Harry X Potter!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: a completely platonic relationship
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva
Posted on: 05/10/2020


You walked down to the dungeons to try and find your brother. Thankfully you found him just as he exited the Slytherin common room, "Draco!" You called to him and he looked in your direction.

"What now Y/N, you know how busy I am with well you know!" Draco exclaimed. "I know I just wanted to talk to you" you said giving Draco your puppy eyes.

"What is it?" He asked impatiently for you to continue, "I'm going to be working with Harry for some time. Do me the favor of not being as mean to him, it's not our decision, it's Dumbledore's" you asked your brother.

Draco looked at you tiredly and nodded, "fine, if" he said pausing a little, you knew where this was going. "If I help you with the closet right? Come on, how often do I need to tell you I don't want any part in that" you said.

"That's your decision" Draco said and walked away leaving you to think about everything. You walked into the great hall hoping to catch some breakfast before the first class of the day.

You found Neville your boyfriend and Harry one of your closest friends sitting together with Ron and Hermione arguing about something that most likely was stupid. "Hey" you said kissing Neville on the cheek as you sat down beside him.

"Hi, where were you? Hermione Said you had gone before she woke up" Harry said while Neville held your hand under the table. "I was talking to Dray or well, trying to talk to him" you said and sighed.

After Draco your brother had gotten the dark mark last summer he had been distant and closed off from everyone. Neville squeezed your hand gently showing you everything would be alright. You smiled to Neville showing him how you appreciated his support.

"We have potions with Slughorn Harry, are you ready?" You asked him and he nodded with some food in his mouth. The two of you had seen a faked memory that Professor Slughorn had given Dumbledore. Dumbledore had asked you and Harry to work together to retrieve the correct memory.

You, Neville, Harry, Ron and Hermione hurried to potions once all of you had finished your food. Ron, Hermione and Harry sat down in the absolute back while you and Neville sat down in front of them.

After you had attempted to brew living death Harry had brewed a perfect potion and had gotten a 12 hour supply of liquid luck as a price. The five of you made your way to your next class and had some fun through the day.

Once most were doing late homework you and Harry sat in the common room trying to figure something out as to how to get the memory. You had figured you could just go ahead and ask professor Slughorn the same things Voldemort had asked him.

Although then you pointed out that he might not want to talk about it and become closed off or something like that. If that were to happen then all the progress you and Harry had gotten with him as to get him to trust the two of you would be gone to the dogs.

Although you and Harry hadn't figured anything else you could possibly do to get the memory so you had decided it was worth the try. Just ask him and see how it went.

The next day you both woke up early to try and plan how the two of you would possibly ask him about the memory. You would have a double potions in the end of the day so you did have quite some time but wanted to get it over with.

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