Sirius X Reader part 1

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 3rd year
Warnings: a lot of time skips and a swear word every now and then but not a lot
Requested by: solaymy
Posted on: 01/06/2021


I sat in the common room with the other three marauders as we played truth or dare, "so Sirius, truth or dare?" James asked me and I smirked at him. "Dare probgsie" I said confidently as James smirked and I almost regretted my decision of picking dare instead of truth.

"You know that Hufflepuff pureblood? Y/L/N she has herbology with us" James said still smirking, "yes, what about her?" I asked skeptically. "I dare you to make her fall in love with you and then break her heart, before the end of the year" James said.

I froze Y/N wasn't all that pretty but a dare was a dare and a Black never backs down from a dare. "Deal" I Said and we shook hands, I noticed Remus shake his head and Peter chuckle a little in the corner of my eyes as I sat back down in my seat by the fire.


I walked down the hallways of Hogwarts my head down like usual, I wasn't the prettiest of girls here, I definitely wasn't popular. I had been thinking about my potions test that I had tomorrow when I bumped into someone, "I am so sorry" I mumbled to the person.

"Oh don't worry about it, here let me help you pick your things up" Sirius Black said and I realized I had dropped my school bag and most of my things had fallen out. Along those things were my quill, spare quill, ink bottle, parchment, spare parchment and some school books.

"Thank you" I said great fully a small smile playing on my lips as Sirius handed me my books. "It's the least I could do, I'm Sirius Black, and you?" Sirius introduced, "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, it's nice to meet you" I said gently smiling at him.

"Hey do you maybe want to walk down to the greenhouses together? I think we have herbology together" Sirius asked and I nodded. "Sure thing" I said and we started making our way down to the greenhouses in the grounds.

Time skip till a month later

I looked over to Sirius as we sat around the black lake talking, I had my back up against one of the willow trees as Sirius lay on the grass with his head almost in my lap. "You can play with my hair you know" Sirius said and I raised an eyebrow at him as he kind of shrugged.

"Remus always says it's fluffy and he always wants to touch it, I just figured you might too" Sirius said and I chuckled before putting my hand gently into Sirius' hair. I gently messaged his scalp and plaid with his hair as we continued to talk.

I had been feeling differently towards Sirius these past days as we had become close after that day I bumped into him.


I noticed that Y/N was starting to fall for me and I smirked at the thought pretending to be smirking at something she said. Sure I had started feeling something towards her as well I just didn't know what it was, it sure as hell wasn't a crush, I would not let that happen.

Time skip till a week later


I looked at Sirius, he had said he needed to tell me something, we sat on a bench on the grounds, the fall air biting at our noses and ears. "Y/N, I like you" Sirius Said and I was shocked, did the Sirius Black just say he liked me as in he has a crush on me, no way.

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