Harry X Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: small mention of abuse
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 04/11/2020


You sat in the common room hoping you could talk to your boyfriend Harry later that evening. Hopefully he would come and meet you in the ROR (room of requirement) like he promised he would.

He had been ignoring you a lot lately and it hurt you, he would spend all his time with Ron and Hermione in their common room while you sat and waited for him to have time for you.

You weren't necessarily popular around Hogwarts so it took a lot of people by surprise when Harry had asked you to the Yule ball last year and then wanted to start date you. You had happily accepted his offer to go with him since no one had asked you and you were pretty sure no one would.

"Y/N come on, you have to go to ROR to meet Harry unless you want to be late" Luna reminded you, she might have been a year younger but she and you were great friends. You nodded your head and stood up clutching the letter you had gotten from your dad in his hand.

You parents were getting divorce and you were to stay with your abusive father through all Holidays, and with Christmas coming up you just needed Harry to hold you. You reached the ROR and walked in hoping Harry was already there, you had told Luna why this was so important for you.

It wasn't like you could just walk up to Harry in the hallways and ask him why he had been ignoring you, with Umbridge in full control of the school girls and boys couldn't even socialize. So your only option was to write to Harry and this wasn't something you wanted to tell him through a letter.

You had been waiting in the ROR for almost five hours busying yourself with books and looking around at a stack of mess around yourself. You gave up on waiting and made your way slowly to the Ravenclaw common room.

On your way you saw Hermione walking in your direction, you hadn't realized you were crying until she stopped you. "Y/N, what's wrong?" She asked calmly, at least she cared.

"It's nothing" you said trying to brush it all off and stop crying. "It obviously isn't nothing since your crying" she stated and you nodded before running down the wall and pulling your knees up to your chest.

"My parents are getting a divorce and I'm supposed to live with my abusive father, I was planning on telling Harry tonight but he didn't show up, it's not like I'm surprised, he never shows up when he says he is, i just really needed him tonight" you said as the tears flew down your cheeks. "Oh Y/N" Hermione Said putting her arm around your shoulders and giving you a sideway hug while rubbing soothing circles on your upper arm.

"I don't know what I did to make him ignore me like this in person, he answers my owl alright" you cried out into Hermione's shoulder. The two of you had become quite some friends after you had started to date Harry so it wasn't awkward for you to tell her what was going on.

"I'm sure there wasn't anything you did to make him behave like this, I'll scold him for it don't worry" Hermione said reassuringly. "No don't do that, if he can't see what he's doing himself then so be it, I'll just ignore him back" you said. You knew it was childish of you to act like this but you had always been very childish in nature.

Hermione sighed and then nodded "okay" she said, both of you were as stubborn as a donkey that wouldn't move so she knew that nothing could change your mind.

Throughout the week you ignored Harry and it didn't seem like he even noticed, he didn't send you any letters to try and communicate with you and that was what hurt the most. He didn't seem to give crap about you.

You sat in the library one evening doing your potions homework when you heard the door open and Ron and Harry walked in with Hermione on their tail. The two boys looked around until Ron pointed in your direction, Hermione grabbed Harry's arm before he could make his way over.

The three of them seemed to whisper something between themselves and then Harry looked in your direction a shocked expression on his face.

You looked back down to your homework hoping he wouldn't come over to you, unfortunately for you he did. "Y/N we need to talk, please" Harry said gently but you acted like he hadn't said a thing to you. "Y/N, maybe you should speak with him" Hermione's soft voice then said and you looked at her bewildered.

"I didn't think I mattered enough for him to waist one hour with me when I needed him the most so why should I even waist a minute on him?" You asked Hermione. Harry's eyes became the size of tea cups as he heard what you just said and you could see the realization hit him hard.

You looked back down to your homework but Harry pulled you out of your chair and smashed his lips onto yours not caring if he got detention for it or not. You relaxed almost instantly into his arms as they snaked around your hips and held you tightly to him.

"Y/N, I am so sorry, I didn't even realize I was hurting you, please give me another chance, I love you" Harry said and you smiled sadly at him. "We're in the library, a crowed has gathered and I love you too, of course you get another chance" you said and kissed him again.

After that you told Harry about your parents divorce and he had hugged you tightly and let you cry some more into his shoulder. The rest of the school year went smoothly and Harry spent a lot more time with you than he had ever before.

He would insist that the two of you would do all your homework together and he wouldn't take no for an answer. If he was even a second late he would apologize furiously and hug you tightly.

WC: 1081

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