Neville X Potter!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: you're Harry's twin, you have Lily's hair and James's eyes, kind of short I'm sorry
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 31/05/2021


I finally felt fresh air run through my lungs as I broke the surface of the black lake, I looked around, I saw Garielle Delacaure by my side struggling to keep on the surface. I quickly grabbed her and helped bring her to the doc where Neville, Hermione, Cedric, Ron, Fleur, the judges and Cho waited.

Fleur helped me get Gabrielle onto the doc while Neville came and helped me up, Neville and I had been best friends since first year. I had always been more of an outsider rather than being like Harry, my twin, who was outgoing.

I smiled as Neville wrapped some warm towels and warm blankets around me and I smiled at him until finally, thankfully Harry shoot out of the lake and fell harshly onto the doc. Hermione and everyone quickly hurried over to make sure he was okay as I kissed his head in an over worried way as relief flooded me seeing he was okay.

As we walked back to the castle celebrating that Harry had gotten second place for saving both myself and Gabrielle.

I looked at the back of Harry's head since Neville and I were a bit behind the others. "How was Harry on the way to the test?" I ask Neville slightly worried he'd been mean, "well" Neville began and I raised an eyebrow.

"What did he do?" I asked and Neville chuckled a little "he was just tense" Neville said "was he mean or rude?" I asked concerned. Of course Harry would have been rude or mean when he couldn't find his twin sister before a big task like this one, he was quite overprotective of me.

"I guess you could say that a little" Neville said as a slight pink formed on his cheeks, how dare Harry be rude to Neville, he never did anything to hurt anyone. I got mad at the thought of Harry being mean or rude to Neville, after this school year had started I had started to feel differently towards Neville.

I had started to grow a crush on the shy Gryffindor who had been my best friend since first year, I hadn't wanted to admit it to myself that I had a crush on him at first. At first I had told my self that it was just us growing up and that's why I was seeing him differently, then after Ginny almost punched some sense into me I figured it was a crush.

I suddenly snapped out of my mind when I felt arms warp around me "Y/N are you okay?" Neville asked concern lingering his voice. "Ohh yes I'm fine, what happened? Sorry I was lost in thought about what I'd do to Harry for being rude to you" I told him and he smiled a little.

"Well I caught you just before you fell over that tree root" Neville said as he pointed to a tree root standing out of the ground.

All too soon we were at the Gryffindor common room and a party was starting, as soon as we entered the common room I got lost from Neville and Harry. As the night passed on I noticed Harry going up to the boys dorm room and I followed.

I burst the door almost off of it's hinges as I opened the door into Harry's room, "what is wrong with you? Being mean and rude to Neville before the task. I swear Harry, he hasn't done anything to anyone and he wouldn't hurt a fly" I almost screamed at Harry not afraid of being heard.

Harry seemed to smirk a little at me before his face became back to annoyed "what's it to you? I know you two are friends I just didn't think you two were that close also I already apologized for that so" Harry said. I groaned "I care because he's my best friend and I'm falling in love with him" I told Harry sternly and he froze as the door got pushed open slightly.

I saw Neville standing there "Nev" I said shaking a little, afraid he had heard me "I'm falling in love with you too Y/N" Neville said and I stood there like I was petrified. Neville walked over quite quickly before putting his lips gently onto my own kissing me sweetly, just as he was about to pull away I pulled him back to me.

This time the kiss was passionate and heated before Harry coughed to break us apart "if you hurt her Longbottom I will make sure you'd wish that he who must not be named got to you before me" Harry threatened seriously. I gasped before hitting Harry harshly on the arm "don't you say that" I said sternly before looking back to Neville "you know how he is" I whispered to him and he nodded.

"Well then I guess you two are dating?" Harry asked a small smirk showing on his lips as he seemed to be happy about something. I looked over to Neville only to see him crooking his head adorably to the left as if asking me silently if I wanted that.

"Yes Harry we are a couple now" I told Harry taking Neville's hand into my own and pecking his cheek "I'm going to sleep, good night you two" I told them. Neville pecked my lips and I smiled at him before waving to Harry, just as I had left I heard Harry say something threatening to Neville.

WC: 958

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