Ginny X Fem!Malfoy!Reader

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Important A/N at the end PLEASE READ!

Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: you're a Malfoy, Girl X Girl (lesbian love) I will not tolerate ANY hate for the LGBTQ+ community and ANY comment that can be taken as offensive towards the community will get blocked and deleted, bullying, kind of long
Requested by: anonymous
Posted on: 23/06/2021


I looked at the dull winter evening out the window of the hallway as I waited for potions to begin.


I hurried down the hallway to get to the potions classroom, I was late, very late, I ran in to see professor Slughorn standing there teaching us about amortentia. "You're late Miss Malfoy" he said his back turning to me and I held my head down "I'm sorry professor I over slept" I answered as I made my way to my station.

I was stationed at the same table as Ginny Weasley, she was the youngest Weasley and my crush, she thought I was rude, mean and cruel because of my inheritance and house. "10 points from Slytherin and detention with me right after dinner" professor Slughorn said and I nodded.

"Yes professor" I answered him before I went to catch up on the notes we were supposed to be writing down, "oh and miss Weasley, I expect you to catch miss Malfoy up about what we have done so far in the lesson, not until after the lesson is over though" professor Slughorn said. I felt my heart leap into my throat at that, Ginny and I were going to be alone after classes, "yes professor" Ginny said as she seemed to be mad about this arrangement.

I gently looked over to her past my eyelashes before quickly looking back down, as I went through the potions lesson smoothly I noticed Ginny giving me dirty looks every ones in a while.

After the lesson finished I hurried out of the classroom for my break, "Malfoy, meet me at the library after classes" she said angrily and I only managed a week nod in her direction.

Time skip till after the classes
⚠️bullying begins⚠️

I was on my way to the library to meet up with Ginny when I heard Draco and his goons behind me "ohh look it's Y/N" he said his voice potionus as he threw a spell at me. I tried standing up but it was useless as he threw another spell at me so I couldn't speak or scream for help, this had been going on for years.

After I had started Hogwarts Draco hadn't been the same around me, sure he had always been a snobby brat but he was mean, rude and cold towards me, he hadn't been any of those things before we started school. Although now, now I was used to his hurtful words and constant stunning.

Crabbe threw another spell in my direction while Draco, Crabbe and Goayle laughed evilly at my helpless form on the floor of the empty corridor. Sure I was a Malfoy and a Slytherin but I was as nice, caring and considerate as a Hufflepuff, some teachers would say I was sorted wrongly just because of my family.

I managed to roll over onto my back when we heard someone running in our direction, the three boys ran away without taking any of the spells off of me, I tried calling to whoever was running towards us but it was useless. The silencing spell made my voice disappear and my lips to be sealed shut so no sound could escape my body.

⚠️bullying over⚠️

Suddenly someone fell over me and I noticed it was Harry Potter, I froze, of course, he would probably throw more spells at me, he would only see the green on my robes and the Malfoy platinum blond hair. I felt tears streak slowly down my cheeks when he looked up and saw me, his eyes went wind and he hurriedly dragged his wand out.

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