Harry X Malfoy!Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: your 5th, Harry's 6th 
Warnings: prejudice 
Requested by: nobody 
Posted on: 01/30/2021

I looked at my mirror reflection in the mirror of my dorm room, yes, I'm a Hufflepuff and a Malfoy, living on the streets is as hard as it gets when you're only 15, yes, I have been living on the streets since the beginning of summer when I wouldn't take the dark mark like Draco did. After being sorted into Hufflepuff most of my family didn't particularly like me, so when I wouldn't take the mark they celebrated after throwing me out of the house with my school trunk, thankfully my parents didn't remove all my money from my vault at Gringotts so I had enough for school books and food, nothing more though. 

Now, now I'm at Hogwarts, I have a roof over my head and I have a brother with the dark mark, I sighed before leaving the dorm room, nobody really knew I was a Malfoy, I still didn't understand how nobody knew. I looked around the great hall for the golden trio, thankfully we could sit at whatever table through breakfast and lunch, I found them at their usual seats at the Gryffindor table and I smiled as I sat down with them. 

I sat down beside Hermione, Harry being right in front of me and Ron on the left of him, Harry had his hair as messy as always and his green eyes sparkled like they always did, I smiled at the other three around me. I had always had a bit of a crush on Harry, it was almost unenviable, he was caring and sweet, yet still he was as good looking as always, sometimes it scared me how much I like him, I mean, a Malfoy and a Potter, that would be weird. 

"Have you guys noticed how Malfoy is sneaking around more this year than previous years?" Harry asked us and I sighed, "what is it about him now?" I asked, it was like Harry was obsessed with Draco, sure it made me a little mad, my crush obsessing over my older brother. "Harry thinks Malfoy is a death eater" Hermione explained and I froze to my seat, "why would you think that?" I asked Harry and he sighed. 

"When we were shopping for school supplies we saw Malfoy and his mommy going into Borgin and Burks, then it seemed as if they were meeting some other people, for example grayback, he's a werewolf and a deatheater, I mean his dad is a deatheater it's bound to happen at some point right?" Harry asked and I felt my throat get pushed together like I was chocking. I couldn't answer so I just nodded before quickly standing up and leaving the great hall after Draco, I quickly caught up with him, "Draco" I called after him and he quickly stopped and turned to look at me. 

Soon I was beside Draco walking with him to the room of requirement, I knew he had some sort of task, I didn't know what type of a task though, "the trio know you're up to something, Harry even suggests you're well you know" I told him, he may have the dark mark but he was still my brother, he had been the only one nice to me after being sorted into Hufflepuff although he was only nice when no one could see us. 

"What are you suggesting" he spat at me and I took a step back, and he glared at me "what's going on here" Harry said coming over to us, "nothing, it's okay" I told him and gave Draco a look begin him to be more careful as I dragged Harry away. "Now tell me what that was about" Harry said and I looked at him, I knew he would hate me afterwards, he would hate me when he found out I was a Malfoy, he wouldn't consider how I had been to him and the other two. 

I took a deep breath in and looked Harry in his eyes, "Harry, he's my brother" I told Harry and he froze, I saw the disappointment and hurt in his eyes before he walked away not saying another word. I looked down to the floor and went over to greenhouse three, I found some plants I had been taking care of for professor Sprout, I distracted myself by planting and taking care of the plants, I wanted to be a healer after graduation so herboligy and potions were important for me. 

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