Young!Sirius X animagus!Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: half-blood
Your animagus form: Husky (a dog if you don't know...)
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 30/09/2020


You ran through the Forbidden Forest, you felt the amazing feeling of the wind blowing your fur. The wind wasn't too cold for you, it was perfect actually, you had such thick fur that the wind rarely was too cold for you.

You turned sharply around, some sound came from behind you, it was a howl, that was for sure. Although you weren't sure what type of animal would have given such a howl from themselves.

You slowly walked in the direction of the howl, when you saw what animal it was you were shocked, you almost turned back into human. It was a werewolf, and what looked to be three animals with it.

A stag, a black German Shepard and a rat, a weird combination you thought to yourself as you watched them. The stag and the German Shepard were trying their hardest to keep the werewolf away from the edge of the wood while the rat sat on the stag's back.

You moved slowly out of the trees that had been hiding you, all animals looked in your direction, they all had wide eyes. Well the stag and the German Shepard has wide eyes, you couldn't really see the rat and the werewolf couldn't do such thing.

You tilted your head a bit to the side watching the stag and Shepard examining you carefully. The Shepard came and sniffed you all over while the stag kept the werewolf away.

Then all of a sudden the Shepard jumped on you making you fall on your back, was the dog, playing? Now?. You looked shocked at the sudden movement but quickly made the other dog get off of you.

You stood up and slowly walked over to the werewolf, you sniffed him a little and then you let your tongue out as you breathed happily. You started circling the werewolf and trying to get him to play, then the Shepard and the stag joined in your game.

At one point you and the Shepard had managed to roll away from the other three as you played with each other. Your black and white fur had gotten bit red from where the werewolf had either scratched or attempted to bite you.

You had just shake'd the werewolf away before growling at it and continuing to play with all of them.

The Shepard was currently pinning you down, it put a paw on one of the huge claw marks from the werewolf and you whined loudly. The Shepard quickly went off of you and you stood up and looked at your back leg.

Now it were only you and the Shepard, the other three had gotten lost, or maybe it had been the other way around. The Shepard looked frantically around the wood until he heard a howl from the shrieking shack.

It looked like the dog relaxed a little, before running away the Shepard licked your cheek and you felt your whole dog body burn up.

Once the Shepard was gone you hurried to get out of the wood and into the castle, once in there you went to the hospital wing while halting. Your right leg had a huge claw mark that was bleeding a lot from and your left arm had a small bite mark from where the werewolf had nibbed at you.

Once you got there you ignored the fact that it was closed and you opened the door not caring if there were students in there trying to sleep. Madame Pomfrey came rushing out of her sleeping quarters, as soon as she saw you she motioned for you to sit down at the closest bed.

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