Seamus X shy!Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 10/09/2020


It was Christmas break at Hogwarts and you were getting tired of it. It felt like the only thing anyone would talk about was that stupid mascaraed dance that was happening on Christmas Eve.

Everyone would be given a dress or dress robes and a mask by the school. You couldn't tell anyone what yours looked like or show anyone.

If you tried to show anyone what your dress and mask looked like it would automatically change as soon as it had been put away. You really didn't want to go, the only reason you didn't want to go was Seamus Finnigan.

Seamus had been your crush since first year, you loved his way of always blowing things up on accident. You loved his accent, his smile and his laugh.

You had seen all those things while watching him from across the great hall at lunches, breakfasts and dinners. It killed you that you were too shy to go over to him and say something.

"Y/N come on" Ginny said, yes she was a year younger than you but she was also your only friend. You didn't mind it when she left to go with her other friends, usually you would just go read one of your muggle books.

Sometimes you would draw, you drew a lot, you were just too shy to show anyone what you drew. "What? Sorry I was lost in thought" you said in your quiet voice, you never spoke very loudly. Most people in fact would say you always just whispered.

Ginny sighed, "Seamus again?" She asked and you looked at her with big scared eyes, "h - how'd you k - know?" you stuttered out your question. "Oh Y/N, it is really obvious, at least to me" she said and you got a scared feeling in your stomach.

"What if he's noticed?" you whispered your question afraid of the answer. Ginny chuckled and shook her head, "trust me, he doesn't know a thing" she said.

"Anyway, back to the dance, I know you're hoping to dance or speak with Seamus but if it's not him. Who would you want to be with through the evening?" Ginny asked you.

You though about her question for a second "Dean, I think" you said "what about you? I know you want Harry but if not for him then who?" You asked.

Ginny though for a second, "probably Neville, he and I are kind of close" she said and you smiled at her.

Time skip till the evening of the dance

You sat in your dorm room panicking, you were breathing heavily trying your best to steady your breathing. Finally after ten minutes you got your breathing back to somewhat normal.

You went over to the mirror you had in your room, you had taken a shower and had put on your underwear and bra underneath a fuzzy robe. You used your wand to do your hair and makeup.

(This is what i picture you wearing, if you don't like it changed it!👇)

(This is what i picture you wearing, if you don't like it changed it!👇)

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