Ron X Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Set in: 5th year
More about you: you're Harry's twin sister! You are both the boy and girl who lived!
Requested by: nobody
Warnings: a bit of abuse, nothing much but I'll put a warning before!


You sighed as you walked down the corridor to meet with your twin brother Harry, once you reached the room of requirement you smiled. That was the room you guys would be using for Dumbledore's army, you walked in and saw two of your best friends talking quietly between themselves.

"Hey" you say as you reach them Harry looked at you with a smirk playing at his lips and Ron looked at you and his face became as red as his hair. You chuckled a little, "what got your face so red?" You asked nudging gently Ron's shoulder.

"We were talking about -" Ron cut Harry off, "nothing, absolutely nothing!" Ron screeched in embarrassment. You chuckled a little and the door opened up again and you looked behind you and Hermione was walking in with Ginny. "Hey!" You called over to them and they came over to the three of you.

"Hey, wait did Ron tell you?" Ginny asked you chuckling a little, "tell me what?" You asked surprised. "Oh bloody hell, you're never going to tell her are you?" Ginny asked her older brother but he didn't have time to answer.

Everyone started to come into the room and you had started to practice. You were laughing with Fred and George while they were failing at the spell you were learning.


Y/N was laughing with Fred and George and it got me a tad jealous, okay not just a tad jealous, I was extremely jealous. I looked at Harry who nodded me to go over to them and I gave him a smile to show him I was glad he didn't mind.

Everyone knew how protective Harry could be around Y/N.


Ron walked over to you and the twins and started practicing with you three, he smiled weekly at you and you smiled back. You though he was adorable whenever he would smile weekly or when he would be focusing and scrunch his nose up a tad.

You smiled to yourself shaking your head clearing it from all thoughts about Ron. "Y/N, you alright?" Ron asked when the lesson or meeting was over, you just nodded before jogging to your other Hufflepuff friends.

"Y/N, has someone asked you to the Yule ball?" Y/B/F/N (your best friend name) asked you as you were leaving. You sighed sadly, "yeah" you said and she/he looked confusingly at you, "why exactly is that so sad?" She/he asked.

"It's just" you sighed frustrated, "Ron hasn't asked me" you said almost in a whisper. You hadn't told anyone except for Harry about your crush on Ron not even your best friend. She/he chuckled, "you have a crush on the Weasley don't you?" She/he asked you curiously.

"Of course" you threw your hands up in surrender as you walked with Y/B/F/N down to Dinner in the great hall. "Don't worry I'm sure he'll ask you eventually" she/he said and smiled reassuringly at you.

You chuckled a little and walked into the great hall, sitting down at the Hufflepuff table and piling food on your plate.

You and your friends chuckled and laughed while eating dinner, "hey, Y/N?" Ron asked from the Gryffindor table. "Yes?" You asked, "could you help me with some potions homework?" Ron asked you and you smiled sweetly at him, "sure, right after dinner, the library" you said.

Ron smiled at you and nodded, "okay" he said and went back to talk to Harry and Hermione. You usually got along with everyone even Malfoy wouldn't insult you as much as he insulted Harry.

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