Dudley X Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggle-born
Happens in: summer before 6th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 07/10/2020


You put your shoes on and called by to your parents, you walked out of the house in your sweeter. You always wore sweaters or hoodies or something like that, you never really wore T-shirts.

You jogged over to the playground where you would be meeting one of your closest friends, Harry Potter. You saw him sitting on the swing and you walked over smiling at him.

"Y/N!" Harry called once he saw you, you smiled and ran over giving him a hug, you hadn't seen each other since end of the last school year. Currently it was about middle of August so it had been quite some time.

The two of you sat down on the swings and just talked about this and that, you talked about how your summer had been and pretty much everything.

You had been in the middle of a exciting story when it started to pour down rain. "Come on! Mine is closer" Harry called over the loud rain and the two of you ran over to #4 private drive.

Once you got inside, you both started laughing at the way the other was. "Come on, you can borrow something from me" Harry said and the two of you walked up the stairs still chuckling.

Once the two of you got up the stairs Harry stopped in his tracks and his face fell, you put a hand on his shoulder because Harry was quite taller than you. He moved a bit as he stared at his cousin, you smiled a little and went forward.

"Hi, I'm Y/N, Harry's friend" you said putting a hand out for his cousin to shake. His cousin shook your hand and smiled a little, "Dudley" he said. "Nice to meet you, I go to school with Harry" you said explaining how you knew Harry.

"That's cool" he said, once you turned around Harry looked like he had lost his face. "Were, were you just, nice, to a witch?" Harry asked his cousin in surprise.

Harry has never told you how much his cousin hated witches and wizards and everything to do with that world. "Come on, you said I could borrow some clothes? I'm freezing" you said dragging Harry into his bedroom.

You knew where it was because of all the locks on his door. Once you were in there Harry was still confused by his cousin's actions, you laughed at him and opened his closet to try and find someone to steal from him.

"Do mind me taking these?" You asked as you head out a Weasley sweater and some sweatpants. "Not at all, bathrooms down the hall" he said and you nodded going to change into the clothes.

Once you had finished changing you went out of the bathroom to be met with the chubby chest of Dudley. You looked up to see him smile at you, you smiled back and walked past him.

"Hey, um, would you tell Harry that mom and dad won't be home for tonight?" He asked you, you smiled and nodded. "Sure" you said and knocked on Harry's door trying to make sure he was already dressed.

Once Harry opened the door again you walked in to see Hedwig sitting on the windowsill. You smiled at the owl with envy, you had wanted an owl since your first year but your parents wouldn't let you get one.

"Oh Harry, Dudley asked me to tell you his parents won't be home for tonight" you said and smiled at Harry while gently petting Hedwig's feathers. "Great! Do you wanna stay over? It doesn't look like the rain is gone to lighten up" Harry asked.

You smiled thankful to have such an amazing friend, "that would be amazing" you said excitedly and Harry nodded.

The two of you were just sitting in the kitchen drinking some hot chocolate to warm you two up when Dudley came downstairs. "Do you want some?" You asked lifting your cup up a bit.

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