Percy X Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 4 years after Hogwarts graduation
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 25/09/2020


You sat down in the kitchen by yourself again that morning. Percy your fiancé the past three years went to work early, again, he had been going early to work and coming late home.

You were getting tired of it, in the mornings he had stopped waking you up with lovely kisses on the forehead and a quick 'goodbye'. He had almost completely stopped acknowledging you weather you were awake or asleep.

The days he was supposed to have off he would still go into work to make sure there wasn't any extra work he could do. You were getting tired of waiting for him to talk to you about the wedding.

It felt like he didn't even want to marry you anymore, that hurt almost more than the fact he almost stopped acknowledging you. You still sat at the kitchen table the daily prophecy in one hand and some cereal in a spoon in the other.

That's when you had to throw up, you had been getting really sick in the mornings lately, you were scared you might be pregnant. Percy has come home one evening half a month ago and had been really horny.

He had managed to get you into bed that evening and the two of you had had your fun.

After throwing up in the toilet you decided you had had enough, you put your muggle coat on and hurried to the muggle pharmacy. Once you got there you walked inside, and saw four isles.

You walked to the toiletries isle hoping the pregnancy tests would be there, to your luck they were. You took three of the only once you knew were reliable.

Then you found the coolers that had bottled water and went to pay for everything. Once you got to the register you smiled warmly at the teenage girl that was at the register.

She smiled back, told you your total, you paid and walked outside. As soon as you were out of the pharmacy you downed the bottle of water and hurriedly walked home.

Once you got back to your and Percy's house you were about to pee yourself so you hurried to the bathroom. You opened one of the tests up and peed on it, you put it by the sink on a pice of toilet paper.

You got up, washed your hands and waited anxiously for the three minutes to be over so you could check. Once the three minutes were over you shyly checked the test, positive, you got tears in your eyes.

You hurried down and downed another bottle of water, while waiting for the water to go down you opened the second test. Once you were done opening the second test you had to pee again.

You went back up the stairs and did the same again, after the three minutes were over you looked at the test. Negative, you sighed, although then you became confused and decided you'd take the third test as well.

Again you went down, downed a bottle of water, opened the third test and went to pee. Once the three minutes were up you checked the test, positive, tears were welling up in your eyes.

You were already afraid that Percy was cheating on you or going to leave you or something. Now being pregnant, having to raise a child on your own.

You shook your head, you were leaving, you quickly packed a bag with only your essentials before finding some parchment, ink and a quill.

I'm leaving, please don't try to find me
- love Y/N

You left one of the positive pregnancy tests on the table with the test and took some floo powder in your hand. You threw the powder into the fireplace before shouting out "the burrow" you quickly stepped inside.

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