Young!Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
Your house: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Warnings: fluffy (if that's even a warning)
Happens in: sixth year
Requested by: nobody


Y/N, one of the prettiest, most beautiful, cleverstes girls at school. Everyone knows me Sirius Black as the biggest play boy in all of Hogwarts.

I hated it, nobody knew about my love for Y/N, not even James or Remus or Peter. I hated that I couldn't tell anyone about it, although I knew the boys would just make fun of me.


You were walking down to the dungeons for a potions class, it was the only class that you didn't have with Y/B/F/N (your best friends name). You went inside and found a empty seat in the back, you always sat in the back in hope professor Slughorn wouldn't ask you any questions.

You were the first person in the classroom so you decided to just get your books ready and look over your notes. You knew you were going to be making amortentia, you hoped you could work alone, that way you didn't have to socialize with anyone. You see, you're the most shy person in all Hogwarts, you only have one friend and she/he isn't even a Gryffindor like yourself.

Soon the rest of Gryffindor's and Slytherins start to make their way into the classroom and you looked away from everyone. Until you hear someone sitting down beside you, you instantly know who it is.

Sirius Black, Hogwarts biggest play boy and the guy you had fallen in love with. Soon professor Slughorn came into the classroom and you sighed happily.

He started talking about amortentia and you listened carefully, until he started putting everyone in groups to work together. "And finally, Mr. Black and Mrs. Y/L/N" he said and your eyes became big as your head shot up.

No, no, I can't be working with him, why not anyone else, just anyone else you frantically thought to yourself. Sirius smiled at you slightly, "hey, I'm no good with potions, could you do most of the work?" He asked you. You being your shy self just nodded your head and went to get up to fetch the ingredients.

"I'll get everything, you just set the cauldron up" he said, and you nodded, you still hadn't made eye contact with him. You started setting up the cauldron, Sirius came back at the correct time, just as you finished getting it ready he came with all the ingredients.

You started putting things in and then handed Sirius the wooden spoon you two had to use to stir, "w-will you s-stir?" you stammered out quietly. "Sure" Sirius answered and took the wooden spoon out of your hand starting to stir.

Once the potion was finished you took a deep breath and blushed before going to answer the questions that professor Slughorn had given you. You looked slightly in the direction of Sirius to see him blushing and frantically writing something onto his pice of parchment.

You shrugged it off and went to turn in your work, you had put some of your potion into a vile for Slughorn. You turned your vile with your and Sirius' name on it as well as your parchment with the answers.

As you were walking out to the greenhouses you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder, you turned abruptly around. The only person you saw was Sirius and you sighed glad it wasn't one of the Slytherins.

"Hey? What's your name?" Sirius asked you and you stopped as you had continued walking. Nobody had ever asked what your name was, you looked at him for the first time in his eyes. Your own eyes huge, "Y- Y/N" you answered stammering.

At the end of sixth year

You sat down in a compartment waiting for your best friends to sit down with you, after that day you and Sirius had become close. He had promised to come see you on the train, you had lost Y/B/F/N before going on the train.

Soon the compartment door opened up and there stood Sirius Black. You smiled to him and he came and sat down opposite of you, "hey" he said. You had almost stopped stammering around him and were growing more and more confident and comfortable.

"Hey" you said smiling at him, "what are you doing this summer?" He asked you and you frowned. "Nothing, mom and dad said we would get some family over though, I think they might hope I'll find some good 'pure blood' boyfriend I could marry or something" you said.

Sirius frowned as well, "I'm sorry" he said, he knew how much your parents had been trying to find someone for you to marry. You smiled at him, "it's okay, I actually have someone in mind" you said then frowned deep. "I don't think he'd want to though" you said and you saw a small frown appear on Sirius' face.

"What?" You asked chuckling a little, "Y/N, I should probably tell you this" Sirius said. You instantly got worried, it sounded like he was talking about something important.

Sirius took a deep breath and looked at the floor. "You know I haven't dated anyone since we started talking?" Sirius asked you, you nodded. You had noticed he didn't flirt with anyone and he hadn't had a girlfriend which was weird for him.

"Well the reason is because I wanted to show you that I wasn't just a play boy" he said and his face flushed a bright red. Your eyes went wide with hope as your face flushed a pink color as well.

"You - you, like, me? as in, you have, a, a crush?" you asked bewildered, "yes" Sirius said and a huge smiled tugged on your lips. You threw your arms around Sirius and kissed his cheek.

"Well lucky me then because I also have a crush on you" you said confidently. Sirius' eyes widened and he stared at you in a shook for a couple of seconds.

"R - really?" He asked stammering a little, you giggled and nodded, "yes" you said. As soon as you said that you felt soft lips kissing yours, you smiled into the kiss and kissed Sirius back.

"Merlin, you don't know how long I've wanted to do that" Sirius said after you had pulled away.

WC: 1076

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