Remus X Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: Harry's 3rd year
Warnings: mention of death
Requested by: @magic_drops
Posted on: 16/10/2020


I sat in the great hall waiting for the start of year feast to begin, I hadn't seen any of the ghosts yet even though that was weird. I smiled sadly at the great hall remembering the good times I used to have with Y/N.

Y/N and I had been married for five years before she got cancer that couldn't be removed and she passed. It had been really hard for me to say good bye but eventually I did accept that she was gone and that I would never see her again.

Flashback 1 starts

I sat beside Y/N we were laughing about a joke I had told her, her laugh made me smile brightly. Once she calmed down she laid her head on my shoulder and smiled before burying her head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you" she said to me and I smiled kissing her head gently, she and I had gotten together yesterday and we were really happy, both of us.

Flashback 1 ends

I smiled sadly at the memory of my beautiful wife.

Flashback 2 begins

Y/N and I sat together in front of the fire in the room of requirement, it was December and the Christmas holiday. The two of us had decided to stay at school for Christmas, I simply because the boys were and she because I was.

I smiled at her as she cuddled her sleeping form further into my chest on the couch and a small snore escaped her lips.

Flashback 2 ends

I walked a bit further into the great hall only to be met face to face with, Y/N? I stated in shock. "Hi" she said with a smile on her ghost face and I felt my lips tug up into a smile, "Y/N?!" I exclaimed happy to see my wife again.

Even though I might not have been able to hug her or kiss her I was still seeing her. "The one and only" Y/N said chuckling at her own joke like she always used to do.

I smiled at her and felt the tears prick my eyes, "oh don't cry, Remmy I'm sorry" Y/N said in a hurry once she noticed my tears. "I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just happy tears" I said quickly drying them away.

"I'm glad to be seeing you again Remmy, you finally came to teach here?" Y/N asked and I nodded, "yeah I finally accepted Dumbledore's offer" I said and smiled at Y/N. "I was hoping you'd take the position sooner you know" Y/N said as I sat down at the teachers table.

"Have you been here long?" I asked and she looked down sadly, "yeah, since I passed" Y/N said and smiled a little at me. "Harry is in his 3rd year, can you believe it! He's already 13! He's growing so quickly!" Y/N said excitedly and I chuckled at her.

"I knew he was already here yes" I said and smiled at her, she was just as pretty as she had been before her death.

Soon all students were crowding the great hall and Y/N had to go check up on some Ravenclaw students. She was after all the Ravenclaw ghost so she was trying to make sure all students were good.

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