Draco X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: a lot of time skips
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva
Posted on: 10/10/2020


You sat in the dungeon at Malfoy manor, you had been held captive for some time now. They had been trying to convince you to help Draco mend a vanishing cabinet that was supposed to be in ROR (room of requirement).

Then Mr. Malfoy came and pulled you up, he wasn't making any move to take you upstairs and you had learned to not try getting away. It was absolutely and utterly useless for you, they never let you go either way, they would just hold tighter.

"You will help Draco if you don't want your precious Gryffindor friends to get hurt" he said and you winced. They had never used the golden trio against you until now, "fine" you spat in his face.

Time skip till at Hogwarts

You sat in the great hall with Ron, Harry and Hermione, "Y/N, what's going on? Since we've gotten back to school you've been distant" Hermione said. You looked at her horror filling your expression as you shook your head before standing up.

"I need to go do something" you said hurrying out of the great hall and to the ROR to meet Draco. You had always had a bit of a crush on Draco, yes he was the mean bully that bullied your best friends.

You sighed as you entered to see Draco already working on the cabinet, you went up to him, you had been at Hogwarts for about two months now. "Hey" you said lowly, Draco didn't seem to like you a lot even though you tried to help.

"Ugh, this won't ever work" he exclaimed and you went up to him. "Maybe it just doesn't work because you're too focused on the task, maybe the cabinet is trying to tell you to stop" you said and gave a week smile.

"No" Draco said determined to make the cabinet work, "fine" you sighed. You're attempt that day hadn't worked, every day you would try to talk Draco out of doing this.

You saw that he didn't really want it, you tried but he would never listen.

After your attempt of each day the two of you would work in silence, most of the time,
"Y/N?" Draco asked, you looked in his direction and nodded, "yes?" You asked.

"Thank you, for trying to help, and well, save me from all this" Draco said not meeting your eyes. You smiled at him and walked over giving him a warm embrace, "We're in this together" you whispered.

Then you heard the door open, the two of you jumped apart to see who was at the door, Harry, now I'll be interrogated you thought to yourself. "Y/N, what's going on?" Harry asked and you shook your head, "nothing Harry" you tried but he wouldn't take it.

After an hour of Draco standing to the side while you argued with one of your best friends Harry finally left for you and Draco to work.

After that the three of them wouldn't even look in your direction, you knew exactly why, Harry had a feeling Draco was a death eater. Now that he saw you and him together he thought you were one too.

You felt a tear roll down your cheek but quickly wiped it away walking into the ROR to continue help Draco.

Time skip till just after Christmas

You and Draco had spent all the Christmas holiday working on the bloody cabinet, every day you would attempt to change his mind. The two of you had become quite some friends while working on the cabinet, so much so that you had confided in him after the golden trio had been ignoring you for a week.

He had been very supportive and told you they were jerks. You had smiled, dried your tears and went back to work on the cabinet.

Today, it was the day, Draco and you were supposed to let the death eaters in and Draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore. You sat with him in the ROR crying, begging him not to do it.

"Y/N, please stop, you know I have to, please stop" he said calmly trying to dry your tears away. Finally you stopped crying and let Draco go ahead with his task.

You stood in the astronomy tower beside Draco, Bellatrix behind you two and telling Draco to go ahead and do it. Although Draco was lowering his wand, you knew he didn't want this.

Then professor Snape came up, "avada kedavra" he said pointing his wand at Dumbledore. You saw Bellatrix become angrier than you had ever seen her and quickly gripped Draco's hand dragging him away.

The two of you ran into the dark forest, Draco quickly pushed your back up to a thick tree and pushed his chest up to you. He pressed a finger to your lips and you heard an angry Bellatrix come running past.

Then the rest of the death eaters came as well.

Once everyone was gone Draco hugged you tightly to him. "I love you" he said before pressing his lips to yours in a soft and passionate kiss.

After a couple of seconds of shook you kissed him back just as passionately, both of you glad to be still alive.

Time skip till 8 years later

You heard the door to your house close, you smiled as you waddled to greet your husband after his long hours at work. "Hello, how was work?" You asked as you took the coat from your tired husband. "Tiresome" he admitted kissing your lips softly, "what are you doing on your feet? The doctor told you not to do anything but relax" Draco said.

You rolled your eyes and kissed him again, "I can't just sit all day, I need to move" you said chuckling at his overprotective nature. "Y/N your just over nine months pregnant, I am allowed to be overprotective" he reasoned as the two of you sat down in the sitting room.

"I know" you said kissing him and stroking your bloated belly, you were expecting a little baby boy to come sooner rather than later in your hope. He had already stayed two days past his due date and you wanted him out, you were tired of mood swings and cravings.

Draco was also tired from you being moody and his work. You stood up to use the bathroom when you felt something leak down your leg. You looked at Draco with big eyes and he seemed to have caught on what was happening.

Soon you were at St. Mungos hospital holding a little baby boy in your arms with Draco coping over him in your arms. "He looks like you" you said kissing Draco sweetly on the lips.

"He has your eyes" Draco said and the two of you sat there in quite just admiring your sleeping boy.

WC: 1177

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