Albus Severus X Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: a half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: ellarosesunflower
Posted on: 23/05/2021


I looked at the picture I had on my nightstand of Albus and I, Albus Severus Potter and I had been best friends since first year. It had been six years since we became best friends and it has staid like that for all this time.

Only one week until I would get to see Albus at school again, one week until September the first.

Time skip till the train

I looked into all the compartments until I finally found Albus sitting in a an empty compartment. I smiled before opening the door, "hi" I said as I opened the door, when I was just about to lift my luggage up onto the luggage bins (idk the name but the thing that they put their bags upon in the train) Albus stood up.

"Here, let me do that for you, you just sit down" Albus said and I smiled as a small blush came into my cheeks. I was tired of this, constantly having him make me blush like absolute crazy whenever he did something nice for me.

I was tired of having my heart both skip a beat and flutter whenever he would laugh, compliment me, hug me, pretty much just being around him. He was my best friend for the sake of Salazar, I hated that I always had to be like the teenage girl I apparently am.

"Y/N  Y/N" Albus said loudly waving a hand in front of my face, "oh sorry Al, I was lost in thought" I told him smiling apologizingly at him. "It's fine, I was just asking how your summer had been" Albus asked me and I smiled at him, "my summer was nothing special. I just staid home although from the daily prophet you had quite the summer!" I said exited to hear about it.

We always did this, never wrote lettered to each other through the summer so we wouldn't know what the other had been up to as well as we both didn't like writing letters they were always short and awkward. Albus chuckled "yeah, dad was furious when he found the thief in our living room holding a picture of grandma and grandpa Lily and James. He had that murderous look in his eyes that told everyone quite clearly that if the thief didn't put the picture down he'd kill him, it was quite scary. After the thief had put the picture down he attempted to run away from dad although mom had sent the head Auror a patronus and the Auror's were on their way, as well as dad sending a stunning spell at the thief. It was quite interesting but scary at the same time, no one had attempted that, sure mom and dad are famous and all but still, no one has ever tried to break into our house" Albus explained the whole extent of the story.

I gawped at him in wonder, "where were you and the others?" I asked. "Mom had gotten Lily and I into her and dads room as soon as we heard something down stairs while James had left earlier for a night time Auror training" Albus said.

I gaped once again at him, I was thunder struck, "were you and everyone else alright? No one got hurt did you?" I asked worriedly as I realized he had been home when this break in had been going on. Albus smiled sweetly at me and my heart skipped a beat while butterflies came into my stomach, "of course we are! Dad's an Auror and mom is a professional quidditch star!" Albus said and we both laughed.

"Why is it a good thing your mom's a professional quidditch star if she was in her and your dads room with you and Ginny?" I asked confused now. "Well, if she had had to go downstairs she would be able to throw a quffle at the thief and she can stretch way too much" Albus said and again we both laughed.

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