James Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: -bubba_
Posted on: 01/06/2021


I looked over the classroom onto the messy hair of James Sirius, the boy I had started to grow a crush on. I had never really talked to him but he always seemed so nice and kind to everyone, he would laugh with his friends and I could feel my heart melt just a tiny bit.

All too soon transfiguration was ending and herbology was about to began, I hurried out to the greenhouse #5 for our herbology class. As I entered the greenhouse a lot of potted leaping toadstool were sitting on the long table in the middle of the greenhouse.

I was one of the first students to arrive at the greenhouse as professor sprout smiled at me while I went to my regular position at the table. When everyone had entered the greenhouse Professor sprout smiled at us all.

She taught us some things about the leaping toadstool as she showed us how to take care of it. "Now students for the homework this week I will be putting you into pairs of two to work together to take care of one leaping toadstool together for a whole week and then I'll see you all next week to see how you took care of the leaping toadstool. If it's still alive you will pass this homework with a good grade, if it's barely alive you'll pass with an acceptable grade, if it's dead, you fail understood?" Professor sprout asked us.

"Yes Professor sprout" we all said in choir and I smiled at the boy in front of me, James was standing there looking at the leaping toadstool with not much interest. When he looked up I quickly looked back in the direction of Professor sprout trying to hide the small blush that was forming on my cheeks.

"Okay so the pairs, mr. Kyson and miss saltwater, mr. Potter and miss. Y/L/N" Professor sprout said, after that I froze. I didn't hear a single thing about the other names she said as I looked over to James as he smiled at me. "Now get together and get yourself a leaping toadstool before you leave and you can control how you split up and take care of the plant" Professor sprout said.

I smiled at James as he came over "so you good with taking this one?" James asked calmly as he nodded in the direction of the plant sitting in front of us. "Sure" I said trying to keep my voice calm although I don't think that worked out for me as I heard my voice kind of get high at the end.

James grabbed the plant as we both walked out of the greenhouse "I'm James by the way" James said and I nodded "I know, we've been in herbology, defense against the dark arts and transfiguration together since first year" I told him laughing. "Oh shoot you're right, you're that one! Y/N right?" James asked and I chuckled at him "yeps" I said as the conversation became more relaxed.

"So how are we splitting this up since we don't even share a common room?" James asked and I thought for a second. "How about this, after every class we exchange, then you have it every other evening/night and I'll have it every other evening/night? Then we can meet up in between classes when we have breaks and discuss how it's going. As well as we can note down how the progress is going" I suggested as James thought about it.

"That actually sounds quite good" James said as he nodded "I'll start with the leaping toadstool for tonight and I can give it to you tomorrow morning okay?" James asked as I nodded. "Sure, I have to go I promised some friends I'd meet them at the library to study" I told him, "oh mind if I join? I have some potions homework I haven't finished for tomorrow" James said.

I smiled gently at him and nodded "sure thing" I told him as we made our way to the library.

Time skip till around Christmas time

After that herbology assignment that professor sprout gave us James and I had become close and I felt myself fall in love with James. Professor McGonagall had told us about the Yule ball for all fourth years and up and it was safe to say I was excited for it.

I had been hoping James would ask me to the dance but he still hadn't, I always hoped and crossed my fingers when James came up to me but it was never about the dance. I sat on a bench in the court yard as I watched the girls throw snow balls at each other until, a wet snow ball was thrown to my back.

I turned around slowly to find James standing there with another snow ball in hand and a smirk on his face "oh you're on" I told him bending down and grabbing some snow to make into a ball. After we had been fighting for about an hour and half with the other girls we all went inside laughing.

"Let's all meet here for a hot cocoa when we've changed into warm clothes shall we?" I asked the other once's as James nodded. "That sounds delicious" James said as he nodded and we split up, me and the girls going in the direction of the Ravenclaw common room while James went in the direction of the Gryffindor one.

"Hey Y/N, we're too tired to go down again, you just go and have fun okay?" Y/B/F Said and i smiled at the Girls, "Are you three sure?" I asked and they all nodded. "Okay, if you three are sure, I'll see you later?" I asked and they nodded, "we'll be here waiting" they all said and I chuckled shaking my head.

I went down stairs and saw James waiting over in the hallway, resting his back against the wall looking like he was fast in thought. I walked over and smiled "earth to James" I said and he instantly looked up like he had been expecting something or someone else.

I felt a bit of disappointment fall through me as he noticed his shock but put a smile on my face as we made our way into the dungeons to the kitchen. When we arrived there and we had tickled the pear we went inside as we smelled the smell of Christmas cookies and other goodies "what can we get you two young masters?" A house elf asked us.

"Can we get some hot cocoa?" I asked kindly as the elf nodded before going to bustle around the kitchen as James and I sat down. "So Y/N, I've been wondering, if maybe, I don't know if you'd want to but umm, if you don't have anyone to go with would you like to go to the hall with me?" James asked.

I froze was he actually asking me to the ball with him "as a date?" I asked scared he wanted to go with me just as friends. "Well I was hoping it would be as a date but if you only want it to be as friends that's fine, I just want to go with you" James said and smiled slightly nervously.

I squealed from excitement before throwing my arms around James "of course I'll go with you as a date" I said excitedly, James kissed my cheek after we had pulled apart and I blushed furiously. "I really like you James" I whispered and he took my hand "I like you too" James whispered back to me as one of the house elf's had come with our hot cocoa.

"Now I'm glad the girls were too tired to come down here" I said as we both chuckled.

WC: 1337

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