Harry X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva
Posted on: 14/10/2020


Potions, your least favor class, even though you were very good at it. Professor Slughorn definitely made the lessons more interesting than professor Snape had done but the class was still boring.

You kind of zoned out while Professor Slughorn put everyone into pairs. He had already paired you with Harry and then Ron and Hermione had been paired much to Hermione's distaste.

You hated that you had to be brewing amortentia with the guy who you had a huge crush on. Yes you were best friends with the trio, Ron was like your brother while Hermione was like your sister. Although Harry, he had always been something else, he had always been special for you.

You had started to gain a crush on Harry in your third year, Malfoy had been exaptionally mean to you that day and Harry had almost had a duel with him. You remembered how it had made your heart raze at how much he cared about you.

Of course you cared a lot about him as well, although sometimes you weren't sure why you had been sorted into Gryffindor. After all you had asked the hat to put you in Ravenclaw like your dad had been.

"Come on Y/N!" Harry exclaimed waving a had in front of your face. You smiled and nodded, "you go ahead and get the ingredients while I prepare the cauldron" you said. Harry nodded and went to find all the ingredients that you two would need for the potion.

You had just finished preparing the cauldron when Harry came back to the table with most of the ingredients. "I couldn't take more in one go, I'll go get the rest" Harry said and you smiled before nodding your head in a simple 'yes' motion.

You smiled after Harry as he walked happily over to the ingredients. "Tell him" Hermione whispered into your ear as she passed with all her ingredients.

You cursed yourself for ever telling her about your crush on Harry, she never left you alone with it. You smiled sadly at her before shaking your head slightly to tell her to drop it, thankfully she did.

Harry came back and smiled at you that sweet, kind and loving smile that always fell on his face. You smiled back at him as he sat down, "you know how horrible I'm at potions, could you do most of the brewing?" Harry asked.

You smiled and nodded, "sure but you'll have to stir" you said still smiling at him. "You got yourself a deal" Harry said and you shook hands to finalize the deal.

Both of you chuckled a little and you and Harry got to the cutting of the things that needed to be cut. "Harry, can you crush the unicorn horn for me?" You asked as you handed the horn to him.

He took the horn smiling and starting to crush it down into powder while you were stirring in the cauldron. After good one hour the potion was ready and you and Harry took out your peace's of parchment and some ink and a quill.

You both wrote down how you made the potion and then it was time to take a sniff of the potion to see what it smelled like and share it. This is where you got extremely uncomfortable, having to tell Harry that you smelled him in the potion was your worst nightmare.

"So what do you smell?" You asked a bit scared of his answer, "let's see, grass, fresh air and your perfume. Pretty much to sum it up I smell you Y/N" Harry said and you blushed a furious shade of red.

Okay Y/N he did it you can do it as well you said to yourself in your brain before taking a deep breath and smiling. "I smelled, fresh air, broom polish, and your cologne" you said the blush still on your cheeks.

"So you pretty much smell me?" Harry asked and you made the mistake of looking up into his eyes. They were excited and full of hope. You smiled sweetly at him and nodded, "yes of course you dork" you said smiling and half laughing at his happy face.

You were finally out of class but Harry had to hurry up to Dumbledore's office to help him with something.

Later that night you, Ron and Hermione were all in the common room. You had told them what had happened in potions and that Harry liked you back.

For Ron it weren't new news that Harry liked you, apparently he wouldn't stop talking about you when everyone were trying to sleep. Ron also admitted that Harry had muttered your name in his sleep more than once.

You and Hermione had chuckled and smiled at each other both knowing you had mumbled Harry's name in your sleep.

Although now, you were sitting in the common room overly worried about Harry after he had been much longer away than he had said he would. Then you heard the common room door open up and when you looked around you saw Harry walking in with a tear stained face.

You rushed over and hugged Harry tightly to you before bringing him to the couch in front of the fire and sitting him down. "Harry, what happened?" Hermione asked worry filling her facial expressions.

"Dumbledore is dead, Snape killed him" Harry said and there was quite that consumed the four of you. Everyone else had gone to bed or were out sneaking about the castle.

Hermione and Ron decided to leave you and Harry alone to talk since the two of you were so in love.

"Y/N, what do we do now?" Harry asked his voice rasp from the crying he had done. You smiled sadly at him pulling him into a sideway hug and stroking his hair.

"I don't know Harry, I really don't know, I guess we just try holding onto the things and the people we love. It's the only option now, I mean we have a death eater for a headmaster" you exclaimed calmly.

Harry suddenly looked up surprisingly fast before he crashed his lips to yours. You sat there in shock for a second before you melted into the kiss and kissed back.

"I'm sorry but Merlin Y/N I love you, I have since first year. Please I need you" Harry whispered and you smiled resting your forehead on his.

"Please what?" You asked smirking a bit at him. "Be my girlfriend" Harry said as he smirked a little at you as well, "of course I will" you said and kissed him again.

WC: 1137

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