Harry X reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Best friends: Neville and the golden trio
Warnings: mention of death (no details), there will be a LOT of time skips! Sorry
Requested by: nobody


I looked back at the house where Y/N lived, the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I couldn't let her come with me, Ron and Hermione, it's too dangerous.

We'd be looking for horcruxes, we were wanted by the ministry where Voldemort and his followers controlled now. The world was scary but I knew, I hoped that Y/N would be safe at Hogwarts, or at least safer than with me and the others.


You watched as Harry left with the other two, you had begged him to let you go with him but he wouldn't. So now you sat in your bedroom crying as you watched the boy you loved more than anything walk away to his death.

Time skip till Hogwarts

You sat with Neville, Luna, Seamus and Dean in a compartment all of you just talking. Neville nudged you slightly in your side to get your attention, "you okay?" He whispered to you.

You smiled sadly and nodded at him, Neville was the only one that knew how much this was killing you. Going to Hogwarts without your boyfriend, watching him walk to his death and not let you come along.

Time skip till later that school year

You sat in detention for the 10th time this week, it was Sunday and almost Christmas. You hadn't heard anything from or about Harry.

You along with Neville, Luna, Dean and Seamus has started up DA (Dumbledore's Army) Just after school had started again.

Back to reality, you felt the pain from the cruciatus curse hit you again and again, that was your detention. You were used as a punching bad for the cruciatus curse for the 6th years to practice.

Everyone were way too afraid to ever stand up to any of the teachers, McGonagall was the only fairly nice one still.

Once your detention was finished you hurried as fast as your limping leg would carry you up to the room of requirement. Once you reached it the door appeared and you hurried inside, Neville came helping you to a couch.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Neville asked you and you smiled weekly, "yeah Nev, I'm fine" you said and he put his hand on your forehead. Yes the two of you often acted as if in a relationship but that was because Neville was like your brother. Your mothers had been best friends and so the two of you pretty much grew up together.

Time skip till the time Harry came!

You sat in detention, again, this time you only had to write lines with a blood quill, that wasn't as bad as some other things.

You were almost finished when headmaster Snape wanted everyone into the great hall. Once everyone from every house was in there Snape begin to speak.

"Harry Potter has been seen in Hogsmeade, if anyone knows where he is, or where he can be found please step forwards" he said in his regular boring voice. Your eyes became big, Harry was alive, he was seen in Hogsmeade, he wasn't far from Hogwarts.

A small smile tugged on your lips until you remembered that Snape would turn Harry in to the dark lord as soon as he would find him. You were zoned out until you heard the doors to the great hall open up.

You saw all of the order of the Phoenix there, then you looked to the middle where Harry's voice came from. Harry was here, Harry was alive and safe.

You smiled brightly, even though you only saw the back of Harry's head you knew it was him, nobody had that black unruly hair except for him. Remus saw you and motioned for you to come join them and you happily did.

You walked with them up behind Harry with your wand out in front of you, "your alright" you whispered so only Harry heard you.

Harry's head turned in your direction as quickly as ever and he smiled, knowing he couldn't get distracted. He turned his attention back to Snape who was trying to fight him.

Thankfully McGonagall came in and fought Snape till he fled with the other death eaters. McGonagall and Harry talked for a couple of minutes until Harry came over to you.

You smiled a small smile at him, Harry smiled back and hugged you tightly to himself, you breathed in his sent to calm yourself. Harry did the same, you felt him breath on your neck.

"Your alright, your safe, your not dead" Harry whispered trying to reassure himself you guessed. You smiled at him and kissed him quickly, "now what do I need to do to help?" You asked smiling brightly.

Time skip till after the war/battle

You found Harry sitting with Ron and Hermione and you went over, you hadn't seen Harry after he was said to be dead. You got tears in your eyes, "Harry" you called to him and he looked up.

Relief filling his facial expressions, "Y/N" and you two ran into each other's arms, "I love you" Harry whispered to you. "I love you too" you said and kissed Harry passionately, "is this all over?" you asked motioning to the destroyed great hall.

"Yes, yes it is" Harry said and you kissed him again, "we survived" you stated, Harry chuckled and nodded. "That we did love, that we did" Harry said and kissed you again.

Time skip till 19 years later

James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter, Harry and yours kids. Your two boys on their way to Hogwarts, James going back for his third year while Albus going for his first. Lily would be going in two years, you smiled happily as you rested your head on Harry's shoulder.

"We did it" you said smiling up at him while he nodded. "That we did" Harry Said chuckling as Lily rested her back up against Harry, my pregnant belly standing out.

WC: 1032

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