James Sirius X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: a bit of cursing
Requested by: ellarosesunflower
Posted on: 21/05/2021


James Sirius Potter, captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, my best friend since first year, a loved boy, a prankster and the guy I had fallen in love with. Yes I Y/N  Y/L/N  a simple half-blooded witch fell in love with the James Sirius Potter, most people would laugh at that.

Most people would tell me 'James doesn't do love or relationship, he's like the man he's named after Sirius Black. Always a girls man never a date you man' that's what everyone would tell me if I ever told anyone about my feelings.

I looked to my left where James sat doing his homework, I was supposed to be doing my own, I couldn't consentrait on my work. James looked up from his homework and looked at me before laughing. The two of us would joke with each other by flirting, never meaning anything with it.

I smiled before we both looked back at our own homework's, again I couldn't consintrait on my work. After an hour of trying I groaned "what's wrong?" James asked me, looking up from his own homework.

"Just tired" I said smiling weekly at him, it was already midnight, we had a potions test tomorrow morning to prepare us for our NEWT'S. "Here let me help" James said as he moved a bit closer to me, I squealed and moved away.

"No thanks I'm good, I'm just going to go to bed" I told him before quickly packing my bag and going to the girls dorms.


I looked after Y/N as she left the common room, I wish she would have let me help her with the test preparation but she wouldn't. Lately she had been more distant, like she was trying to ignore me.


I groaned, I've been trying to get over James for about a month, if anyone knew of my love for the Potter boy I'd be doomed. Although that's not to say that I hadn't told Lily Luna Potter, James little sister by two years about this love of mine.

Lily had been very supportive and said I needed to tell him, like hell I would ever tell him, he was my best friend. I laid down on bed signing contently, all the girls in my dorm room had already gone to sleep and were snoring quietly in their own beds.

All too soon I woke up not even having realized I had fallen asleep in the first place. "Y/N, we have class in 10 minutes" one of my dorm mates said shaking my half asleep form, at that I groaned before realizing what she said.

I jumped out of the bed and hurried to put my clothes on, thankful that I had already packed my bag as I hurried out of the dorm room. "Here" James said as he handed me a cherry scone from the great hall, "I figured you could do with one of these" he said as he smiled slightly.

"Thank you James, you're a life saver I swear" I told him as I took a bite from the scone and moaned in pleasure at the taste the scone gave away from it. James laughed at my response to the scone as he smiled "you're welcome" he said as we were hurrying down to the dungeons for our potions test.

As we arrived we managed just a second before the class started, we took our seats around our table and got the instructions for the test. We started working on our tests, we cut, squished and poured our ingredients into our cauldrons as to make the potion we were supposed to be making.

After the class was over James and I left the classroom, "I'm going to the library" I told him walking away from him as he seemed a bit shocked. James caught up to me way too soon "can I join?" He asked and I groaned before shaking my head, "not now James" I told him.

"Why not? You've been almost ignoring me for about a month! What's going on?" James asked me, he seemed quite mad and upset, we had the same classes so I couldn't completely ignore him. "James not now" I said beginning him to stop asking me about it, thankfully the corridor was empty so no one was hearing our argument.

"Why? Why not? Why can't you tell me what's going on?" James asked even madder as his words came out. "Because I fucking love you James, that's why, but we're just friends and that how it is going to stay" I screamed at him.

Just after the words left my mouth I noticed Lily Luna come from behind the corner, "come on" she said to me leading me out of the hallway. I let Lily push me lightly out of the hallway and in the direction of the library as we left James standing there by himself.

Time skip till a month later

After that I ignored James like the plage, always making sure someone else sat down in the seats on either side of me, hurrying out of the classroom as soon as class finished. I joined the frog choir since professor flitwick was a generous man he had let me join this late.

I also got myself detention whenever I had the chance, this year was the first time I ever got detention, most people were surprised at my sudden love for detention.


I looked at the back of Y/N's head as we sat in defense against the dark arts class, her Y/H/L  Y/H/C hair sitting in a beautiful ponytail, her hands moved across the parchment from what I could see. After she told me she loved me she ignored me like the plague, it hurt, it hurt a lot, I had always seen her as something more than just friends, more than best friends even.

I had always had my heart flutter when she would flirt with me in a joking manor like we would always do. Her smile was like a picture imprinted in my mind and wouldn't leave, I had stopped focusing in my classes, only focusing on her.

I had stopped getting good sleep, I needed this girl in my life.


I quickly packed my bag as professor McGonagall stopped me "miss Y/L/N, please stay, I need to speak with you" she said and i internally groaned, I knew James would wait outside the door. "Professor?" I asked when everyone else had left the classroom, "why is it miss Y/L/N that you have suddenly become such a fan of detention?" Professor McGonagall asked.

At that I froze, "I am your head of house dear, the other teachers have told me about your new habit of constantly being in detention" she said. I stood still shifting my weight from my left leg to my right leg, "well, I" I began saying but sighed.

"I'm trying to ignore someone who's been wanting to try and talk to me" I told her and she smiled "let me guess, James Potter is it?" She asked and I froze again. "Professor, umm how, how did you know?" I asked confused "I saw the way you used to look at him, and the way he has always looked at you" she said and I chuckled.

"He sees me as nothing more than a friend" I told her but I noticed her shake her head, "that's where you're wrong dear" McGonagall said. I raised an eyebrow in confusion as she smiled at me, "he looks at you the same way you look at him my dear, now go out there and get your man" professor McGonagall told me.

I took a deep breath before nodding, turning around walking confidently to the door, I took the handle in my hand before turning my head around "thank you professor" I told her. I opened the door to be met with James resting against the wall, I strode over to him, the Gryffindor in me taking complete control of my body.

I smashed my lips to his in a passionate kiss, James was frozen at first before he kissed me back. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy as James' left hand moved to cup my cheek and his right hand went to hold me around the waist. "I love you too" he whispered when we had to pull away for air, I smiled at him resting my head on his shoulder.

"I am so glad to have you back in my life, now be my girlfriend before I will go crazy" James said and I laughed at him in his shoulder, "of course I will" I told him. James pressed his lips softly onto mine as he kissed me softly but passionately.

WC: 1516

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