Regulus X Reader

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Your information:
House: former Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 5 years after Hogwarts
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Published on: 03/09/2020


You stood in Flourish and Blotts watching the storm, it was late and the store was supposed to be closing soon. The streets of Diagon Alley were empty, not one face was seen out there.

You sighed as the store keeper came and put a hand on your shoulder, "I'm sorry dear but I'm closing up" the wizard said. You turned around and saw someone who never thought you'd see after your graduation.

"Black?" You asked, you had been in the same year as Regulus Black back in Hogwarts, "Y/L/N?" He asked just as surprised. "Hey" you said a bit awkwardly while shifting back and forth on your feet.

You still hadn't gotten your apperation license so you couldn't apperaite back to your appointment. "You okay?" Black asked and you nodded, "yeah, I just don't know how to get back home. I haven't gotten my apperaition license" you explained.

After the two of you had stood there in silence for a couple of minutes it was like his face lighted up. "You could come stay at mine? It's only me and my brother there, I don't think he'd mind a guest for the night" he suggested.

You thought it over in your head, you had two options, one, go with him and stay at his place until the storm got lighter and you could go home. Or number two, walk in the storm all the way to your muggle apartment.

You ended up picking the first, "I'd like that, thank you" you said giving him a warm smile. Even though you had been sorted into Slytherin all these years ago in your first year at Hogwarts you still considered yourself a Hufflepuff.

"Great, I just need to put a couple things to where they're supposed to be then we can leave" Black exclaimed. You nodded and smiled, "so you mind if I look around while your at it?" You asked.

You had always enjoyed reading this and that. You browsed through the different type of books while Black finished his work. "There, you ready to go?" He asked after about half an hour, you nodded slightly. "Sure" you said, Black and you had never been very close, just aquatic through your whole time at school so this felt weird.

Taking his arm to apperait, it felt weirdly calming, his arm was warm through his jacket as we started spinning. Thankfully we landed on the top step of his house and he quickly opened the door letting you inside first.

"Sirius! We have a guest" he called and his voice sounded through the empty hallway. Sirius walked out of what you assumed to be the kitchen.

"No need to scream" the older Black said chuckling at his younger brother. Regulus frowned at him, "stop it" he said and then Black looked at you.

"And who are you?" He asked you smiled warmly at him, "Y/N Y/L/N, I was in the same year as Regulus back at school" you said. You put your hand out shake his and he apparently decided to shake it.

"Well nice to meet you" he said chuckling and giving Regulus a look that you couldn't exactly pin what said. "Shut up Sirius!" Regulus said frustration in his voice, you backed away a little not wanting to land in the middle of an argument.

You had three other sisters and you knew how a argument could go. "Fine, Fine, but you know I'm right!" Sirius said, "shut it" Regulus mumbled under his breath.

Sirius walked up the stairs with his hand up to show his surrender.


Sirius gave me a look that told me I had a bit of a crush on Y/N, that was most definitely not true, I think.


"You okay?" You asked putting a hand on his shoulder, "yeah, do you want hot cocoa?" He asked and you smiled warmly at him. "That sounds lovely, thank you" you said and he nodded, "Kreacher!" He called into the empty house and a second later a house elf stood in front of you.

"Yes Master Black?" The house elf asked, "bring us two hot cocoa's into the sitting room" Regulus said and the house elf nodded. "Yes master" he said and disappeared again into thin air.

"Come on, let's go warm up by the fire" Regulus suggested and you nodded happy to be able to see fire. Once you reached the sitting room Regulus sat down and offered you to the same.

"Act like your home" he said and you smiled thankful for having Regulus around. Once your hot cocoa came something happened, your face went a bit red as you saw the cocoa mustache that Regulus was rocking.

"You've, you've got a mustache" you chuckled out and Regulus used a napkin to remove it as fast as he could. You chuckled a little as the two of you sat in a comfortable silence until you heard a thunder.

You had always been afraid of thunders after your best friend had been hit and killed by one. As soon as you heard the thunder you had scrunched more into yourself holding the blanket you had been given a little tighter.

"Are you afraid of the storm?" Regulus asked and you nodded a small red Color tinting your cheeks. "Yeah, I have been since I was young" you admitted blushing a little.

Regulus moves closer to you and held you tightly to himself, "it's okay" he said and you smiled still blushing. "Thank you" you smiled at him.

Soon you fell asleep in his arms, he was so warm and you felt really safe in his arms. You felt yourself being carefully lifted up off of the couch and you felt Regulus carry you up the stairs.

Once he was about to leave you perked open one eye, "please don't leave?" You questioned like a child. You didn't care if you sounded like a child, you were afraid and you had to admit it.

Regulus smiled and crawled into the bed, you instantly cuddled up to him falling right back to sleep.

Once you woke up you felt someone breath beneath you and you felt the breath tinkle the top of your head. You looked up a little to see Regulus awake, "morning sleeping beauty" he chuckled.

You sat up and looked at Regulus with big eyes, "what time is it?" You asked, "12pm" he answered and your eyes went even wider. "I'm late" you exclaimed and he chuckled, "what?" You shoot him a stern look, "it's Sunday, no store or anything is open" he said.

You sighed with relief and went back into the bed and cuddled unconsciously back up to him. "Okay" you said and took a deep breath of relief.

"Hey, I was wondering" Regulus started, "yes?" You asked, "I know we have never been super close but would you maybe. I don't know, want to go on a date with me sometime?" Regulus asked and you felt your cheeks burn up.

"Yeah sure, I'd like that" you said and smiled up at him.


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