Harry Potter X reader

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Your information...
Your house = Ravenclaw
Blood status = Pure blood
Patronus = a dog
Requested by = obsessedteen_16 on Instagram!


You were walking down the corridor to go to Dumbledore's Army practice, you had joined because Harry Potter, your crush. Was teaching everyone how to defend their self because professor Umbridge wouldn't teach us anything.

You reached the Room of Requirement and went inside, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Cho, the twins and Neville were already there. This was just a extra practice for us that stayed over for Christmas break. "Y/N" Hermione exclaimed once she saw you, "hey" you said and walked over to them.

"What are we doing today?" You asked Harry who was standing with Ron and had obviously not seen or heard you come in. Harry had turned quickly around to see you standing there smiling at him.


I heard Y/N's voice while talking to Ron, it scared me so I turned around quickly to see I was correct, there Y/N stood smiling at me. "Sorry what did you ask?" I asked Y/N, she and Hermione chuckled a little "what are we doing today?" Y/N asked.

I smiled "the patronus charm" I said and smiled at her, only Hermione and Ron know of my crush on Y/N. Even though I told them about it I also told them that she was way too good for me and out of my league.


You smiled at Harry after he told all of us what we were doing today, only Hermione knew about your crush on him. Hermione and you had become really close friends in your second year after Malfoy called her a mudblood.

Yes you were a pure blood but you hated prejudice, your great great grandma had been a muggle morn witch and you had been raised to not care about blood status.

Soon everyone were starting to try and produce the patronus charm. You picked the memory when Gryffindor had won the quidditch match against Slytherin, Harry had hugged you afterwards and that was your best memory so far in life.

You smiled to yourself as you remembered the hug and cast the spell, it worked quite well after you had tried it a couple of times. When it finally worked out for you, your patronus took the shape of a dog.

"Well done Y/N" Harry said as your dog ran around the room looking for trouble, Hermione came and bumped her elbow in your upper arm. She smiled at you as she cast her charm for the 30th time, she managed to get a small otter out of her wand and she smiled at you again.

After DA (Dumbledore's Army) you and Hermione were about to walk out when you realized you forgot your bag. "You just go, I'll meet you in the library" you said as you turned around to fetch your bag.

Once you turned you never thought you'd see what you saw, it was Cho and Harry, kissing, your heart broke and you ran out of the room. Your H/L H/C hair blowing lightly in the wind (if possible) of the hallway.

You ran all the way to Myrtle's bathroom not wanting anybody to see you cry, yes you were crying hard. Of course Harry didn't like you, what were you thinking? You thought to yourself as you reached the bathroom and slid down a wall.

After about ten minutes you heard the door open and felt a soft hand on your back, "Y/N what is it?" Hermione asked you. You knew her voice and it was a bit calming to hear your best friend speak to you.

"He - he - he kissed Cho" you managed to say in between sobs and cry's, Hermione gasped in shock and put her hand back on your back. "It's going to be alright" she said and just stroked your back.

After we sat there for about ten minutes the door opened again, "oh there you are, wait what's wrong?" Harry asked. Hermione looked up at him and you felt her become angry as her circles on your back became harsh.

"You is what's wrong! What's wrong with you Harry!" She screamed at him before looking back down to you and rubbing circles back in a relaxing motion. "What? What did I do?" Harry asked, "kissed Cho" was all Hermione said and you saw Harry's eyes become big.

You instantly regretted looking up from your knees and looked back down, "wait, Y/N, do - do you have a crush on me?" Harry asked. You sighed and looked up at him your sobs not as violent as before and you nodded your head.

Hermione stood up and dragged a complaining Ron out of the bathroom, Harry walked over to you and sighed as you felt him slide down the wall. "If it's worth anything, I only kissed her to try getting over you, I never thought you'd actually like me back. I mean you smart, brave, caring and so sweet, I didn't think someone like you could like someone like me" Harry said and you looked up at him blushing.

"What do you mean someone like you?" you asked and Harry looked you in you E/C eyes and sighed. "Someone who's a coward" Harry said and looked back down on the floor, you couldn't resist any longer.

Ever since Harry had sat down beside you, you had just wanted to hug him, rest your head on his chest and let him stroke your H/L H/C hair. You decided you'd try to hug him, after all he did say he didn't think you could like him back, so what's the danger. You hugged Harry tightly to you and he hugged you back right away, "I'm sorry, I'm stupid" Harry said and pulled you so you were looking in his emerald green eyes.

You smiled slightly at him and nodded, "it's alright Harry" you said and Harry presses his lips against yours. You felt your eyes instantly close and you melted into his soft kiss, when he pulled away he smiled at you.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time" Harry said smirking and you chuckled a little, "that's fine with me" you said smiling at Harry. "Well, um, will you be my girlfriend then?" Harry asked you and you squealed. "Yes, yes, yes" you said excitedly and hugged Harry again, Harry chuckled a little and kissed your head.

Word count: 1092

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