Voldemort X Muggle!Reader

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Your information:
House: none
Blood status: muggle
Happens in: just before and after Harry defeated Voldy at 1 years old.
Warnings: reader is a muggle, reader is kind of young (compared to Voldy), tiny bit of cursing, you have a dog named cookie (a cocker spaniel), you are super broke! Only really having money for essential food and rent, tiny mention of a dog death! (I cried while writing this so....)
Requested by: Michi-Kahoko
Posted on: 04/06/2021 (at 2am)


I walked out of the coffee shop with the hot chocolate in my hands trying to warm them up at least a little bit. All too sudden I bumped into someone spilling my hot chocolate all over the person.

"Oh no, I am so so sorry sir" I told him, looking up and seeing a quite the handsome man, most people wouldn't call him handsome. He was bald, almost pure white ski and a slit like nose, most people would find him horrifying or scary or disgusting.

I realized I had been staring and I instantly went to try to help clean his cloak up, "stop that you fool" the man said pushing me harshly to the side. I almost fell but watched him walk away from me and down a dark alleyway that had been just by the corner.


That insolent, stupid, dumb muggle pouring something this hot onto me and my cloak.


I ended up walking home in the cold December air without a hot chocolate, I had become short on money but had decided to treat myself to my favorite after getting full marks on almost all of my final tests. I opened the door to my rusty, tiny apartment as cookie came running up to me, I bent down after closing the door to greet her happy running form a small smile forming on my lips.

I looked at the time to see it was almost time for cookies dinner "come here, it's dinner time" I told her lightly slamming my hand onto my thigh calling her to me that way. I got one scoop of the dried dog food out and put it in her food bowl before filling her water bowl up with new water.

I looked into the fridge to see that I didn't have anything other than two apples, a pear, some butter and a tiny bit of jam. I looked through my cupboards seeing if I had any bread and I luckily did, I figured that a breakfast would be better than a proper dinner so I ate that one pear I had quickly.

Just as I had finished my pear, cookie decided to let me know she had to go outside so I smiled scratching her behind her ear a little. "Come on, let's go for a walk" I told her, as I put the harness onto her I told her all about that handsome man I had seen earlier, getting completely lost in thought about him until cookie licked my cheek waking me from my daydream.

"Okay okay, I'm coming" I laughed at her before putting the only jacket I had over myself  and my sneakers onto my feet I hooked the leash onto cookies harness and opened the door. I hurried down the stairs with her and out the door before getting to walking down the street feeling my fingers start to freeze at the evening air.

I had been walking cookie for about 10 minutes when someone stepped on her paw making her whine in pain and me quickly going to check on her. When I looked up I saw the same man from before "hey you, what's wrong with you? You already insulted me and I can take that but you don't hurt my dog without a scolding" I told him harshly turning him around as well.

The man glared at me for the second time today "leave me alone" he growled dangerously but I didn't back down, "apologize for hurting her" I told him having picked cookie up. The man scoffed "apologize, now" I said the anger bubbling up inside me as he wouldn't apologize.

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