James X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: saying yes to everything you're asked to do, short
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva
Posted on: 25/05/2021


I looked around the common room, the marauders sat in a corner planning some sort of a prank on someone. I couldn't help but look at James, James had always been my crush, since first year.

I had been friends with all four of them since we started school although this crush on James came soon after we began our first year. Too soon I noticed James come over in my direction where I had been sitting doing my own homework.

"Hey, Y/N" James said as he sat down beside me "hey" I said as casually as I could "me and the boys were wondering if you'd prank snivillus with us tomorrow?" James asked. And I took a deep breath before nodding "sure" I said quietly, James cheered before going back over to the other three.

'Why do I always have to say yes to him? Why can't I just say no?' I though to myself as I watched James sit down before going back to try and finish my homework.

The morning came too quickly for my liking, sure I loved watching the marauders prank other people but I had never helped them or taken a part in it. I didn't know what the hell i was doing or what I would be supposed to do.

I quickly pulled my cloths on and brushed my teeth, I hurried down to the common room to find the four boys sitting on the couch like they did every morning waiting for me. "Good Morning, how did you all sleep?" I asked as the four stood up seeing me coming down the stairs.

"Fine" they all Said as we made our way to the great hall, all of us talking and the guys explaining the prank to me. I was going to throw a stunning spell at Snape and then the boys were going to throw a lot of glue and honey and sticky things along with some red and gold glitter and some other paper things.

We all ate our breakfast then went to classes, after classes we all met up around the one eyed witch statue to wait for Snape to go to his class. When Snape walked past I stunned him with the stupify spell and the boys threw a sticking potion onto him while handing me some glitter and things.

Apparently I was supposed to help with the throwing, I took the glitter and paper things throwing them onto Snape. Unfortunately for us, professor McGonagall came just around the corner and caught us.

"Mister Potter, pettigrew, Lupin and Black, and miss Y/L/N?" Professor McGonagall asked the last name, I hung my head in a bit of shame, I wasn't one to get detention. "Detention all of you, my office right after dinner" McGonagall said and we all nodded knowing it wouldn't work to protest.

After dinner we all met up in McGonagall's office for our detention, she let us in and handed us brooms and wet cloths. "I want you all to clean the office without magic" professor McGonagall said and we all groaned 'really? The whole office' I thought to myself as we all got started on the task.

When we had been working for about five minutes professor McGonagall had to go take care of something after an emergency owl came to her. She hurriedly left the office although as soon as she was gone and the door closed the four guys started talking amongst them selfs.

I heard them talking about why I always said 'yes' to James but not the other ones, I groaned  quietly, of course they would have noticed, these boys. "Fine I like James" I suddenly screamed at them and they all froze, "you, you like me?" James asked stuttering while the other three seemed to smirk a little at that.

"Yes I like you James Potter" I said a blush forming on my cheeks as I said that, James strode over the office and kissed me on the lips. Butterflies flew around my stomach as I kissed James back, my hands going into his messy hair while his hands slithered around my waist.

When we pulled back James rested his forehead on my own before kissing mine "I like you too" he whispered at me. I pecked his lips as he took my hand and didn't let it go for the whole detention.

After the detention was over James pulled me away from the boys so they couldn't listen in on our conversation. "Y/N, I want you to be my girlfriend, I've liked you for years and I want you, I really want you" James said as we were taking the long way to the Gryffindor common room.

I smiled and nodded "of course I will be!" I then screamed excitedly and hugging James to me in a tight hug.

A/N = I am so sorry it's so short I just can't think of what else to put in here!

WC: 869

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