Professor!Snape X Student!Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: huge age gap, Hebephilia (when a adult is attracted to a child/minor)                 
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 28/09/2020


You walked down the hall to get to the potions classroom. You decide you'd get there a bit early in hope you could see your potions master Severus Snape.

You found the door and knock on it, "yes?" Came the - what most students said dull - voice of the teacher you had fallen in love with. You opened the door cautiously and entered, "do you mind if I sit down?" You asked.

Professor Snape looked up at you and nodded without a word. You smiled and found a seat in the front of the classroom, potions was your favorite class. Only because it was taught by professor Snape.

You got your stuff out and set it on the table, before getting a small diary out that you wrote love letters in. You never dared to show anyone what you came up with because you were ashamed of it to be honest.

You looked at your potions master and then looked back down, a small note coming to mind.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Be my valentine,
For tomorrow too

You smiled at your book and then looked back up, you wished you could have the courage to send it to your professor even anonymously. Soon the other students started to trail into the classroom and you hurriedly put your book into your bag.

You found out you were brewing amortentia you frowned, why did you have to brew the most powerful love potion in the world.

Once the class was almost over you all were told to write down what you smelt and hand in a vial for Snape to grade. You did that although as all the students were leaving you stayed behind hoping to say a few words to your professor.

Once everyone was gone Professor Snape looked up from his desk seeing you still standing there. "Can I help you miss Y/L/N?" He asked curiously, "well I was just wondering professor" you said looking down from embarrassment.

"What would it mean if I smelt the smell of a professor in my amortentia?" You asked ashamed of your question. Professor Snape's face became stern, "that is a serious matter miss Y/L/N" he said.

You nodded "I know, it was stupid, sorry I asked" you said trying to get out of the classroom. "Which professor did you smell?" Professor Snape asked you, you froze and turned around with red cheeks.

"I'd prefer not to say, sorry professor" you said and walked out, you quickly walked up to your dormitory since potions had been your last class of the day. You sat down at your desk and started writing in your book, you had thought of another romantic letter.

You wrote it down but then you felt really drowsy, you closed your book and put it on your bedside table before crawling into your bed for some sleep.

You didn't wake up until the next morning for breakfast, you quickly got dressed and walked down to the great hall. It was a Saturday although you knew the owl's were supposed to deliver the letters today so you hurried to breakfast.

Once you got to the great hall you took your normal seat away from everyone else. You were said to be weird so you didn't have any friends in school.

After sitting in the great hall for about 15 minutes the owl's started sweeping into the hall. You looked for your own owl but nothing, she wasn't there, you felt a bit of disappointment. Neither your own nor your family owl was visible in the heard of owl's flying through the hall.

You saw one of the school owls land in front of Professor Snape though and you wondered what he was getting. Once he had finished reading the letter he walked out of the hall, the student way.

That was different, he never went out this way, he would usually go through the staff entrance in the back. Professor Snape stopped by your seat, "see me after breakfast miss Y/L/N" he said.

You felt a little heat sneak up your cheeks and you nodded, "okay Professor" you said, a minute later you finished eating and made your way to his office. You knock and heard him let you inside, you walked in looking a bit scared that you were in trouble.

"You wanted to see me Professor?" You asked, today was Valentine's Day and you had planned on going to get some valentines sweets from Hogsmeade. Then you had wanted to just sit in bed and think, not doing anything.

"What is this?" He asked his voice dangerously low, you looked at the letter he had in his hand. "A letter sir?" You asked confused as to why this was related to you.

He put the letter down, "read it" he said his voice still low, you picked the letter up and your heart dropped. It was the love note you had written in the class the day before, it had been signed by you.

Your face was red from blush and you looked up scared of his reaction, you hadn't sent it but you couldn't say you were upset one of your dorm mates did. "I - I" you stammered our not knowing what to say, "do you honestly think it's funny. Playing with peoples feelings?" He asked, your head shoot up, was he,? No, he couldn't be saying he felt the same towards you.

"I smelt you, yesterday" you said taking a huge risk telling him that. You saw his eyes widen and he looked shocked, then you saw something probably no one had seen.

He smiled, and blushed, you felt your own cheeks heat up a lot. "That's why you wouldn't tell me yesterday?" He asked you calmly.

You nodded your head "yes professor" you said, Snape smiled at you and nodded happily. "I feel the same" he said as he looked you in the eyes, a smile made it's way onto your face and you smiled at him.

The two of you stayed in his office the whole day just talking and getting to know each other. It was weird but it felt amazing, he liked you back and you had a chance.

Professor Snape hadn't wanted anything to happen between the two of you until you had graduated which you were thankful for was happening in a couple of months.

After your graduation

You smiled happily walking off of the stage and finding your parents in the seats, you sat down beside them and smiled. "Congratulations honey" your mother said smiling at you, "thanks" you whispered.

You were mostly happy you were about to see if your former professor still had those feelings for you.

"Miss Y/L/N, may I speak with you a second?" Severus asked you and you nodded leaving your parents behind. You followed him into his office when he pushed you against the wall, kissing you passionately on the lips.

You immediately kissed him back just as passionately, "I've wanted to do that for too long" he said and smiled at you. You smiled back and kissed him again, this time your hands making their way to his neck.

Once the two of you pulled out of the kiss you smiled at him as well, "now, be mine" Severus asked and you smiled bigger at him. "Yes" you said without hesitation, the two of you kissed again and left his office.

WC: 1285

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