Ron X Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: the horcrux hunt
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 17/11/2020


Ron just left us.

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I have been on a horcurx hunt for months, Harry and Ron had an argument while Ron had the locket horcrux. Ron had said some horrible things to Harry and I of course stood up for him, Harry and I have been like siblings since we started Hogwarts. We were closer than Harry was to Ron and closer than I was to Hermione.

I looked at the place where Ron had gone out of the protection wards that Hermione had put up. "Y/N?" Harry asked as he sat down beside me, I looked at him and shook my head, everyone expected Harry and I to date, although I knew of his love for Hermione and he knew of my love for Ron.

"Y/N it'll be alright" Harry said and you felt even more tears fall down from your eyes. "Harry, you didn't see how he looked at me, it was, like he was begging me to go with him, like he was asking his love to go with him" I said as more tears fell from my eyes.

"Oh Y/N" Harry Said and hugged me from the side squeezing my shoulder tightly to himself, I let a couple of tears fall onto his shirt. Hermione came and sat down on the other side of me, "come on you two, I made dinner" Harry and I nodded and the three of us stood up to go eat.

A month and Ron still hasn't shown up, I've started to become desperate, not wanting to move places or do anything. "Y/N, Hermione" I was woken up to Harry calling Hermione and me out of the tent like something was going on.


I was about to drown in the lake, I had the sword of Godric Gryffindor, when I felt someone pull me out of the lake. "Hermione?" I asked the person standing before me, I didn't have my glasses on so I didn't see who I was talking to.

"Try again" the person said, "Y/N?" I asked as I fumbled to find my glasses, "nope" then I found my glasses and plopped them on, "Ron?" I asked surprised. "The one and only" Ron said chuckling, "we need to destroy this one" I said holding the locket up "yeah, go ahead" Ron said and I shook my head.

"No, you do this" I said and Ron looked horror struck "no, Harry no" Ron said and I nodded putting the locket down and handing Ron the sword. He took it reluctantly from my grip and looked at me.

"Now, when I speak to the horcux you have to banish it immediately" I said and Ron nodded, "okay, I can do this" Ron assured himself. "Hasiaieth haiasieth" I spoke to the locket and it instantly opened up.

The locket showed Ron's nightmare's, it were spiders a lot of them, then it were, Y/N and I, kissing, I got goosebumps up my arm from disgust. "Ron destroy it" I called over the voice of the locket, thankfully Ron destroyed it with easy.


Hermione and I walked out of the tent to see, Ron, walking beside Harry. I ran up to him and pulled his bag off of his shoulder and hit him with it while Harry and Hermione backed away from me.

"What is wrong with you?" "Are you crazy?" "What are you doing back here?" I screamed at Ron it was hurtful to see him again and smiling so innocently. "I'm sorry, I really am Y/N" Ron said and I turned my back to him still holding his backpack.

For a whole week I didn't look at Ron while anyone could see me, I would look his way while he was in the lake with Harry and I on duty. It would bring me great happiness to see Ron and Harry smile like that, like there was nothing wrong in the world.

Although now, you were on duty, nobody down at the river, when Harry came out of the tent. "You know" he said as he sat down beside me, "when you destroy a horcrux the horcrux shows the destroyer their nightmare and worst dreams" Harry said and I sighed.

"Harry I know" I said looking at him hoping he was taking this conversation someplace, "well, Ron saw you and me kissing, and then you asked him why you would choose him when you had the opportunity with me" Harry said making a face as I started at him in surprise. I looked at Harry just thinking until he pulled me out of my thoughts, "you go talk to him, I'll take over" I smiled at Harry gratefully before standing up.

I walked into the tent to see Hermione and Ron in a loving embrace, I got tears in my eyes and backed slowly out of the tent not wanting to disturb them. Once I was out I looked at Harry my eyes teary as I fell down in his arms and let the tears go.

"Y/N, what happened?" Harry asked, "they were hugging, a loving hug" I said as a couple more tears fell into Harry's shirt. "Ohh Y/N" Harry said stroking my back in a calming manner.

"See 'Mione, their dating" I heard Ron's voice say and I shoot out of Harry's arms. "Ronald Weasley! How dare you say that" I screamed at him while a single tear escaped each of my eyes.

"I'm in bloody love with you and here you are in a loving embrace with 'Mione" I screamed at Ron who just stood there shocked. "I'm sorry" Ron said taking a step in my direction, I stepped away "come on 'Mione, let's leave them alone for a second" Harry said and the other two walked away.

"Y/N, please, I love you" Ron Said and I stood there shocked for a second. "I mean it" Ron said as he took two more steps towards me while I was still glued to the spot.

Ron was suddenly right in front of me holding my arms tightly but not so tightly that it hurt me. "Y/N, I want you, I want there to be an us" Ron said and I still just stared at him in shock. "You, you, want there to be, be an, us?" I asked stammering "yes" Ron said so confidently, it almost scared me.

"Okay, if you ask properly" I found myself saying and I felt a small smirk tug on my lips "be my girlfriend?" Ron asked smirking and I felt my arms move without my consent. Suddenly my arms were around his neck playing with the hem of his hair before I kissed him. It was everything I had ever dreamed of, there were fireworks going off in your stomach and butterflies were flying around.

Ron's lips were soft and his kiss was somehow caring and passionate but soft and loving like he was hungry for it. When the two of us pulled apart for air we were both smiling, "you better take that as a yes Ronald Weasley" I said and he chuckled a little.

"That I did, that I did" Ron said lovingly looking at me and I smiled lovingly at him before kissing him quickly on the lips. "I love you Ron" I said and hugged him tightly to me, "I love you too Y/N" Ron said hugging me tightly to himself.

WC: 1280

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