Young!Remus X Muggle!Reader (part 2)

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Your information:
House: none
Blood status: muggle
Happens in: the summer after Hogwarts graduation
More: you're from Iceland
Warnings: slight mention of cutting scars and death
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 12/10/2020


Once he was all cleaned and healed up and the other boys small scratches as well everyone went to their own room. Once you laid down you couldn't help thinking about Remus, the poor boy didn't deserve what he had to go through.

After about laying in bed for half an hour there was a small knock on your door, "come in" you called out to the person on the other side of the door. Lily poked her head into the room and then came in, "stay" she said to what looked like black fur.

"Sorry, Sirius was hoping his dog form would allow him to hear this conversation" Lily said and you nodded. She took her wand out and put what you assumed to be a silencing charm on the room.

"So, Remus huh?" Lily asked and you blushed, "i don't know what your talking about" you said hoping she wouldn't question you further.

"I saw you checking him out, I want to know what you think" Lily pestered you on and you sighed giving up. You knew there was no changing Lily's mind once she set it onto something.

"He's handsome, and adorable, and he's got such a sweet personality, I know I've only know him for about 15 hours but he's just so. So intoxicating" you said blushing furiously at your confrontation, "you've got a crush on a werewolf?" Lily asked squealing.

You nodded a little and Lily jumped up from excitement, "I should go back to James but we're continuing this talk. Oh and Remus' nickname is, where" Lily said and you nodded in agreement.

"Okay sleep well lils" you said smiling after her.


I walked out from my bedroom to see Sirius sitting as snuffles in front of Y/N's bedroom scratching at the door with his paws. I petted his bed before going into the bathroom, once I got out he was still sitting there.

"Sniffles what are you doing?" I asked him chuckling, Sirius turned back into human form and looked at me with big curious eyes. "I think they're talking about a boy since Lily put a silencing charm on the room" Sirius said.

I felt a bit of sting in my heart, does Y/N have a crush on someone? It couldn't be me. I'm not good looking enough to attract such a beautiful, amazing and caring person I thought to myself.

I shook my head and pulled Sirius away from the door, "stop eaves dropping" I said sternly.

Lily came out of the room chuckling to herself until she saw me trying to pull Sirius into his own bedroom. "What did he do now?" Lily asked, "he was trying to eaves drop on you and Y/N" I told her.

"Good try Padfoot" Lily said ruffling Sirius' hair before going into her's and James' room.


You smiled to yourself, the picture of Remus constantly coming back into your head, it was keeping you awake. You decide you'd just give up on trying to get any sleep and that you would just go early to bed.

You walked downstairs your phone in the pocket of your late brother's hoodie. Your twin brother -Jason- had died in a car accident on his way back from school about four months ago. He had been going to pick you up but there was a drunk guy driving and he killed your twin.

After that you always wore his hoodies to bed, no matter what season of the year it was, his sent still lingered on his hoodies. It had gone week but it was still there.

You were so stuck in your thoughts you didn't notice Remus standing in the kitchen until you bumped into him. "Oh my, I'm so sorry! I was lost in though" you said frantically trying to help him clean up the mess you made by bumping into him.

Once everything was cleaned up you pulled the hoodie further down your arms trying to protect the cut marks that you had made shortly after Jason's death.

"You okay?" Remus asked as he went over to throw the broken pieces of the mug into the trash can. "Yep" you said and put a fake smile on, "no you aren't, I can feel the smell of blood" Remus stated.

You smiled a little at him and nodded, "it must be one of my scars, I was scratching a bit at them earlier" you admitted. He smiled a little at you, "why do you have scars?" He asked curiosity falling hard from his lips.

You sighed and shook your head, "personal reasons, please don't tell Lily, she doesn't know" you said pleading for him not to say anything. Remus nodded and smiled a little at you.

Lily came trotting happily down the stairs, "okay so where likes you back" Lily stated. You almost spit the tee out that you had just gotten yourself, "Lily" you warned her not to be joking about this.

"I'm not kidding!" She exclaimed, "who's where?" Remus asked, you noticed something in his eyes, something like Jealousy. Lily walked over and put her hand on Remus' shoulder and had him look at you.

"What?" Remus asked his cheeks becoming a bit red, "do you see it now?" Lily asked you and you chuckled. "You" you said and Remus looked confused, "you're where" you said looking down blushing hard.

Lily left the kitchen to probably make sure no one would be able to interrupt you and Remus.

"You, you" Remus was at a loss for words, you could see his surprise. "I know we barely know each other but yeah, I do, I like you Remus" you said your blush becoming redder and redder by the second.

Remus smiled but then frowned and smiled again, that went on for about two minutes, "please say something" you said. You were preparing for a rejection from him, "I like you too, but I'm a monster, it can't happen" Remus said.

You quickly looked up at him, then you made your way over to him and put your hands on his cheeks creasing one of his scars with your thumb. "I may be a muggle and I may not know a lot about werewolf's but I'm ready to learn. And Remus, you are not a monster, you're one of the nicest persons I have ever met" you said looking him in the eyes.

His eyes were filling with tears and he let a couple fall and you gently brushed them away with your thumbs. "Give us a chance, please?" You asked and he nodded before ducking down and kissing you passionately on the lips.

You kissed him just as passionately back, once you two pulled out of the kiss Remus pulled you into his chest in a warm embrace. "Do you want to tell me how you got scars?" Remus then asked and you frowned a little.

"How about a walk?" You asked and he nodded and the two of you made your way out of the house after letting Lily know. "My twin brother, his name was Jason, he got killed by a drunk driver about four months back" you said looking down.

"I had become to depressed for some time, only having fake smiles on my face, you know the drill right?" You asked and he nodded. "Well I got into cutting myself" you admitted hanging your head down ashamed of yourself.

"I haven't told anyone and just please don't tell Lily? She'll make it out to be much worse than it already is. Since well, the two of us are like sisters" you said, "of course" Remus said still looking a bit shocked.

Then he pulled you back into a hug and kissed the top of your head gently drawing calming circles on your back as you felt your tears fall freely.

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