James X Bullied!Reader

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Your information:
Your house: Hufflepuff
Blood status: a pureblood
Warnings: mention of abuse and bullying
Requested by: nobody


You were walking down the hallways of Hogwarts keeping your head hung low like you always did in the hallways. You were on your way to the library to study, you hoped you wouldn't bump into the marauders.

Although unlucky for you, that's exactly what you did, "hey look, it's Y/L/N" James the main kid in there said to his three friends. Nobody knew you had grown a crush on the boy that constantly picked on you and bullied you roughly.

They caught up to you and James threw your books out of your arms before laughing at you. "Where you going Y/L/N?" He asked you but you ignored him frantically trying to pick all your books up.

Thankfully your best friend Y/B/F/N came and helped you out, she was a Gryffindor and always stood up for you when you needed her to. "What, you getting someone else to speak up for you? You're a disgrace to everyone even your parents" he spat at you.

That's when he went to far, your eyes became blurry and watery as you left your books on the floor and ran away.


James just told Y/N that she was a disgrace to her parents, that's when I lost it. "How dare you say that to her! You have no idea what the bloody hell she goes through at home. She lives in a bloody abusive home!" I screamed at the four marauders.

James' eyes became wide and I saw regret flash over them, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he whispered lowering his head.


You ran into moaning Myrtle's bathroom, you instantly fell down the wall after the door had been closed behind you. Your glamour spell falling off of your body and all your old and new bruises became visible on all of your body.

You could see more of purple and blue on your skin than your own skin color.

After you sat there crying for about 15 minutes you heard the door open up, "Y/N?" it was James' voice. You desperately tried to put all the glamours on yourself again but you were too upset to even perform the simplest magic.

James unfortunately found you sitting up against the wall, you didn't look at him although he looked at you. He sat down in front of you and put a hand on your knee, you flinched away from him, he instantly took his hand away.

"Y/N I am so so sorry, I didn't know, I didn't mean" he said, you heard his voice break a little as he tried to talk. You finally looked up at him and you saw tears start to build up in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I have bullied you for years, I know you probably don't want to forgive me but please try to. The only reason I ever bullied you was because I was hoping my huge crush on you would disappear, it didn't. Well it only grew and Merlin that crush grew into love and when I saw you running away I knew I messed up bad time. Can you please, please forgive me?" James asked you, his voice broke a couple of times and two tears fell from each one of his eyes.

You lifted you hand up to remove the tears and softly pressed your lips against his, he instantly kissed you back holding your face gently. "I like you too" you said once you pulled away.

A/N = So sorry it's short!

WC: 623

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