Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
house: a Hufflepuff
blood status: half-blood
happens in: 7th year
warnings: hard self harm, mention of suicide
requested by: nobody
posted on: 27/11/2020


I sat on the bathroom floor, more tears fell from my eyes as I made another cut on my wrist. I've been self harming for half a year now, why?, because of my boyfriend Sirius Black, yes, the Sirius Black is my boyfriend, why am I cutting them? he flirts with everyone he sees.

I don't understand what I did to make him want to flirt with everyone, I have always known I wasn't good enough, I have always known that he deserved something better but I just never had the courage to say anything. After we had been dating a year he started his habit of flirting with everyone, the first half of this whole year that we have been dating he wouldn't even look at another girl, then he slowly started to flirt with everyone.

At first I didn't understand why, then I came to the conclusion that he just does it to try and make me leave him alone, I haven't spoken to him in a week now, still I see him flirt with everyone like I don't even exist. At first I didn't even consider that he might be cheating on me but now, now that's all I think about, him holding someone else the way he used to hold me in the ROR (room of requirement).

Back to the now, I cut, one, two, three, then the door to the girls bathroom in the Hufflepuff common room opened up, "Y/N?" I heard my dorm mate call out to me, I swallowed the lump in my throat "yep I'm fine" I called out to her, "just a stomach bug" I added before hearing her leave the bathroom. As soon as she left I let out a chocked sob and went back at cutting, I had a red top underneath so the blood wouldn't go onto the floor so nobody could see it.

After ten minutes I finished up by healing my wrist and washing my bloodied hands and leaving the bathroom, I left the common room with my books hoping to get some study time in the library. Although to my luck there my boyfriend stood stroking someone else's hair out of her face and stroking her arm affectionately looking full on in a flirty conversation with the other Gryffindor girl who seemed to giggle at something he said.

I felt tears fall from my eyes and I hurried away, I ran until I was at the ROR, I went inside only to see a table with a sharp blade on it, I smiled sadly and went back to cutting my arms. After an hour of me cutting myself I started to feel dizzy, I attempted to stand up, thankfully I managed to get out of the room, the last thing I heard was Lily my best friend calling me and running in my direction before passing out from blood loss.


I sat at the Gryffindor table looking over at the Hufflepuff one hoping to see Y/N, yet again she wasn't there, I hadn't seen her since three days ago when I last flirted with that girl, I was just trying to make her jealous, trying to see if she would attempt to stop me, she didn't, sure it hurt to know that she didn't try to keep me and stop me from flirting but it was as it was and I kept going hoping to push her over the edge. I saw Lily walk into the great hall and she sat down besides Prongs, kissing his cheek then looking worried down onto her plate.

"Hey love, what's wrong?" Prongs asked his girlfriend, "Y/N is still in the hospital wing, madame Pomfrey doesn't know if she'll wake up at all, her puls isn't becoming stronger like it should be doing with the blood repulishing potion, she said if she isn't doing better by the end of this week then she'll have to transfer her out to St. Mungos" Lily said and I dropped my fork and knife. "Why is she in the hospital wing?" I asked Lily hoping nothing bad happed to her, Lily ignored me, that was different, "Lily?" I asked her and she looked at me "I thought you would be happy about this, you have finally done it, you made her attempt suicide" Lily said.

I froze, "what do you mean? why the bloody hell would I be happy about that and why is it that you think it's my fault?" I asked her surprised she thought I would do something like that. "She didn't believe me when I told her you never flirted with anyone in the common room, she thinks you're bloody cheating on her" Lily exclaimed attraking the attention of everyone in the great hall at breakfast. I stood up as fast as I could running to the hospital wing ignoring the calls and protests of the other three marauders.

I almost ran the door into the hospital wing down as I hurriedly looked around for the bed containing the girl I was in love with, I quickly saw her Y/H/C hair and hurried over to her side. I took her hand in mine ignoring madame Pomfrey when she came to try and make me go to my classes, I wasn't leaving her, not now, not ever.

suddenly I felt Y/N's hand twitch in my own and I shoot up straight in my seat and looked at her, madame Pomfrey hurrying over to see what made me move so suddenly, "I felt her hand twitch" I told her and she was quick to check if her puls was doing any better than it had just a couple of seconds earlier and she sighed with what looked like relief. "She's doing better" Pomfrey said and I felt my heart light up a bit, "Y/N I am so sorry for doing this to you, I didn't realize that me flirting with others was such a big deal to you, I was trying to see if you would fight for me, if you would tell me to stop, I never wanted this to happen" I said as I felt tears start to prick in my eyes.

"Si, Siri" I heard Y/N's week voice say my nickname that she came up with for me and I quickly looked at her my eyes big, Y/N's eyes looked at me with love and hurt in them, "I didn't think I was good enough" she whispered and I saw a tear fall from her eyes which made my own tears fall as well. "You'll always be good enough for me" I whispered back to her and she smiled a little before she used her energy to put her hand on my cheeks lightly pulling me closer, when I was close enough she pressed her lips onto mine, it was like the first time all over again.

WC: 1193

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