James X Black!Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 5th year
More info: you're Sirius' sister
Warnings: none
Requested by: ItzzzzAngelina
Posted on: 09/12/2020


I was looking for my twin brother Sirius Black, I hoped he would at least try to be nice to me this year, I found the compartment he was in, he shared one with his three best friends. I opened the door and smiled at the four boys sitting in there "hey, can I join?" I asked them but Sirius just frowned at me.

"No, go spend time with those snake friends of yours" Sirius spat at me, little did he know I didn't really have a lot of friends and my two only friends were prefects. Every year after we started school I had hoped he would become civilized with me again like when we had been younger, although it never did.

I left the compartment and closed the door feeling tears prick at my eyes, I wasn't going to cry, not because of Sirius, not because he was acting like always, I always wanted to tell myself that, although it just didn't work, I knew deep down that I was upset about him acting like that to me in front of James Potter. I knew he always pinned after Lily Evans although I couldn't help myself falling for him, he had stood up for me when some Ravenclaws had made fun of me for not having had the time to do my homework. After that I noticed how kind and caring he could be when he wasn't pranking anyone or anything like that.

I thankfully found a fairly empty compartment, only one guy in there, "do you mind?" I asked him but he just shook his head not answering me, "I'm Y/N" I said holding my hand out, I didn't know the boy yet he had Slytherin robes on and he looked to be around my age. He finally looked up and smiled, "I'm john" he said shaking my hand a smile on his face, I instantly knew from his accent, he was from the states.

"A transfer?" I asked and he chuckled, "that obvious?" he asked and now I chuckled again and nodded, "yeah for me at least, I've never seen you around yet you're wearing Slytherin robes and you seemed to be around fifth year" I told him and he nodded. "Yeah I'm going into my fifth, what about you?" he asked and I smiled, "me too, I'm in Slytherin as well" I told him and he smiled, through the whole train ride we talked about this and that.

Once we got to Hogwarts we laughed as we entered and I introduced him to my two best friends and we all laughed happily finding our way to the Slytherin table and sitting down.

A month into the school year everything was going as it usually went, Sirius was ignoring me and when he did speak to me he didn't do it nicely, John had gotten used to me ignoring my brother when he did speak to me and used to the way my brother spoke to me.

I walked from a late night study from the library and to the Slytherin common room when I heard someone moan, I wasn't sure where it came from so I kept walking but walked carefully forwards. That was when I saw my worst nightmare, James, the boy I had fallen in love with and Lily, the girl he fell in love with, snogging each others faces off, I felt the tear come to my eyes and I ran to the common room.

The only two people still awake were (Y/B/F/N) (Y/B/F/2/N) (your best friends name and your second best friends name) They saw my tear stained face and instantly came over to see what was going on. I told them all about what I had seen on my way to the common room, I told them all about my feelings for James for the first time ever since I found out about them, I had never mentioned them to anyone so they didn't know.

Another half a month into the school year the first Hogsmeade weekend was coming up and everyone were excited about it, everyone except for me, I didn't really plan on going, I was planning on staying in and not do a thing. Although John came into the common room of the weekends first morning and sat down beside me, sure he was handsome and sweet and it was easy to have a crush on him really.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could take you down to Hogsmeade? the other two went with their significant other and I figured since neither one of us has anyone to go with we might go together as well a date?" he asked and I smiled. "Sure, let me go get dressed in something more appropriate" I told him and he nodded, "okay, I'll wait here" he said and I nodded before standing up and going into the girls dorms.

After fifteen minutes I was dressed and ready so I went down stairs and smiled at John before taking his outstretched hand and smiled more at him, "thank you" I told him as we walked out of the common room and up to the entrance hall. We made some easy conversation while laughing a little every now and then about something the other said, he really was a great guy, yet I still had James plastered on my mind, I hoped that I could remove him for some time today.

The first thing we did was go to the three broomsticks to get some butterbeer, John being the gentleman that he is insisted on paying for mine as well so we sat down at one of the booths in the back with our drinks and continued talking. I noticed how John was moving closer to me and I smiled, "do you mind if I maybe kiss you?" he asked and I shook my head, he was too close for me to try and speak at all.

Then his lips were on mine and it felt, I don't know how it felt, it didn't feel right that's all I'm positive about, it didn't feel right, it wasn't smoot or sweet, yet it wasn't the opposite either, it just wasn't right. After we pulled apart I felt a tiny blush form on my cheeks, my first kiss had just been awful and I hated that it had been John to take it and not James.

Before I caught myself I was excusing myself away and running out of the three broomsticks, I ran until I bumped into someone, I was quick to apologize to whoever it was before the person grabbed my arm and pulled me into a dark alley way. "What?" I spat becoming protective of myself, I was often in trouble for protecting myself with the teachers because apparently I'm so badly behaved.

"I just want to talk" I heard James' voice say and I felt my heart break a little at the desperation in his voice, "fine, talk then" I told him my sweet persona coming back to me. "Do you like him?" James asked and I was shocked, "who?" I asked and James sighed, "the guy you were kissing in there" James explained and I shook my head knowing he was talking about John. "Not really no, I just didn't really know what to do, why?" I asked and he sighed a bit before continuing to speak.

After he had finished speaking I became mad at him, how dare he say that I can't kiss someone, how dare he try to control me, "how dare you?" I asked him, it was obvious that I was offended by my voice sounded and the way he flinched. We ended up arguing over this for about 20 minutes our voices became louder and louder as we went further into the argument and my face redder and redder from anger.

"Fine don't mind me and my love for you!" James screamed at me and we both froze to the spot, "wh - what?" I asked surprised, "I love you Y/N" James said more quiet now and I looked at him still frozen to the spot. "You - you love - me?" I stammered out my question and he nodded, "yes" he confessed and I was even more shocked, "what about Lily?" I asked dreading the answer.

"I only used her to try and make you jealous and to not make your brother hate me for trying to get it on with you" James said and I chuckled, "it's not like he cares anyway" I told him before smashing my lips onto his. This kiss was magical, it was right, James kissed me back almost immediately, there were butterflies in my stomach as I felt James' arms slither around my waist and I felt my hands move into James' hair.

When we broke apart for air we were both smiling like complete idiots "I love you too" I told him and he kissed me again.

WC: 1540

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