Young!Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
House: former Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Other things: you're James' twin
Happens in: the fall after Hogwarts graduation
Warnings: Sirius is a muggle
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 18/09/2020


You sat in the passenger seat while James your twin wizarding brother was driving the car. You were ready to pull your wand out at any second if something went wrong, no you did not trust him, far from it actually.

Although you hated James every once in a while he was your best friend, and because of that he managed to make you join a muggle collage. You sighed as you entered through the gate on the car and found a parking spot close to both your dorms.

The two of you grabbed your own boxes and started to make your way to your own dorm, "meet me at mine once your done!" James called to you. You rolled your eyes but nodded at him.

You reached your dorm room and opened up with your key, you saw another girl filing her nails while a guy was doing all her work. "Um, hi, I'm Y/N Potter" you Said smiling friendly at the girl you assumed was your roommate.

"Hi" she said without looking up or introducing herself, you went into one of the bedrooms but it was filled with her stuff. You decide you'd just take the other one, although that one was also filled with her stuff.

You went back out and put your box down, "um, why is your stuff in both the bedrooms?" You asked trying to stay friendly. "Oh Your sleeping on the Couch" she said plainly, "wait what?!" You screeched, "no way" you said.

She stood up and gave you a snort before nodding, "yes way, my dad is the founder and principal. So if your thinking about complaining good luck" she said and laughed evilly.

You sighed and hurried over to James' dorm, once you found it you almost kicked the door down. "James Fleamont Potter I'm going to kill you!" You screamed as your twin wasn't in the living room.

You emerged scared out of one of the bedrooms, "hey, already done unpacking?" James asked you innocently. "I could be working at the ministry right now! But no! You had to drag me along into this hell hole. I'm sleeping on the bloody couch James! A bloody horrid couch!" You screamed again.

James' eyes widened, then you heard the bathroom door open, out came a very handsome guy, he had shoulder length black hair and gray eyes. "Oh, Y/N that's Sirius, Sirius that's Y/N" Names introduced.

"Hi" you said and he blushed a little "hi" he said and went into what you assumed to be his bedroom. Then you turned back to James and pointed your wand at him, "you better get me out of here!" You told him sternly.

"What about mom and dad?" He asked and you became even madder at him, "well guess who your sharing a bed with then!" You said sternly. You walked out of the room and got your boxes not saying a word to that bitch who was your roommate.

You walked back into James' room when you walked in Sirius was sitting on the couch with two other boys. "Hey, pads, why are you sharing a room with a girl?" One of them asked.

He looked up and shrugged, "I didn't know you were staying with your boyfriend" he said. At that you dropped your boxes and almost fell to the floor from laughter.

The three boys looked at each other, once you got your self back up you sighed before drying the tears away from your eyes. "Where's James?" You asked as you decide to let them think whatever they wanted.

"He went to hide from someone he would say who" Sirius said, you nodded, "that his room?" You asked pointing to one of the doors. "Yep" Sirius said, "thank you, oh I'm Y/N by the way" you said introducing yourself to the other two boys.

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