Luna X Fem!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: muggle-born
Warnings: none
Requested by: Azureman136
Posted on: 04/09/2020


You snuck out of Hogwarts and walked slowly but quietly to the shrieking shack, it was the full moon. You cast the spell to make the tree freeze and you snuck down the secret passage way.

Once you reached the shack you sighed knowing what was about to come. You went up to the bedroom and waited for the moonlight to hit you.

You saw the moonlight and you started to feel your bones regrow into the once of a wolf. You tried your best to think about happy thoughts about Luna, Luna Lovegood, your crush since second year.

Your crush the past three years, you had just started your fifth year at Hogwarts, you had been a werewolf for four of those years. You had been bitten by a werewolf while walking around in the forests around your house the Christmas of the first year.

You felt your whole body being taken over by the werewolf in you.

The next morning you woke up alone in the shrieking shack like always after your transformations. You quickly put all your clothes back on and hurried to the hospital wing to get your scratches patched up.

Once you reached the hospital wing you saw Luna pacing in front of the big doors waiting for someone. "Luna?" You asked the worried Ravenclaw girl in front of you.

"Y/N" she screeched and hugged you tightly, you winced are the pain that ran through your body as she hugged you. She instantly pulled away, "what happened? Where were you?" She asked frantically following you into the Hospital wing.

She didn't seam to mind that you had just walked into the Hospital wing while it was supposed to be closed. You sat down at your usual spot waiting patiently for Madame Pomfrey to come out.

"I, I, well" you stammered to answer her question, you were afraid she'd stop being your friend once she found out that you were a werewolf. "Ah! miss Y/L/N, let me see" Madame Pomfrey said as she walked in your direction.

"This Must have been a bad moon" she said as she smeared some healing paste into your scars. "Yeah" you mumbled ashamed.

"Wait, you're a werewolf?" Luna suddenly asked having put the pieces together, "yeah" you mumbled again ashamed to be one. Once Madame Pomfrey was finished she walked away although she wanted you to stay in till your first class of the day.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Luna asked you, you smiled sadly at your lap, "I was scared" you admitted to her. Luna took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as she smiled at you, "I don't care, I still like you" Luna said smiling at you.

Your heart fluttered at that, "w - what?" You asked surprised and confused. "I like you" Luna said again. You looked up at her and smiled a little, "I like you too" you said and Luna smiled even brighter at you.

"Well then be mine?" Luna asked and you nodded quickly ignoring the pain in your head "yes I'd love to" you exclaimed. Once your first class was about to start you and Luna walked together down to potions.

The two of you walked down to the dungeons hand in hand, once you reached the classroom you sat down beside each other.

You tuned out most of the class as it was just a potion you had learned ages ago in your own free time. You loved potions more than anything so it wasn't anything out of the blue.

Once potions was finished Luna dragged you with her to the front, all your teachers knew about your condition so they would usually go easy on you after and just before a transformation. "Professor Slughorn?" Luna asked as she reached your potions teacher after the end of class.

"Ahh miss Lovegood, miss Y/L/N, what can I do for the two of you?" He asked, "could you teach me to brew Wolfsbane potion?" Luna asked. Your eyes became big, "Luna, what are you doing?" You whispered to your now girlfriend.

"Helping" she whispered back to you, "oh well I suppose I could, what do you need that potion for?" professor Slughorn asked her. "Academic research" Luna Said not seeming suspicious to anyone.

Professor Slughorn nodded, "very well then, come by after your classes today yeah?" He asked Luna and she nodded. "Thank you sir" she said as she pulled you with her out of the classroom.

The next full moon

You were packing a small bag to bring with you to the shrieking shack when Ginny told you Luna was there to see you. You hurried down the stairs and out of the common room to see Luna standing there holding a potion of some sort.

"Here" Luna said handing the potion out to you, "Luna, love, what's that?" You asked suspiciously. "Wolfsbane you dummy" she said and pushed the vial into your hand. You looked at her with big eyes, "you didn't, Luna, how long did this take?" You asked lovingly taking her into a tight hug.

"Not that long honestly, I thought it would take much longer" she admitted, you looked at her with loving eyes and pecked her on the lips. "Your amazing, thank you" you said smiling at her, "no problem" she answered smiling at you as well.

"Now you should hurry" she said and you nodded hurrying to grab your bag. You saw Luna waiting for you outside the common room.

"What?" You asked chuckling, "I'm walking you out" she said holding her hand out for you to take. You smiled gently at her and took her hand in yours intertwining your fingers together.

Once the two of you were at the entrance Luna kissed you passionately on the lips, "good luck" she said smiling at you. You smiled back and nodded, "thank you" you said and made your way back to the shrieking shack.

Once you got there the moon was just rising, you felt your bones regrow into the once of a wolf. Although once that pain was over you instantly fell asleep with the Wolfsbane potion in your vains.

Once you woke up you smiled and thought about Luna, you hurried to the hospital wing to get checked out by Madame Pomfrey. Again you saw Luna pacing in front of the doors until she saw you.

She ran up and hugged you to her, "I'm glad you look okay" she said and you smiled. "Thanks to you I'll never have to be afraid of having killed someone" you said smiling at her warmly.

A/N = Sorry this is short although I hope you liked it!

WC: 1141

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