Ron X Malfoy!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva
Posted on: 09/10/2020


You sat in the great hall, the Yule ball was in four and half an hour. Your boyfriend and best friend had asked you to the dance and of course you weren't going to say no to him. Ron Weasley. He was your boyfriend, had been the past just over two years.

Your other two friends were very supportive of you and Ron. Although you did date in secret. Harry and Hermione were the only once that knew about the two of you except for the two of you of course.

You were Draco's twin sister, Draco and you had always been very close but more so before you started at school. It had hurt you when your twin had become mean to you and your friends while in school just because of the house you were in.

You shook your head of the thoughts of your twin and took Ron's hand underneath the table. Everyone knew that Harry, Hermione, Ron and you were going together, everyone just thought it was as friends.

Sure you were only going with Harry and Hermione as friends but it was just so you and Ron could go as somewhat couple. Ron squeezed your hand lightly under the table, "queen to E-5" you said for him after he had been taking too long to think.

Ron and Harry were playing wizard chess. Ron always hated when you did for him, "Y/N, I wasn't going to do that" he complained and you rolled your eyes. "Yes you were, see" you said and pointed at the chess board where Ron had won. Harry was stuck, there wasn't anything he could do.

Ron smiled apolitically at you and you nodded. "Come on Y/N, we should start getting ready for the ball" Hermione said and you nodded standing up. "We'll see you two later" you said, "wait? Why are you starting now? There are like 4 hours till the dance" Ron said and we rolled our eyes.

"You'll be thankful for it afterwards" you whispered a bit of subductially in his ear and you saw the shiver it sent down his spine. You smirked at him while walking out with Hermione and up to your dorm.

Hermione and you laughed as you made your way to the dorms, you were mostly laughing at Ron's face. You had never understood why your parents and Draco had always been so much against you hanging out with the trio.

Finally after 10 minutes the two of you were in your shared dorm room where Ginny was waiting. The three of you started getting ready, you all started with a shower, the you put some cozy night cloaks on and went back to the dorm.

You were laughing just listening to some muggle music that Hermione had gotten you and Ginny into. You were all laughing together until you had to get going if you weren't to be late for the dance.

"Come on" Ginny said excitedly as she was trying to push you two of your and Hermione's dorm. "Relax, Y/N is trying to look good for someone" Hermione said smirking at you as she knew you wanted to impress Ron.

"Shut up" you said and slapped her arm lightly while she and Ginny chuckled as you made your way downstairs. There you saw Ron and Harry and Neville waiting for the three of you.

Ron looked hilarious in his dress robes and you couldn't help the laughter that threatened to get spilled out. Ron glared a little at you but you smiled lovingly at him nonetheless.

"You two look great" Harry said after Ginny and Neville had decided to go out before you four. You looked around the common room and saw no one was there.

"You look handsome" you said as you quickly kissed Ron on the lips while Harry and Hermione both rolled their eyes. "Get a room" they said and you all laughed hard.

"Come on, we should go" you said, you and Ron were a bit behind like most of the time. "You look absolutely stunning" Ron said smiling at you, you smiled back and thanked him while blushing a little.

"Save me a Dance?" Ron asked and you nodded as Harry, Hermione, Ron and you made your way down the steps to the entrance hall. You saw Draco with Parkinson and smiled a little in his direction while you stood on your heals with the other three.

Soon everyone were dancing their feet off with the weird sisters playing on the stage that had been magically made in the great hall. The four of you had gone to get drinks, more specifically Ron and Harry went to get drinks while you and Hermione sat down.

Once the boys arrived they sat down opposite you two and handed you your own drinks and the four of you just talked. You were all laughing when a slow song started to play.

Ron stood up and you watched his every move, "may I have this dance?" He asked holding his hand out for you. You smiled and took his hand, "of course" you said and you both chuckled a little.

Ron lead you to the dance floor and pulled you a little closer than necessary was. "Thank you" you said looking lovingly at your boyfriend, "what for?" Ron asked looking at you with that loving gaze of his.

You smiled and shook your head, you were about to answer when Draco came over. "What's going on here?" He asked the anger falling harshly off of his lips, "we're dancing" you said to your twin.

"I don't think so" Draco said dragging you away from everyone and all the music. You released your arm from his harsh grip when you were out of the great hall a angry face plastered on you.

"What the hell Draco" you screamed at your twin, your blood boiling in your veins from anger. "Why do you even hang out with them! They're a disgrace to the wizarding name!" Draco screamed at you.

"For your information I like hanging out with them! They're more of a friend than you have been since school started! And for the bloody hell im dating Ron, have been for over two years." You screamed at him. "You're a disgrace to the Malfoy name!" Draco said harshly.

Draco lift his hand up but Ron was quick to get in the way and was the first to punch Draco square in the face. You tried to get them to stop but they wouldn't, you quickly ran away from the sene Harry and Hermione quickly following you.

You found an empty hallway and let yourself fall down the wall, "Y/N?" Hermione asked putting a hand on your shoulder. "It'll be alright, you still have me, Harry and Ron of course" Hermione said.

"'Mione is right, merlin, that boy keeps me awake at night just talking about you" Harry said putting a hand on your other shoulder. You looked up at them and they both hugged you before the three of you went to the common room.

The three of you sat down on the couch in front of the fire and you cried silently while the other two just sat there. After about half an hour you felt Harry and Hermione stand up and walk away.

Someone else took Hermione's place and pulled you into their chest, you breathed in the comforting sent of Ron and let your tears and sobs be heard.

"Shhhh, it'll be alright, you can come to mine's for the summer" Ron whispered and kissed your forehead. You smiled up at him and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Thank you" you said your voice a bit raspy from all the crying.

"Anything for you" Ron said kissing your head again. That was when you knew you made the right decision to have Ron in your life.

WC: 1351

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