if any of you get triggered by that then please I am begging you stop reading right now!)
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 06/11/2020


You smiled sadly into the mirror of erised, you were muggleborn but everyone at Hogwarts thought you were a pureblood. You didn't know why everyone thought that but they did and you didn't bother correcting them since you knew you'd just get bullied if they found out about you being muggleborn.

"Y/N?" Blaise your boyfriend of two months came into the empty classroom you were sitting in. You turned around and smiled sadly at him, "hi" you said and he sat down beside you.

"You said you wanted to talk in private, what is it?" Blaise asked you and you took a deep breath knowing what you were about to say might make him hate you. "I'm muggleborn" you whispered but he heard you, "your what?" He asked anger falling off of his tongue.

"Yes, nobody ever asked my blood status, they all just assumed" you said looking at him as small tears fell from your eyes as you saw his angry face. "Don't ever speak to me again, i don't ever want to see you" Blaise said and you felt your heart sink to your stomach.

He hated you, of course he did, you weren't expecting anything else, he was raised by one of those pureblood families that hate everyone that isn't a pureblood. You felt the tears fall more from your eyes as you stood up and walked to the Hufflepuff common room.

Once you reached the common room you went to bed, you were numb from pain and sorrow. Once you laid down you instantly fell asleep your body tired from crying in that classroom you had been in.

You woke up around 2pm the next day, thankfully it was Saturday so you didn't have to worry about classes. You didn't go to the kitchens for some food like most people would do, you just lay in bed with the drapes around your four poster bed drawn.

You cried with a silencing charm around your bed, after many hours of you crying you heard the rest of the girls start to enter the dorm room. You ignored all of them and just kept on crying silently as you heard them get ready for bed.

The next morning you had only gotten half an hour of sleep, still you weren't eating, and frankly, you just weren't hungry at all. You noticed how your dorm mates had start to ask each other if you were alright by now since nobody had seen you since the Friday evening when you came back.

By now you were sure the whole school knew about your blood status and why Blaise had broken up with you.

Time skip till a month later

You walked slowly up to the astronomy tower, it was a Thursday after classes, every class you would get thrown disgusting words in your direction. The Slytherins had started to bully you every time they saw you and you had lost all your friends.

By this time you had become depressed and just wanted to end everything, you just wanted to die. You picked up your pace as you heard some Slytherins behind a corner you had just walked past.

Finally you reached the astronomy tower and you let your body rest against the railing as you thought about how it would be to just fall down there. You thought about if it would be a quick death or a long death, you though about if it was a good idea to just jump, until you found yourself climbing the railing.

"Y/N?" You heard Blaise behind you ask, "stay were you are, don't come closer" you said your voice breaking as more tears fell from your eyes. "Y/N, what are you doing?" Blaise asked you but you shook your head, "I don't have a reason to live anymore just leave me alone and let me do this" you begged him.

"No, I won't let you, please come down from there" Blaise said as you slowly turned your head in his direction. "I'm so sorry for breaking up with you just because of your blood status, but you have to realize, I was raised to hate everyone that weren't pureblood's" Blaise said desperately as he watched you take one step down.

You hesitated before you got all the way down and fell to the floor of the tower. Blaise was quick to come in your direction and instantly pulled you into a hug. "Be mine again, I'm so sorry" Blaise begged you and you nodded into his chest.

A/N = I'm sorry it's so short!


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