Neville X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: your 5th Neville's 6th year
Warnings: mention of bullying
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 30/10/2020


You were walking to the library for a study session with your two best friends, Ginny and Neville. You always had a feeling those two were dating, especially lately, they had been sneaking off alone leaving you to be by yourself.

Once you reached the library you didn't see the other two, you decided they were just a bit late, after all you were about a minute early. You sat down at one of the tables in the corner and took your books out.

After it having been four hours of you studying you gave up waiting for them and packed your bag and decided to go to the common room.

You hated this, your best friend and your crush possibly dating. Yes you had a huge crush on Neville Longbottom, the Herboligy nerd almost everyone made fun of.

You sighed not looking where you were going, resulting you in bumping into someone and fall to the floor. You were about to apologize to whoever it was that you bumped into when "look where your going mudblood" Malfoy's voice rang through the hallway.

You flinched and turned your face away from him, "I'm sorry, I didn't," you were cut off "I don't care what you have to say. Get out of my face you ugly mudblood" Malfoy sneered at you and you cringed again.

You didn't understand why he always called you a mudblood when you weren't even muggle born, maybe because you were raised by your muggle dad. Your mom had died from cancer when you were just two years old so you never really knew her.

Then you heard footsteps coming your way, running, Malfoy had his wand pointed at you until expelliarmus was thrown his way. You looked past him to see Ginny having her wand in Malfoy's direction and Neville running up behind her.

Neville came over and helped you stand up from the floor "thank you" you whispered to him as the two of you went back over to Ginny. Neville was walking in between you and Ginny and the two of them kept sending each other weird glances.

Those glances made your heart fall, it only made you think harder about the two of them as a couple. You felt tears start to threaten so you quickly told them you needed the washroom and you hurriedly ran away.

You got to moaning Myrtle's bathroom but thankfully she wasn't there. You fell down the wall as tears fell freely out of your eyes, until the door quietly opened up and Ginny came in.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" Ginny asked as she hurried over to you rubbing your back in calming circles. "Are you and Nev dating?" You asked her hoping she would say no about it all.

"Y/N, do you have a crush on Nev?" Ginny asked and you felt your cheeks become hot under your tears and you gave a small nod. Ginny chuckled and smiled putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Merlin Y/N! No Nev and I aren't dating but I do know for a fact that he's in love with you" Ginny said and you shoot your head up in her direction. "He does,?" You asked surprised that he would like someone like you.

Ginny chuckled and stood up, "Nev go in there!" You heard Ginny exclaim and you smiled a little. Neville came in and saw your tear stained face before hurrying over to see if everything was alright.

"What's wrong?" Neville asked when he saw tears fall from your eyes but a smile on your lips. "I got the news that a special Longbottom might be in love with me" you said a small smirk falling on your lips.

You saw Neville's face go bright red and you chuckled a little at him before drying all the tears away from your face. "I love you too Nev" you said before kissing him softly.

Your hands moved into his hair while his moved down to your lower back as the kiss became hotter you pulled away. Neville smirked at you and you smiled back.

Then Neville's smile fell and so did yours, you worried you might have done something wrong.

"Why me? Someone like you could have anyone, why me?" Neville asked and your heart broke. "Nev, your the sweetest, kindest, most adorable, sexy, great, and clumsy guy I know. That is what matters to me, your so amazing and I honestly can't believe someone like you likes someone like me" you declared.

Both you and Neville were blushing furiously and Neville kissed you again, the two of you smiled at each other before standing up.

10 years later

You smiled as you heard the front door open and you waddled into the entry of the house to greet your husband. "Go sit down, what are you doing on your feet? You heard the doctor, you were supposed to stay in bed" Neville exclaimed.

He was always very protective over you while you were pregnant, your son Frank had just gone to Ginny and Harry for the night. They had wanted to give you and Neville a bit of peace.

Frank had only just turned two years old and was making you exhausted having him home all day. "Thank you love but I wanted to greet you and I needed the washroom" you smiled at his overprotective manner.

"I just want you to be save" Neville argued sweetly before giving you a soft kiss to the lips before you carried on to the guest bathroom on the first floor. Once you were finished you plumped down on the couch beside Neville and sighed.

"How about Pizza?" You suggested and Neville smiled before kissing your head and nodding, "of course, I'll order" Neville said as he picked up the phone to order the pizza.

Nine years later

You smiled as you watched your oldest son Frank go onto the train to Hogwarts. Your three other children Ginny, Alice and Y/D/N (your dad's name).

You smiled and waved to Frank as the train left the station, "I'll miss him" I whispered to Neville and he nodded. "We all will" he whispered back to you and you smiled up at him kissing him quickly on the lips.

WC: 1079

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