Charlie X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 5 years after Hogwarts
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 09/10/2020


It was the Christmas holidays, I had decided to go to London to see the Weasley's after they invited me to come and spend the holiday with them. My family had been murdered by death eaters a couple years back so I was pretty much on my own.

I smiled at the warming feeling the burrow gave from it as you went to knock on the door. I had been spending all Christmas's with the Weasley's since my parents got killed.

Molly opened the door and pulled me into a huge hug, "Y/N dear, come in, come in" she exclaimed as she moved for me to step inside. "Charlie is here, we didn't know he was coming" she then said as the two of you heard someone walk down the stairs.

There he was, my ex-boyfriend in his Weasley sweater reading over a letter and frowning not looking up at me. I looked at Molly and the two of us shrugged our shoulders, "Charlie dear, look who's spending Christmas with us" Molly tried getting her sons attention.


"Charlie Weasley you look up from a letter when I'm speaking to you" Molly scolded her son and I chuckled. Charlie looked up at they to see me standing there in a Weasley sweater as well.

"Hello there" I said and smiled at him, the feelings from school still staying firm in place. Charlie smiled at me and then blinked a few times, "Y - Y/N?" He asked me and I nodded.

Charlie dropped the letter he had been reading and almost ran over and pulled me into a huge bear hug. "I've missed you" he whispered into my ear, it sent shivers down my spine to hear his voice so close to my ear.

I nodded and smiled, "I've missed you too Charlie" I said and he smiled at me once we had pulled out of the hug. "Dinner everyone!" Molly shouted upstairs and Charlie and I just smiled back at each other.

"Y/N?" The Twins, Ron and Ginny exclaimed excitedly when they saw you. "Hey" I said and hugged all of them tightly, Fred held me a little longer. "Charlie's jealous" he whispered in my ear before pulling back and chuckling while I looked at Charlie who was giving his brothers a death stare.

I chuckled as well and shook your head, the only reason Charlie and I had broken up was because he was going to Romania to study dragons. I hadn't found a school there that taught the healer so you had gone someplace else.

Once everyone were sitting at the table Molly told everyone to dive in, I was sat between Fred and Charlie. I didn't hesitate to grab some things to pile my plate up with.

I was always happy around the Weasley's, they were like the family I had lost those couple of years ago. I smiled as I was engraved in a conversation with Fred and George and some prank projects they could make.

I had always loved to prank people and that's how the twins and I bonded, over pranks.

The weeks passed and Charlie and I had been spending every minute we had together. We had brought up some old memories that made both of us laugh and smile.

We had talked about how our lives were going.

Then the day came that he had to go back to Romania, it felt just like the first time. Like I was about to loose the one person's that could make me laugh on a bad day.

The only person that I knew would always be there for me if I needed them and it made me really upset. While sitting at the dining table with the Weasley's the evening before Charlie had to leave you weren't as happy and bubbly as you usually were.

Apparently Charlie noticed and pulled you to the side afterwards, "what's wrong?" He asked concern filling his beautiful brown eyes. "It feels like the first time all over again, I mean, I fall for you, I never really fell out of love with you. Although that's another subject, but it just feels like I won't see you again until in who know how long" I said trying to hold back tears.

I heard Charlie chuckled lightly and I look up to see him smiling, "merlin I'm glad you feel that way. Then it's going to be easier to ask you to come with me back to Romania, I mean there must be something you can do with your Healer knowledge right?" Charlie asked.

I smiled at him wider than I think I had ever smiled in my whole life. I threw my arms around him and kissed him passionately on the lips. He kissed me right away just as passionately, our lips moving in sync until we had to pull back to breath.

"I still live you Y/N" Charlie said and I smiled at him, "I still love you too Charlie" I said and kissed him again.

5 years later

I waddled into the burrow from the fireplace, "Molly?" I call out hoping she heard me calling for her. Thankfully my mother-in-law came rushing down the stairs, once she saw my 9 month pregnant stomach she sighed.

"Still no sign of the little one?" She asked and I shook my head, "I'm two weeks past my due date" I sighed irritated. "Come on dear, sit down, I'll get you some tee" she said and I sat down giving Molly a thankful smile.

I had started coming here to the burrow the days Charlie was off at work, once Molly came with the cups of tee I had to pee. I stood up, excused myself and went to the bathroom.

Once I sat down and started to pee I just did my thing although when I stood up to flush I immediately became scared. "MOLLY!" I called as I felt my stomach and abdomen scrunch together.

Molly came rushing up the stairs thinking something was wrong, "my water broke" I said clutching my stomach as another contraction came through. Molly quickly helped me stand up and apparated to St. Mungo's once we were there and I was in a wheelchair being moved into a hospital bed Molly sent a patronus to Charlie.

I lay there trying to keep the baby in, I was not giving birth to this baby without Charlie, it had been about an hour and half and Charlie still wasn't here. I screamed as another bad contraction came through my body, "your ready dear" my doctor said.

I shook my head furiously "no, not without Charlie" I said stubbornly, at that moment the doors burst open and Charlie was at my side. "I'm here, you can start" he said looking me in the face.

After pushing for about an hour you were holding a little baby girl in your arms. Molly and Arthur came into the room and smiled at the two of us.

"Arthur, Molly, this is Y/M/N Molly Weasley, your granddaughter" I said as I smiled down at my little baby girl. Molly came to the side of my bed that Charlie wasn't on and put her arms out silently asking to hold her.

I smiled and handed her granddaughter to her and she and Arthur cooed at their granddaughter.

WC: 1261

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